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  1. Yesterday
  2. check with : https://www.chilkatsoft.com/refdoc/delphidll.asp
  3. did yo mange?
  4. Sorry, but I tried with 1,000 nodes, each having random child nodes, and I couldn't reproduce your case. Could you provide more details on how many nodes you have and which browser you are using? Can you create a simple test case to reproduce the issue?
  5. Why not use WebSockets ?
  6. Hi @Sherzod Is it possible to add a toggle (Yes / No) on each UnimDBListGrid record like Mega DEMO : Grid - WidgetColumn2 ? Something like this where user can switch (Yes / No) directly on the record : Thx.
  7. Well , i'm come back if you have found a solution about the issue ?
  8. Hello @bmmsr UniGui fully support Multi Language, I think you didn't implement the RTL correctly in the MainModule Unit. You can Set the language in The LogIn form TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).Cookies.SetCookie('LANGUAGE', '1', Date+60); // 1 or 0 as you like and After you Change the Language you should restart the Application (UniApplication as TUniGUIApplication).Restart; in the OnCreate of the DataModule var iLang : string; iLang := TUniGUIApplication(UniApplication).Cookies.Values['LANGUAGE']; RTL := (iLang = '1'); now all forms/Frames ParentRTL in the Application must be True; OnCreate of the Form/Frame you can change the Captions in any language you like, but if you are using tsiLang Components it needs specific changes to work correctly in UniGui. Regards
  9. Hi, would it be possible to execute a method of the TuniMainModule class for all active session from the TServerModule class? It would be something like this: for j:=ServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin Sesion := ServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList[j]; if Sesion.UniMainModule <> nil then (Sesion.UniMainModule As TMainModule).exceuteProcedure; end; end; I have tried to test it but I get an access violation error when executing the procedure Thanks
  10. It’s in the main form script
  11. This issue is fixed. You can Load from bmp streams. However, it will use BMP format to display the file in web page which is not optimal. For Linux it is better to always use PNG files. Currently, uniGUI lacks graphics file format conversion library for Linux.
  12. Hello In integration with a bank, it is required to encode base64 with the SHA-512 algorithm. How can I get the results I got from the bank's samples in Unigui? C# example String hashVal = "1234"; System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512 sha = new System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] hashbytes = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetBytes(hashVal); byte[] inputbytes = sha.ComputeHash(hashbytes); String hashValue = System.Convert.ToBase64String(inputbytes); Visual Basic example: Dim result As Byte() Dim sha As New System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed() Dim hashval As String = "1234" result = sha.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(hashval)) Dim hashValue As String = Convert.ToBase64String(result) For the data "1234", the result I obtained with the C# and Visual Basic examples: 1ARVn2Auq2/WAqx2gNrL+q3RNjAzXpUfCXrzkA6d4Xa22yhRLy4AC50E+6UTPoscbo31nbOoq51gvkuXzJ6B2w==
  13. Hi, Issue will be fixed in next build.
  14. Thank you Norm, In your code, i did not find where is declared Ajaxt Event : _idle_ping ? procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = '_idle_ping' then begin fPingCount := 0; lblPing.Caption := '**** WE ARE ALLIVE ****'; fbWarningSent := false; end; end;
  15. Irigsoft, IMO the uniThreatTimer is the wrong tool for the issue you are having and I would like to suggest a different approach. My suggestion makes the following assumptions based on our description of the issue you are having: The browser is waiting for a response from the server but this is not forthcoming because some code is in an endless loop. Because of above, user actions like mouse-clicks and key-presses are not reaching the server Assuming the above assumptions are correct it seems what you need to do is to recognise the fact that the server has lost contact with the user and force a session termination. To this end I have attached a simple project that works as follows: The ServerModule has a very low session-timeout (2 seconds) Whenever the Session-timeout event fires the timeout value is reapplied to keep the server alive, provided we continue to detect user activity, otherwise the session is allowed to die. As long as there is user activity the main form is pinged every 5 seconds and this fact is used to keep the server alive. The main form uses a timer to measure user idleness and this is used to warn the user of impending termination or, if there is still no reaction within the required period, to signal a session termination. Obviously this solution will only work if the uniTimer continues to fire, which I think is the case, regardless of whatever the endless loop is. I hope this is of some use and that you can adept the idea to at least solve the resource issue you are having. The project uses the following timing values which you can modify Main form ping intervals : 5 seconds Idle seconds before warning the user : 2 minutes Idle seconds before session termination : 4 minutes TimeOutDemo.zip
  16. Last week
  17. Ok, I will check and let you know.
  18. Okay, if you have any solution i'm very interested to fix that issue
  19. I will try to check.
  20. for me this happens only with a large list
  21. Hello, Does this issue occur only with large lists, or does it happen with any list size?
  22. i'm using the last version of uniGUI. It's impossible to scroll a large list in a TUniTreeView with the middle button of the mouse. We stay at the beginning of the large list with a blank space above (that appears) ....
  23. Hi Abaksoft, I have already set the code correctly as shown below:- with edtText.JSInterface do JSCall('setValue', [jsstatement('localStorage.getItem("TEST")')]); // important : Key must be Quoted " " // lblValue.Caption:=edtText.Text; // Redundant lblValidate.Caption:=edtText.Text; // Nothing shows from this line edtText shows the correct value but lblValidate's caption shows nothing.
  24. Добрый день! В чем заключается проблема: иконка отображается без прозрачности?
  25. Hello, You have to Set Key, before. I modified your code, see in attachment... Regards localstore_2.7z
  26. Спасибо! Я ещё забыл уточнить image-поле создается динамически: Column:=gr.Columns.Add; Column.Alignment:=taCenter; Column.Index:=0; Column.Menu.MenuEnabled:=false; Column.Title.Caption:=''; Column.Tag:=0; Column.Width:=30; Column.ImageOptions.Visible:=true; Column.FieldName:='IS_PIC'; Column.ReadOnly:=True; Может я не все свойства описал при создании столбца?
  27. I am attempting to validate a TUniEdit that is populated with a local store item. In order to do the validation, I need to get the Text property of the TUniEdit control. However, when I attempt to get the Text value, It is not the current value after the read but the value before the read. In the example video, I want to get the value of "111" but I get the blank value (value before I save to local storage) or "222" (the current value before I click the Get button). How do I get the correct value after the local store is read? Note: I have attached a testcase. -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition localstore.mp4 localstore.rar
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