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Google maps with pin


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I wonder if it's possible to put a pin when showing google maps. I'm reading coordinates from mysql and displaying the map that correspond to the coordinates but i want to put a pin to show exactly where on the map the location is? I looked at the google maps demo but there was no pin in the example. 


Best Regards


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Try this:


1. Open a demo project:



procedure TMainmForm.SetCoord(Lat, Long : Real);
  if WebMode then
    UniSession.AddJS('var gm=googleMap;if (typeof gm=="object") {var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng('+
                        StringReplace(Format('%2.4f', [Lat]), ',', '.', [rfReplaceAll])+','+
                        StringReplace(Format('%2.4f', [Long]), ',', '.', [rfReplaceAll])+
                      '); gm.setCenter(latlng); gm.setZoom(8);'+
                      'var marker = new google.maps.Marker({'+
                      'position: latlng,'+
                      'map: gm,'+
                      'title: "Hello!"})}');

Best regards.

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I'm doing some combinations and I can't get what I'm looking for.


I'm based in the unigui sample about google maps.


in a button click, I show a map, with a marker.


in a button click, I show other different mark, but the first mark in still there in the map.


I don't know how to clear the previous marker before paint the new marker.


Some help please.



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I have only one marker, at one time, not a merkers array.


If I put marker.setmap(null) in the afterupdatehtml of the unihtmlframe, the app raises the error: marker is undefined


in my case, the afterupdatehtml is:


function afterupdatehtml(sender)
   var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(0.0, 0.0);
   var myOptions = {
      zoom: 1,  
      center: latlng,
      mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
    var umap = document.getElementById("uni_map_canvas");
    var map = new google.maps.Map(umap, myOptions);
    var marker, i;
    var locations = [];
    googleMap = map;

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for now fast solution, try:

procedure TMainForm.SetCoord(Lat, Long : Real);
   script: string;
   xmark: string;
   xlat, xlon: string;
   xcm: integer;
//  if WebMode then begin
    script := ('uniVars.marker; var gm=googleMap; if (typeof gm=="object") {gm.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng('+
                        StringReplace(Format('%2.4f', [Lat]), ',', '.', [rfReplaceAll])+','+
                        StringReplace(Format('%2.4f', [Long]), ',', '.', [rfReplaceAll])+
                      ')); gm.initialize; gm.setZoom(8);gm.setMapTypeId(google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID);}');

    script := script + 'locations = [';

    xcm := 1;

        xmark := 'MARK 1';

        xlat := stringreplace(floattostr(Lat),',','.', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
        xlon := stringreplace(floattostr(Long),',','.', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);

        script := script +
           '[''' + xmark + ''', ' + xlat + ', ' + xlon + ', ' + inttostr(xcm) + ']';

        script := script + '];' +
           'for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {' +
           '   if (uniVars.marker) {uniVars.marker.setMap(null)}; uniVars.marker = new google.maps.Marker({' +
           '   position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][1], locations[i][2]),' +
           '   map: googleMap,' +
           '   title: locations[i][0]' +
           '});' +

//  end;

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I thinh that I'm solved the issue.


I have cleares all the afterupdatehtml of the htmlframe, and moved to the setcoord procedure.


It seems that new html in generated in every map, so every map, clears the the previous map.


Better ideas will be wellcome.



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Try this:


1. Open a demo project:



procedure TMainmForm.SetCoord(Lat, Long : Real);
  if WebMode then
    UniSession.AddJS('var gm=googleMap;if (typeof gm=="object") {var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng('+
                        StringReplace(Format('%2.4f', [Lat]), ',', '.', [rfReplaceAll])+','+
                        StringReplace(Format('%2.4f', [Long]), ',', '.', [rfReplaceAll])+
                      '); gm.setCenter(latlng); gm.setZoom(8);'+
                      'var marker = new google.maps.Marker({'+
                      'position: latlng,'+
                      'map: gm,'+
                      'title: "Hello!"})}');

Best regards.

help me..

how to make multiple marker click ..?


can you upload example please..

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