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Current version: v7.24.2


dismiss event not triggered, AjaxRequest always "success"

jsonSweetAlert    := 'swal(' + jsonSweetAlert + ').then(function(){' + ajaxCallbackStr + ' return false; },function (dismiss) { '+ dismissCallbackStr + '});';

Anybody help about this problem?





   dismissCallbackStr:= BuildAjaxRequest('dismiss');
   jsonSweetAlert    := 'swal(' + jsonSweetAlert + ').then((result)=>{if(result.value){'+ajaxCallbackStr +'}else{'+dismissCallbackStr +'}})';
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Bom dia Pessoal, estou tentando criar uma função para chamar o UniSweetAlert.. crio e configuro o componente em tempo de execução, ao tentar usar um Question, configuro o Evento OnSuccess, a Mensagem aparece mas o Evento não é disparado. Só funciona quando coloco o componente na Tela.

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Hi everyone


I hope someone can assist. I installed the Delphi component on Delphi 10.2.3 (2017-08-04-uniSweetAlert V51), but keep on getting the attached error.

I copied the js and css files to my app's "files" directory.


Is there anything else I need to install for SweetAlert to work?






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check permission that file. If I'm not wrong, that error mean swal function not found and mean js file not include project. can check html file from browser

Thank you for your response. I will check the permissions. How do I include the file in the project and how do I check with browser?






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  • 2 months later...


First of all, thanks to CastleSoft for these components.

I noticed that the "TUniJToast" component does not work properly with the "loader" property. If you choose false, the loader keeps showing.

To correct, I made these changes in the function TUniJToast.BuildJsonParams: string;

I changed these line

   bstr := bstr + 'loader:' + BoolToStr(loader) +',';

for this

   bstr := bstr + 'loader:' + LowerCase(BoolToStr(loader, true)) +',';


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  • 2 months later...
On 9/22/2018 at 6:01 AM, Pep said:


First of all, thanks to CastleSoft for these components.

I noticed that the "TUniJToast" component does not work properly with the "loader" property. If you choose false, the loader keeps showing.

To correct, I made these changes in the function TUniJToast.BuildJsonParams: string;

I changed these line

   bstr := bstr + 'loader:' + BoolToStr(loader) +',';

for this

   bstr := bstr + 'loader:' + LowerCase(BoolToStr(loader, true)) +',';


Hey, I found some others issues on the code from jToast.

There is what I changed (in uniJToast > BuildJsonParams):


if allowToastClose then
  bstr := bstr + 'allowToastClose:true,'
  bstr := bstr + 'allowToastClose:false,';


if (stack) then
  bstr := bstr + 'stack:' + IntToStr(stackSize) +','
  bstr := bstr + 'stack:false,';


bstr := bstr + 'position:' + '"' + StringReplace(GetPosition(pos), '_', '-', [rfReplaceAll]) + '",';

loader (like Pep's post)

if loader then begin
  bstr := bstr + 'loader:true,';
  bstr := bstr + 'loaderBg: ' + '"' + loaderBg + '",';
end else
  bstr := bstr + 'loader:false,';

With these changes the component worked perfectly.

Here is all procedure code:

function TUniJToast.BuildJsonParams: string;
var bstr: string;
   bstr := '{';
   bstr := bstr + 'text:' + '"' + text + '",';
   bstr := bstr + 'heading:' + '"' + heading + '",';
   bstr := bstr + 'icon:'    + '"' + GetIconType(icon) + '",';
   bstr := bstr + 'showHideTransition:' + '"' + GetTransition(showHideTransition) + '",';

   if allowToastClose then
     bstr := bstr + 'allowToastClose:true,'
     bstr := bstr + 'allowToastClose:false,';

   if hideAfter > 0 then
      bstr := bstr + 'hideAfter:' + IntToStr(hideAfter) + ',';

   if (stack) then
      bstr := bstr + 'stack:' + IntToStr(stackSize) +','
      bstr := bstr + 'stack:false,';

   bstr := bstr + 'position:' + '"' + StringReplace(GetPosition(pos), '_', '-', [rfReplaceAll]) + '",';
   bstr := bstr + 'textAlign:' + '"' + GetTextAlign(textAlign)  + '",';
   if loader then begin
     bstr := bstr + 'loader:true,';
     bstr := bstr + 'loaderBg: ' + '"' + loaderBg + '",';
   end else
     bstr := bstr + 'loader:false,';

   // Add Callbacks here
   bstr := bstr + 'beforeShow: function() { ajaxRequest('+JSName+',"beforeShow",[]); },';
   bstr := bstr + 'afterShown: function() { ajaxRequest('+JSName+',"afterShown",[]); },';
   bstr := bstr + 'beforeHide: function() { ajaxRequest('+JSName+',"beforeHide",[]); },';
   bstr := bstr + 'afterHidden: function() { ajaxRequest('+JSName+',"afterHidden",[]); }';
   bstr := bstr + '}';
   result := bstr;


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  • 2 weeks later...

You can add the following to the TUniJToast.BuildJsonParams  function above for the background color and text color:

if not bgColor.IsEmpty then
    bstr := bstr + 'bgColor:' + '"' + bgColor + '",';

   if not textColor.IsEmpty then
    bstr := bstr + 'textColor:' + '"' + textColor + '",';


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Code is now available via Github:


Contains the latest source code (v1.07 - RIO release, uniGUI 1.5 (latest release) - Forum patches/updates in this thread ** Thank you all ** )

MIT lic.. Feel free to FORK / hack / etc.

Sorry. I don't have much time these days to monitor the forums. Enjoy..

PS.. v1.06 is the original release for pre RIO / pre 1.5 / pre patches - if anyone needs it. 

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  • 4 months later...

I made some small modified :)

change SweetAlert Ver. 8.8.5
 Added "FooterText" property                      
 Added "PostionType" property                     
 Added ErrorHTML procedure
 Added ErrorTXT procedure
 Added Question_html procedure.   
 VCL package separated and animation property editor added.
  Clean unused packages from dpk. (bpl size be decrease)
  Register procedures moved to VCL package                  
 Added animate.min.css 3.6.0 (3.7.0 has not tested maybe can be problem.)  http://daneden.me/animate  github: https://github.com/daneden/animate.css
 Test project modified for new properties

I did in Tokyo and unigui Ver. 1480 (sencha 6.5.3)      

If you wanna use this code, its your own risk :)


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Fix typo. change in "uniSweetAlertPropEdit.pas"  and in test project. main.pas (in TMainForm.UniFormBeforeShow)

    CommaText:= 'None,Default,bounce,bounceIn,bounceInDown,bounceInLeft,bounceInRight,bounceInUp,bounceOut,'+


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for question, I get allways "sucsess" event and I fixed it

procedure TUniSweetAlert.ShowMessage;
var ajaxCallbackStr, dismissCallbackStr, jsonSweetAlert: string;
   jsonSweetAlert    := BuildJsonParams;
//   ajaxCallbackStr := BuildAjaxRequest('success');
//   dismissCallbackStr := BuildAjaxRequest('dismiss','dismiss');
// Remarked, because always return "success" event !!!!!
//   UniSession.AddJS('swal.fire(' + jsonSweetAlert + ').then(function(){' + ajaxCallbackStr + ' return false; },function (dismiss) { '+ dismissCallbackStr + '});');  // AJT 2019-04-12 FIX Callback
   ajaxCallbackStr   := BuildAjaxRequest('success');
   dismissCallbackStr:= BuildAjaxRequest('dismiss');
   jsonSweetAlert    := 'swal.fire(' + jsonSweetAlert + ').then((result)=>{if(result.value){'+ajaxCallbackStr +'}else{'+dismissCallbackStr +'}});';//2019-04-18 Fixed.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

var UniJToast1 := TUniJToast.Criar(nil);
UniJToast1.text := 'Um brinde progressivo' ;
UniJToast1.loaderBg := '#FF0000';
UniJToast1.pos := TPosition.mid_center;
UniJToast1.hideDepois := 10000;
UniJToast1.Icon := TIconType.success;


Good afternoon, I don't have the component installed, I create it at runtime, it works. But the icon does not appear, does anyone have any tips?


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procedure TMessages.ShowToast(const Title, Text: String; MsgDlgType: TMsgDlgType; hideAfter: integer);
 UniJToast: TUniJToast;
  UniJToast := TUniJToast.Create(fParentForm);

    case MsgDlgType of //TIconType = (none, success, error, warning, info);
      mtWarning     : UniJToast.icon := TIconType.warning;
      mtConfirmation: UniJToast.icon := TIconType.success;
      mtError       : UniJToast.icon := TIconType.error;
      mtInformation : UniJToast.icon := TIconType.info;
      UniJToast.icon := TIconType.success;


    UniJToast.pos := TPosition.mid_center;
    UniJToast.allowToastClose := True;
    UniJToast.hideAfter := hideAfter;
    UniJToast.heading := Title;
    UniJToast.text := Text;


  end;// try-fin



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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I tried to use link in the message but I can't. has anyone done this?


class procedure TToastUtils.Aviso(Text : String; Close: Boolean; Titulo : String; hideAfter : Integer);
  lJToast: TuniJToast;
  lJToast := TuniJToast.Create(nil);
    lJToast.Text := Text;
    lJToast.showHideTransition := TTransition.plain;
    lJToast.allowToastClose := Close;
    lJToast.stack := True;
    lJToast.stackSize := 4;
    lJToast.textAlign := TTextAlign.left;
    lJToast.pos := top_center;
    lJToast.loaderBg := '#ED9E00';
    lJToast.bgColor := '#FFA900';
    lJToast.textColor := '#FFFFFF';
    lJToast.icon := TIconType.warning;
    lJToast.heading := Titulo;
    lJToast.hideAfter := hideAfter;

TToastUtils.Aviso('Yes! check this <a href="https://github.com/kamranahmedse/jquery-toast-plugin/commits/master">update</a>.', True)

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  • 9 months later...

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