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Things that have always been missing and some feature requests


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We are always waiting for some simple components whose lack complicates our life as developers:
 Advanced (DB)Lookups, with management of displayed fields and key fields (not displayed), and being able to display multiple columns in the popup. This makes managing related archives in forms much easier. Now is really limited and creates difficulties.

Also it would be nice to have:

1) Client Stores: to fill client datasets to be used, almost always as lookups, directly on the client (states, countries, etc... where a quick lookup is needed);

2) Grid cached updates:
To make changes (CRUD) in the grid on the client and push all the changes "all-in-one" without continuously chatting with the server.


3) Client datasets (related point 1)):
ExtJs Store used as client dataset, with data binding, that "resolve" all modification to "all-in-one" server operation.

4) Better and more powerful handling of direct input into grids.

We need these solutions  to facilitate routine work and above all to save bandwidth, especially in heavy installations.

Thank you

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  • 4 months later...

Advanced (DB)Lookups, with management of displayed fields and key fields (not displayed), and being able to display multiple columns in the popup. This makes managing related archives in forms much easier. Now is really limited and creates difficulties.

just thinking about coming back to UNIGUI after quite some years with low effort on developing on my side. Anyone remembers Woll2Woll Infopower components? These features were implemented exactly as you describe in the VCL components, I remember working with Delphi 7 and this super DBLookup component... The management of displayed fields (nice ordered in alternately colored colums) and the hidden key field which is used for lookup of the record would be the first things I am looking at when using DBLookups in UniGui. Just checking the online demos, it seems that the actual DBLookup(Combo) is on the right way but does not exactly offer these two things?

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  • 2 months later...

I think unigui lacks nothing in terms of components and functionality I see what is needed is stability and bug fixing in Unigui. 

Advanced (DB)Lookups, with management of displayed fields and key fields (not displayed), and being able to display multiple columns in the popup. This makes managing related archives in forms much easier. Now is really limited and creates difficulties.

  I don't understand your difficulty because with only 9 months of use I managed to create features similar to these

I don't see the need to have something ready, just think a little outside the box that there are ways to do this.

Example TStrings items have the possibility of having a String and a TObject where you can put other data to easily make your (DB)Lookups

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7 minutes ago, Luciano França said:

I think unigui lacks nothing in terms of components and functionality I see what is needed is stability and bug fixing in Unigui. 

Advanced (DB)Lookups, with management of displayed fields and key fields (not displayed), and being able to display multiple columns in the popup. This makes managing related archives in forms much easier. Now is really limited and creates difficulties.

  I don't understand your difficulty because with only 9 months of use I managed to create features similar to these

I don't see the need to have something ready, just think a little outside the box that there are ways to do this.

Hi Luciano,

It is so welcome if you can share sample code.


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5 minutes ago, Luciano França said:

To have multiple columns in a popup I did the following
I put two grids in a panel separated by a splitter, the second grid is hidden and when the user clicks on a column that has the pop-up I display the second grid and also the splitter.

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