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Farshad Mohajeri

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Farshad Mohajeri last won the day on April 7

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About Farshad Mohajeri

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  1. Hi, Probably because when you run this test against a production system modifying table rows may destroy your database unless you are using a test database.
  2. Hi, uniGUI tries to distributes sessions in a uniform way among servers. It is calculated based on MaxNodes property of each Server Node. In your tests with stress test toll you must use more sessions to make a realistic test. For example 100 sessions at least. BTW, try to test your app always with latest uniGUI build, as we may have improved or fixed bugs.
  3. It is not possible. Log file format is fixed at the moment.
  4. Hi, It is only the HyperServer DLL usage. For Node memory usage please check the HyperServer tab and check the Resources column.
  5. Under standard BPL path which is in Windows public documents folder.
  6. Yes, you can do that, but we don't recommend it. Because each time uniGUI version changes you need to re-deploy all packages too. Please refer to: https://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html?using-runtime-packages.htm
  7. Make sure you Uncheck the "Link with runtime packages" option.
  8. Your 60% renewal price will be always valid. It never expires.
  9. Hello Daniel, We have received similar reports from other developers too. There are very few though. Sencha has started scanning web for Ext JS sites, so normally they also detect uniGUI web sites. I have discussed it with them and informed them about uniGUI and related OEM license. We are their technology partner since 2013 and for each uniGUI license we obtain an OEM license for Ext JS. Please simply reply them and state that you own a uniGUI license and your web site is a uniGUI web application. Nothing further need to be done. You may also include the email address which your uniGUI license is issued for. (If it is different) PS: It has nothing to do with validity of your subscription. Even if your subscription is expired your are able to develop and deploy uniGUI web applications. Your uniGUI license and the embedded OEM Ext JS licenses are both perpetual royalty free licenses. Thanks
  10. I fixed your forum membership status. Problem here was that your "forum email" settings was different than your main email.
  11. You can configure Apache 2.4 to run native Apache modules: https://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/index.html?native-apache-module.htm
  12. Hi, It seems that you are trying to use an ISAPI module with Apache. (Apache for windows can both accept native Apache modules and ISAPI dlls) In this case you must use HyperServer isapi DLL instead. Also, binary_name should be an EXE file.
  13. 1) Please set your pool settings based on below instructions: https://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/hyperserver-isapi-module-mode.htm https://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/using-a-different-account-for-.htm 2) Make sure no 3rd party virus protection software is installed on your server.
  14. Your Node exe file (index.exe) crashes for an unknown reason. Please also check node log files which is located under folder "index.exe".
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