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Falcon Kendo Component


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Hi, Falcon Kendo Component is very nice, first of all thank you.

-1. The subject can be active or inactive when we click on the above report fields (Number, M2). How can I make one of these fields passive at the beginning without the user clicking it?

-2 I can't format the numbers in the 2nd and 3rd images. I wanted to add the thousands separator, but it doesn't work (I tried the formats on the Kendo site, but the result is negative.)


@Marlon Nardi


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1 hour ago, Marlon Nardi said:

Hi @pro_imaj

Thanks for your feedback,

Can you make a simple TestCase and send it to me so I can analyze and correct it for you?

Hello, I have sent you the sample test file as a message.

When you run it, you will see an image like the one below. I want to separate the numbers in the marked fields with thousands separators.


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I will upload a new update today on the store (https://store.falconsistemas.com.br), for you to define your Culture Formatting







Formating tootip sample:

Chart.ChartProperties.Values['tooltip'] := '{visible: true, format: "{0:c}"}';


Formating labels sample:

Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {visible: true, position: "insideEnd", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:c}'', value) #"}';



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1 hour ago, Marlon Nardi said:

I will upload a new update today on the store (https://store.falconsistemas.com.br), for you to define your Culture Formatting







Formating tootip sample:

Chart.ChartProperties.Values['tooltip'] := '{visible: true, format: "{0:c}"}';


Formating labels sample:

Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {visible: true, position: "insideEnd", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:c}'', value) #"}';



Hello @Marlon Nardi

Thank you in advance for the update.

The subject number 1 in my first message is solution genius mi.

In other words, if there is data in the Adet and M2 Fields, the standard is selected. I want to bring one of them selectively.

The user can choose the other if they want.

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1 hour ago, pro_imaj said:

he subject number 1 in my first message is solution genius mi.

In other words, if there is data in the Adet and M2 Fields, the standard is selected. I want to bring one of them selectively.

The user can choose the other if they want.

referring to this topic I understand what you need, but I will have to study better how this can work.

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5 hours ago, Marlon Nardi said:

Hi @pro_imaj

topic 2 improvements are now available for download at https://store.falconsistemas.com.br

Regarding topic 1, today I'm going to study a better way to implement this.

KendoUI-Falcon-Test.zip 6.58 MB · 3 downloads

procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  if Assigned(Sender) then

    Chart.ChartType := TUniFSKendoUIType(0);
  Chart.ChartTheme := TUniFSKendoUITheme(2);

  Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := EmptyStr;

  Chart.ChartTitleVisible := True;
  Chart.ChartTitle := 'Titulo Teste (bar, column, line)';
  Chart.ChartDataSet := UniMainModule.ExecQ;
  // "categoryAxis" - reserved keyworld for categories (Linha do Tempo)
  Chart.ChartSeries.Values['categoryAxis'] := 'Gun';
  // first set of data, name=dbfield  1ª Barra
  Chart.ChartSeries.Values['Brasil'] := 'DIhAdet';
  // second set of data 2ª Barra
  Chart.ChartSeries.Values['Mundo'] := 'DIhM2';
  // tooltip for line chart
  Chart.ChartProperties.Values['tooltip'] := '{visible: true, format: "{0:c}"}';
  // labels for bars and columns
  Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults :=
    'labels: {visible: true, position: "insideEnd", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:c}'', value) #"}';
  Chart.ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{labels: {rotation: "auto"}}';
  Chart.ChartLegendPosition := TUniFSKendoUIPosition.Top;
  Chart.ChartStacked := False;
  Chart.ChartSeriesStyle := TUniFSKendoUISeriesStyle(0);

  // cmbLegend.ItemIndex := Integer(Chart.ChartLegendPosition);



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5 hours ago, Marlon Nardi said:

Hi @pro_imaj

topic 2 improvements are now available for download at https://store.falconsistemas.com.br

Regarding topic 1, today I'm going to study a better way to implement this.

KendoUI-Falcon-Test.zip 6.58 MB · 3 downloads

First of all, thank you for the work and the result.

As above, the result does not change for me. Do I need to make any adjustments other than the code example above?

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2 hours ago, Marlon Nardi said:

geri bildirim için teşekkürler,

en son sürümü kullandığınızdan emin olun.


Örnek çevrimiçi:


I clearly identified the problem.

It works correctly when I add runtime data to the ClientDataSet1 component.

When I connect the field type Decimal(18, 2) in MSSQL database, the result is wrong.

The problem was fixed when I made the field type float in MSSQL database.

Thanks, an interesting situation arises but this is how I solved the problem.


*Also, TL currency doesn't work even though I bought it according to kendo site.  'tr-TR'


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  • 5 months later...
5 hours ago, morphine said:

Hi @Marlon Nardi

Firstly, thank you for a great component.

Please can you assist?  Labels disappear when trying the following :

 Chart.ChartProperties.Values['categoryAxis'] := '{labels: {font: "8px Tahoma"}}';


Hi @morphine, Thanks 🤜🤛.

For you to change the font of the label, change the parameters of



Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {font: "8px Tahoma", visible: true, position: "insideEnd", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:n3}'', value) #"} ';


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@Marlon NardiThank you for your reply.



Works as expected for:  Chart.ChartType:=Column;

Red Arrow
Chart.ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{majorGridLines: {visible: false},labels: {font: "8px Tahoma", rotation: "auto", format: "#,#"}  }';

Blue Arrow
Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {font: "16px Tahoma", visible: true, position: "outsideEnd", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:n3}'', value) #"} ';

How would you change the font size highlighted in purple?




Blue Arrow
Chart.ChartSeriesDefaults := 'labels: {visible: true, position: "outsideEnd",font: "16px Tahoma", template: "#= kendo.format(''{0:c}'', value) #"}';

How would you change the font size indicated by the RED arrow?

 I tried numerous CONFIG OPTIONS - https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/dataviz/ui/chart


Appreciate your assistance. 


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I understood @morphine,

You can also do it this way.


Chart.ChartProperties.Values['valueAxis'] := '{labels: {rotation: "auto", color:"green", font:"18px Tahoma"}}';


Chart.ChartProperties.Values['axisDefaults'] := '{labels: {rotation: "auto", color:"green", font:"18px Tahoma"}}';


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