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accessing Frame from the Main form


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I have an application with structure like the UniGui DEMO, with a Main form and many Frames loaded at runtime as TUniTabSheet.


In the Main form when I need call methods which reside in the uniMainModule,

for example open a table, I can use this sintax:




because using the suggested declaration in MainModule:


function uniMainModule: TuniMainModule;
  Result := TuniMainModule(UniApplication.UniMainModule)


Now I try to do the same things for a Table available on my Frames, but getting exceptions at runtime

because of wrong declaration I guess...

Can you help on this different declaration/sintax ?




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Unlike Forms and Modules, Frame instances are not  managed by uniGUI, so above syntax will not work. Frames are like other ordinary objects such as Panels, Buttons and etc.

A frame has an instance only when it is placed on a parent or created manually in code.


I also think you have a basic design problem. Why do you want to access something that belongs to a Frame from another object?

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I create the Frame instance manually by code, the same as you do in your demo, and it works.


In your demo you use Frames like pseudo  mdi-forms   and I am doing the same in my application, because I feel it efficient.


The different thing is that I have a treeview in my Main which in some situations I need syncronize with DbGrid present on some Frames;

I need pass the current item to let the frame syncronize.

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Could you show me the sintax to save Frame reference in a TList  and how to access them from MainForm to use them later ?


in my MainForm current code I do this:


    for i := 0 to UniPageControl1.PageCount - 1 do begin   // search the frame
        if UniPageControl1.Pages.Name = 'TfraDevices' then begin    //found the right frame
            if UniPageControl1.ActivePage = TUniTabSheet(UniPageControl1.Pages) then begin   //if it's active, do syncronize

                key := tvWardsLayout.Selected.Item[0].Text;

                fraDevices.tabDevices.Locate('ID', key, []);



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