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asapltda last won the day on February 27

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  1. The unlock has been removed and the information is displayed procedure TFMENU.UniButton6Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; ASessionList: TList; begin ASessionList := UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList; try for I := 0 to ASessionList.Count - 1 do begin UniMemo_IPConectadas.Lines.Add(TUniGUISession(ASessionList[i]).UniApplication.RemoteAddress); end; finally //UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList ; end; end;
  2. Good afternoon gentlemen, as I can update a tunilabel using the FDEVENTALERT event, in debugging the instructions are executed, but the results are not shown, nor is the showmessage executed, thank you for your collaboration Code of the procedure used procedure TFShowOPStatus.FDEventAlerter1Alert(ASender: TFDCustomEventAlerter; const AEventName: string; const AArgument: Variant); begin LBL_MSG_CAMBIOS.Caption:='** DATOS MODIFICADOS REFRESQUE'; UniLabelXXX.Caption:='** DATOS MODIFICADOS REFRESQUE'; SELF.Refresh ; ShowMessageN('DSDSDS'); end;
  3. Good afternoon, the reason it doesn't work is that it requires on mobile https example https://192.168.1.xxx:8077
  4. Thanks for the example, on desktop it works, on mobile it doesn't work, could you give a possible reason? Thank you for your input
  5. Good morning, I run the following code to get the GPS location: 1 . If the form is made with unigui movile on the desktop it shows the data of the gps position on the screen, but it does not work on the mobile 2.if I do it in the form of a desktop it works on the desktop BUT it doesn't work on the mobile. I could see if the desktop code is different than the mobile code or if it's something else, thanks for your contribution. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .btn { width: 200px; /* Ancho del botón */ height: 50px; /* Altura del botón */ } </style> </head> <body> <p>Click the button to get your coordinates.</p> <button class="btn" onclick="getLocation()">Try It</button> <p id="demo"></p> <script> var x = document.getElementById("demo"); function getLocation() { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition); } else { x.innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser."; } } function showPosition(position) { x.innerHTML = "Latitude: " + position.coords.latitude + "<br>Longitude: " + position.coords.longitude; top.ajaxRequest(Ext.get(document.getElementById('uniqueFrameID')).component, 'coords', {latitude: position.coords.latitude, longitude: position.coords.longitude}); } </script> </body> </html>
  6. good morning, the speech-to-text component can be sold on its own and how much it would be worth, Thank youI need it to do some tests Thank you
  7. asapltda


    Thank you Abaksoft for your contribution, in the capture of the signature I can make it and save it in the database, what I require additional is that the user code is added to that signature, the time and date when I sign, so that it is registered in the system as a single element Thank you for your cooperation
  8. asapltda


    Good afternoon, I am capturing a person's signature using unigui for mobile, once the signature is captured I additionally require the date and time of the signature when the person signed, to record it in the database. The signature and time must be created as a single image to be recorded in the database or exported as a png/jpg Could someone give me the code required to do so? . Thank you for your cooperation
  9. Good afternoon Mr. Fred, the idea is to create a project where people's photos (facial features) are stored. Then, when that person arrives at the door, it is confirmed if their entry is authorized, through their photo (camera image) and if they match, the authorization is confirmed, thank you for your attention.
  10. Good evening, this is an example of what I want to do but using unigui for Desktop, . I haven't found the example for desktop, Multiple rows in a DBGRID column originating in a single record could you tell me how to do it thanks? This is the code I use on TUnimDBListGrid, function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.loadingText='Cargando'; config.grouped=false; config.selectedCls=''; config.itemTpl='<table style="width:100%;white-space: nowrap;vertical-align:middle;">'+ '<tr>' + '<td style="color:#000:padding-right:4px;" colspan="2"><strong> {8} </strong> &nbsp &nbsp {1} </td>'+ '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td style="color:Blue: font-size:15px:padding-top:4px; padding-left:5px;color:#535454;" colspan="2" > Destino: {2} &nbsp &nbsp {3} </td>'+ '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td style="color:#000: font-size:15px:padding-top:4px; padding-left:5px;color:#535454;" colspan="2" > <strong> Ubicac: {4} &nbsp &nbsp CDesubicar: {6} </strong> </td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td style="color:#000: font-size:15px:padding-top:4px; padding-left:5px;color:#535454;" colspan="2" > Casig: <strong> {9} </strong> /CDesU: <strong> {10} </strong> / CCanc: <strong> {11} </strong> </td>'+ '</tr>' + '</table>'; }
  11. Good morning, with a light load we use a WMS with 40 to 80 users, Windows 10 operational, Intel 7 generation 7 3200MHz with 32 GB of memory 2 SSD disks, database size 6GB, FIREBIRD 3 database, desktop clients and mobile clients and it behaves well, the speed on LAN is 100 MB, WAN 4G . I think it's important to keep in mind what users do, do intensive computing or enter data on the screen or basic queries, , I think one important thing is the speed of the disks (use m2), I use Firebird and it's a fast database when the queries use the correct indexes. If your users are lan using the computer in the office, it is faster than those in the cloud because of the speed of communication saludes desde Cali Colombia
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