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aln02 last won the day on November 10 2015

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  1. Hi. We need to renew subscription before it expires or there is some time until the possibility of renewal? Thanks.
  2. thank you. FastSpring support answered my request and now the problem is solved. payment completed
  3. Hi. I'm trying to pay the Renew/Upgrade, but failed. FastSpring gives an error message: <We regret that your payment or order could not be accepted. There are many reasons why this might occur. We value your business and would like to help you complete this order. Please contact us for assistance.> thanks
  4. I mean, what I need specify ExtRoot and UniRoot via url to another server. Thx.
  5. Is it possible somehow to specify the path to ExtJS from another UniGuiServer? That is, for example, operates two UniGuiServers, but ExtJS is only one. (the same for UNI). UniServerModule.ExtRoot and UniRoot does not work for this. Thx.
  6. Hi. Try: 1. UniDBGrid1 -> .... function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.pagingBar.getComponent("refresh").handler = function () { ajaxRequest(MainForm.window, 'Grid1Refresh', []); } } 2. MainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if EventName='Grid1Refresh' then UniMainModule.ClientDataSet1.Refresh; end;
  7. Hi. Perhaps it will help you: UniSession.AddJS(UniScrollBox.JSName+'.getTargetEl().scrollTo("top");'); - for Desktop and UniSession.AddJS(UnimScrollBox.JSName+'.getScrollable().getScroller().scrollTo(0, 0);'); - for Mobile
  8. Maybe will useful wordwrap for demanded columns
  9. Hi. You can make so: function OnReconfigure(sender, store, colModel) { sender.headerCt.forceFit=true; } or, for specified columns: function OnReconfigure(sender, store, colModel) { if (!sender.columnManager) { sender.columns[0].flex=1; } else { sender.columnManager.columns[0].flex=1; } } in unidbgrid.ClientEvents.ExtEvents
  10. Hi. Maybe it will help http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/1890-button-idcss/&do=findComment&comment=8202
  11. Hi. Why you made UniDBGrid1.Refresh before set datsource and open dataset? Since dataset opened after it been closed, UniDBGrid1.Refresh is not necessary. Try UniDBGrid1.Refresh after open dataset or remove it;
  12. Try add uniGUIApplication to uses clause of UniFrame and use setTimeout For example: UniSession.AddJS('setTimeout(function(){'+pnl_dop.JSName+'.collapse()}, 10);');
  13. aln02

    dbGrid forceFit

    also for certain columns you can make, for example: function OnReconfigure(sender, store, colModel) {var col; if (!sender.columnManager) { col=sender.columns; } else { col=sender.columnManager.columns; } col[0].flex=1; col[2].flex=1; col[5].flex=1; }
  14. if I correctly understood, it for you: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/2887-tdbgrid-scroll-bug-after-post/
  15. UniLabel.TextConversion must by set to txtHTML
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