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Using Delphi name OR .JSName in a JS function?


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Hi everybody,


When using AddJS() to execute some JavaScript on client side, it seems that we can concatenate SomeComponent.JsName to a JS function: MyComponent.JsName+'.someFunction()', or directly use its Delphi name : 'MainForm.MyComponent.someFunction()' : 


Ex :



Both seem to work perfectly. Is it right?

What is the difference? Is there a best practice?



Thanks a lot!

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I found that in some cases delphi name doesn't work. Maybe I am not using the Delphi name correctly, but here is my experience: recently I had to call some functions of the main form when as soon comes up, and I had to use its JSName, which I have found to be (unsurprisingly :)) "O0"


Here is an example

Form1.toFront(); //doesn't work
O0.toFront(); //its JSName, WORKS

Also, you need to use the JSName when firing (client side) the Ajax events.

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I found that in some cases delphi name doesn't work. Maybe I am not using the Delphi name correctly, but here is my experience: recently I had to call some functions of the main form when as soon comes up, and I had to use its JSName, which I have found to be (unsurprisingly :)) "O0"


Here is an example


Form1.toFront(); //doesn't work
O0.toFront(); //its JSName, WORKS

Also, you need to use the JSName when firing (client side) the Ajax events.



Some components have sub components.


For example:





You can see this from ClientEvents dialog.

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  • 3 years later...

I meant,

is it possible to launch 'ClientEvents ' fonctions inside of Delphi code by this way ?

For instance, if I want to select a specific cell in a uniDBGrid, could I call the function as I wrote above ?

If so, how can I pass parameters ?

(is it more limpid now ?  ^_^)

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I got two use case in my grid:

  1. Multiselection Option: After a grid refresh, I would like to keep the same selected row. But arrows are not controling movement anymore, you have to click first on grid body ....
  2. CellSelection Option: Same problem but different approach!

First of all, how could I keep "focus" on my body grid (I actually got the focus as the onKeyDown event is fire, but arrows are not responding) and then retrieve selected row/cell ?

Any workaround ? :(

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Hello everyones!


I manage to do what I want but I still have two question:


Is the initialization of RecNo to 0 native on grid while refreshing the grid ? How could I override that in order to keep focus after a reconstruction of grid (in order to change grid options) or after grid refresh ?

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No worries! (:


The use case is as following:


you're in a uniDBgrid with row 4 selected, and you apply a grid refresh. After the refresh, the row number 0 will constatnly be selected and previously selected row will be lost. How can I override this behavior ? :o

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Well, you can try this solution, for example:



    { Public declarations }
    SavePlace: TBookmark;

2. UniDBGrid1 -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> store.beforeload:

function store.beforeload(store, operation, eOpts)
    ajaxRequest(store.grid, '_beforeload', [])

3. UniDBGrid1 -> OnAjaxEvent:

procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string;
  Params: TUniStrings);
  if EventName = '_beforeload' then
    if Assigned(SavePlace) then UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.FreeBookmark(SavePlace);
    SavePlace := UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.GetBookmark


4. UniDBGrid1 -> OnAfterLoad:

procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1AfterLoad(Sender: TUniDBGrid);

Best regards,

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