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  1. Is it only possible as column in DBGrid? Can i use this without using DBGrid ?
  2. No, no , I mean Carousel like in mobile version.
  3. Does anyone found a solution for this ?
  4. @Sherzod Thanks for the solution. But is it possible to add events "notifyDrop" and "notifyEnter" to UniDBGrd too ?
  5. By the w3chools option ,,dragEnter" i could try to show ready-made component - uniFileUploadButton when drag starts(over the uniDBGrid, which i will hide) and hide it (and show uniDBGrid instead) when file upload is complete.
  6. Is there any events on unigui i can use like here https://www.w3schools.com/jsreF/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_ondragenter i am trying to add listeners like here, but can't make it work: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/1103&view/editor Any help ?
  7. Hello, I have frame with uniDBGrid on it. i want to add drag&drop options to allow my users to easly upload files. i know there is component uniFileUploadButton, but it takes too space on my frame. Is it possible to add this function(drag&drop files + upload) to frame/uniDBGrid, without showing uniFileUploadButton ? Or maybe when i start dragging files on dbGrid it can show and then it will hide ? I tried to add events like "ondragenter", but it doesn't fire.
  8. Try this 1. Border You can change style in my code, by setting ,,border-width: 0px" 2.Image Try writing some html with image instead of just text in code below (you can use <img> too for your pictures) UnimFileUploadButton1.JSInterface.JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-text-el").innerText', ['TEST<i class="fa fa-arrow-up" style="margin-right: 4px;"></i>']);
  9. procedure TUMM.UniGUIMainModuleNewComponent(AComponent: TComponent); var c1, c2 : string; begin if (AComponent is TUnimFileUploadButton) then begin if AnsiUpperCase(dMotyw) = 'ZIELONY'then begin c1 := '#53af48'; c2 := '#53af48'; end else begin c1 := 'rgb(33, 150, 243)'; c2 := 'rgb(18 128 215)'; end; with (AComponent as TUnimFileUploadButton), JSInterface do begin JSCallGlobal('Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet', ['#'+JSId+' .x-inner-el{ '+ ' background-color: white; '+ ' border-color: '+c1+'; '+ ' border-width: 2px; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-text-el{ '+ ' color: '+c2+'; '+ ' font-weight: #525452; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-label-el{ '+ ' display: none; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-input-el{ '+ ' display: none; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-input-wrap-el{ '+ ' border: none; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-after-input-el{ '+ ' width: 100%; '+ ' background-color: white; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-filetrigger{ '+ ' width: 100%; '+ // ' margin-left: 1em; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-button-action{ '+ ' width: 100%; '+ ' height: 100%; '+ '}'+ '#'+JSId+' .x-field{ '+ ' width: 100% !important; '+ '}' ]); end; end; // end; Above is code in MainModule - adding styles And this can change text of the button: UnimFileUploadButton1.JSInterface.JSAssign('element.dom.querySelector(".x-text-el").innerText', ['Upload file']);
  10. No, i've just made style for UploadButton so it would looks like normal button.
  11. Is there already a solution for this ? Would be fine if it was bad looking, but global one (written once in entire program)
  12. Is it possible to catch events OnCollapse/OnExpand for UnimPanel? I want to save in cookie last state of UnimPanel.
  13. That works for me, but how can i have access to e.g. JsName property of UniButton ? i can access to delphi properties like name, caption etc. but when i want to access unigui properties like JsName then i have an error: Undeclared identifier: 'jsname'
  14. Ok, but this solution don't help me much. I want to show in the TipText my data from the dataset and value of UniTrackBar telling me from which record of dataset i must get data. Like this: Procdeure UniTrackBar1Change(Sender:TObject); begin AdoQuery.RecNo := UniTrackBar1.Value; UniTrackBar1.TipText := AdoQuery.FieldByName('data').AsString; end;
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