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A/B Testing


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Hi this is Palak Sharma

I am in final year of my engineering, well lots of programming language I learn and lots of other I am still learning. I and my team is developing software application and I have little bit doubt for what I was not aware with is A/B testing ? What is this and how it can help in software or web testing.

Can anyone give their suggestion on this would be a great support.


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On 8/8/2022 at 2:28 PM, palak231 said:

Hi this is Palak Sharma

I am in final year of my engineering, well lots of programming language I learn and lots of other I am still learning. I and my team is developing software application and I have little bit doubt for what I was not aware with is A/B testing ? What is this and how it can help in software or web testing.

Can anyone give their suggestion on this would be a great support.


Hi Palak,

It's great to hear about your journey in engineering and software development. A/B testing is a valuable tool in this field. It involves comparing two versions of a web page or application to see which one performs better. You present version A to one group of users and version B to another, then analyze which version achieves better engagement or conversion rates. This method helps in making data-driven decisions for software improvements, enhancing the user experience and functionality. It's particularly useful when you want to test new features or changes in your application. Keep up the good work with your learning and development!

Best of luck with your project

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