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Farshad Mohajeri

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Welcome to uniGUI web forums!


As we already discussed in another topic , technical difficulties prevented us from continuing our NNTP newsgroups . Unfortunately the NNTP technology is no longer maintained, and companies providing NNTP server software are no longer selling Windows based NNTP server software. I don't know about the Unix/Linux, but for Windows the situation is getting worth each day. As an example, Microsoft stopped deploying IIS NNTP services in Windows 2008. Since our new server is running on Windows 2008, we had to migrate our newsgroups to another media. After a long search I selected Invision Power Board as our forum software which seems to be fast and reliable with lots of management options.


While I'm a big fan of NNTP newsgroups, there are some pros to web forums which can't be found in text based newsgroup. Syntax highlighting, text formatting, editing posts, archiving , advanced moderation, advanced search facility are among them. Porting NNTP posts to web was a big pain as there was no ready software to achieve this. I had to write the import tool myself which read each individual NNTP post, extract the message part, insert them into board MySQL database and rebuild the message structure.


Attachments are not imported. All imported NNTP posts are bound to an internal Guest account. There was no way to build a user database from newsgroup posts. You can find your old messages using forum search facility.

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