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Serious problem with sessions


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Unfortunately I return to the problem that I thought solved. Scenario: There are two applications on the server (with different ports). The first desktop version, the other mobile version.

After a (random) time, the error is signaled: Could not lok session and the application remains blocked.

The desktop version has 5 or 6 active clients while the mobile version 20, 30 logins.

The version of unigui is the last version.

If I close the application it is not removed from the activities and I have to do it manually.

in log:

TwMobile.exe: 00001B44: 19:15:40 []:Processed: Id: 6720, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33]
TwMobile.exe: 00001B44: 19:15:40 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: timer
TwMobile.exe: 00001B44: 19:15:40 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33]
TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:46 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 6727, Event: timer
TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:48 []:Sequence sent from cache:  SeqId: 6727
TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:48 []:Processed: Id: 6727, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33]
TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:48 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: timer
TwMobile.exe: 00001B74: 19:16:48 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33]
TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:53 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 6734, Event: timer
TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:56 []:Sequence sent from cache:  SeqId: 6734
TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:56 []:Processed: Id: 6734, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33]
TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:56 []:Processing: Id: -1, Evt: timer
TwMobile.exe: 00002A88: 19:17:56 []:Processed: Id: -1, Evt: timer, [9vzvtc2ELi10A5B6B33]


Unfortunately I cannot identify the problem and this is creating a lot of problems for me with the customer ...

I have recompiled the applications several times but the problem remains.

One note from November 2021 to March has always worked well.

What can I do?
TwMobile.exe: 00001EB0: 19:19:01 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 6741, Event: timer

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately my whole application is blocked I keep having 'could not lock session'

I also activated hyperserver and it seemed to work.

I have access to the mail server with timap. My impression is that the component blocks the whole application preventing the creation of new sessions.
If so, where to insert the component: on uniservermodule or maimdodule?

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1 hour ago, AntonioCuomo said:

I uploaded Tidimap4 and TIdMailBox to serverModule, but the problem continues.
It seems that tidimap blocks the creation of new sessions and nails the application.
Unfortunately, I urgently need to resolve this problem.

Hi, I can't give you a direct solution to this problem, but can you try to create an external dll with the functions using tidimap4 and other components and then try to call these functions from this dll.

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1 hour ago, AntonioCuomo said:

In fact that's what I thought and I'm doing. VCL application that downloads mail and loads them into a db.

did you do this functionality in external dll files or is it all in the application itself?

How you use unigui (like StandAlone, Service or ISAPI dll) ?

Try to separate Tidmapi and unigui.

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I have separated tidimap4 from unigui. A VCL application that works on the same server and saves the mails in a table which is accessed only by one. Obviously the VCL application has a timer that polls the server every 15 minutes ... and it seems to go. I will keep you updated.


Unigui -> standalone


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Today, despite having separated the download of the mails from unigui and the application works with Hyperserver again it is unable to create a new session.
in the log I found:

ETW_Server.exe: 00000A20: 01:38:25 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $005E4C9E
ETW_Server.exe: 000026A0: 01:38:26 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $005E4C9E
ETW_Server.exe: 00002FB8: 01:38:26 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $005E4C9E
ETW_Server.exe: 00001250: 08:01:45 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\unigui\ext-7.4.0\build\classic\locale\locale-.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00000BBC: 08:01:57 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\TMI_WorkStation\security.txt

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what is this error?


ETW_Server.exe: 00000F74: 02:54:27 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $005E4C9E
ETW_Server.exe: 00001E84: 05:39:59 [Indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $005E4C9E
ETW_Server.exe: 00000D48: 12:30:17 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 000010E8: 12:30:17 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001828: 12:33:28 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001D98: 12:33:28 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00000DA4: 12:35:28 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001900: 12:35:29 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001C78: 12:38:11 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001E7C: 12:38:11 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001EFC: 12:45:18 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001A5C: 12:45:18 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00000E38: 12:45:37 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 0000069C: 12:45:37 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001A70: 12:52:10 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00000EA0: 12:52:10 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001780: 14:29:16 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 0000119C: 14:29:16 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001714: 14:52:30 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001CE0: 14:52:30 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00000F54: 14:52:36 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001EB0: 14:52:36 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001664: 14:53:13 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001C24: 14:53:13 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 000002E4: 14:54:01 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001D18: 14:54:01 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001510: 14:55:19 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001988: 14:55:19 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001C4C: 14:55:20 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001B00: 14:55:20 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001664: 14:55:20 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00000CD8: 14:55:51 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001D7C: 14:55:51 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001794: 15:00:06 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00000E70: 15:00:06 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00000BCC: 15:00:07 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 000017E8: 15:00:08 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00000B80: 15:01:42 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00000410: 15:01:43 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 0000101C: 15:05:40 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001794: 15:05:40 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00000F70: 15:05:48 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001DA0: 15:05:48 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001CE4: 15:05:49 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001F34: 15:05:49 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00000060: 15:07:51 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00001D00: 15:07:52 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001F2C: 15:08:39 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00000674: 15:08:39 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 0000069C: 15:08:45 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 00000A40: 15:08:45 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00001190: 15:09:10 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.js
ETW_Server.exe: 00000020: 15:09:10 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: D:\TMI\ETWEB\files\leaflet-text-icon.css
ETW_Server.exe: 0000198C: 15:10:03 []:EUniHyperServerException : TUniHyperServer.HandleHTTPRequest(), Node:[6], EIdReadTimeout, Read timed out. : Addr: $0070EDAD
ETW_Server.exe: 000015B8: 15:10:03 []:EUniHyperServerException : TUniHyperServer.HandleHTTPRequest(), Node:[6], EIdReadTimeout, Read timed out. : Addr: $0070EDAD
ETW_Server.exe: 00000C7C: 15:10:05 []:EUniHyperServerException : TUniHyperServer.HandleHTTPRequest(), Node:[6], EIdReadTimeout, Read timed out. : Addr: $0070EDAD
ETW_Server.exe: 00000808: 15:10:08 []:EUniHyperServerException : TUniHyperServer.HandleHTTPRequest(), Node:[6], EIdReadTimeout, Read timed out. : Addr: $0070EDAD

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Unfortunately I don't know what to do anymore. I'm stuck with customer complaints. Should I rewrite everything with another framework? Intraweb or TMS Web Core? as if the application crashes because it cannot create a new session. After logging in, displays the window with the menu and remains locked.

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there is no antivirus on the server. dupe applications with hyperservver (etW_server.exe w TWMobileserver) are installed, each in its own folder.
Twmobile config:
pool_size = 0
command_timeout = 20000
request_timeout = 300000
connect_timeout = 20000

start_port = 16384

binary_name = TwMobile.exe
initial_nodes = 2
max_nodes = 8
max_sessions = 0
sessions_per_nodes = 0
prompt_login = 0
persistent_node_zero = 0
detailed_log = 0
port = 20010
url_path =
url_referer =
ext_root = [ext] \
uni_mobile_root = [unim] \
uni_root = [uni] \
server_root =
framework_files_root =
uni_packages_root = [unipack] \
max_requests = 500
http_max_pool = 500
max_connections = 500
antiflood_per_ip = 0
session_one_per_ip = 0
server_title =
server_build =
dont_create_backup = 0
allow_remote_config = 1
domain_cookies = 0
token = cpiqlj220507092646372

enabled = 1
recycle_after_secs = 3600
recycle_after_sessions = 0
recycle_after_idle_seconds = 0
recycle_when_empty = 1

user_name = admin
password = airotti
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

mime_0_ext =
mime_0_type =
mime_1_ext =
mime_1_type =
mime_2_ext =
mime_2_type =
mime_3_ext =
mime_3_type =
mime_4_ext =
mime_4_type =

confgi etweb_server:
pool_size = 0
command_timeout = 20000
request_timeout = 300000
connect_timeout = 20000

start_port = 16384

binary_name = TwMobile.exe
initial_nodes = 2
max_nodes = 8
max_sessions = 0
sessions_per_nodes = 0
prompt_login = 0
persistent_node_zero = 0
detailed_log = 0
port = 20010
url_path =
url_referer =
ext_root = [ext] \
uni_mobile_root = [unim] \
uni_root = [uni] \
server_root =
framework_files_root =
uni_packages_root = [unipack] \
max_requests = 500
http_max_pool = 500
max_connections = 500
antiflood_per_ip = 0
session_one_per_ip = 0
server_title =
server_build =
dont_create_backup = 0
allow_remote_config = 1
domain_cookies = 0
token = cpiqlj220507092646372

enabled = 1
recycle_after_secs = 3600
recycle_after_sessions = 0
recycle_after_idle_seconds = 0
recycle_when_empty = 1

user_name = admin
password = airotti
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

user_name =
password =
admin = 0

mime_0_ext =
mime_0_type =
mime_1_ext =
mime_1_type =
mime_2_ext =
mime_2_type =
mime_3_ext =
mime_3_type =
mime_4_ext =
mime_4_type =

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start_port parameter is used for HTTP transport. A transport is a channel which HyperServer uses to internally communicate with its Nodes. Each Node requires to own a unique transport id which for HTTP transports is actually a TCP port number. HyperServer needs to know a start value for ports. It will assign port numbers to Nodes based on this start value. In Windows many different values can be assigned to start_port. By default ports in range (1024 - 49151) are defined as user ports in Windows operating system.


In order to find out dynamic port range used reserved for OS you can use below command:


C:\>netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp


Protocol tcp Dynamic Port Range
Start Port      : 49152 


In a Windows Server OS with default settings you will get a response like above, which indicates that Windows dynamic port range starts from 49152.  It is important to know the start port for Windows dynamic ports, so they won't conflict with HyperServer transport channel ports.


HyperServer uses port 16384 ($4000) by default as start_port. With this configuration First Node (Node #0) will be assigned port 16384, Node #1 will be assigned port 16385 and so on.


If you plan to run more than one instance of HyperServer on same OS then port numbers should be arranged in a way that they won't conflict with each other. You must ensure that all Nodes will be assigned unique port numbers. This can be easily done by leaving port gaps for each HyperServer instance. It can be calculated using below formula:


<start_port for new HyperServer instance> = <start_port of previous HyperServer instance> + ( <max_nodes of previous HyperServer instance> × 3 ) + 8 


Consider that you plan to install three HyperServer instances on same server. Instances are configured with max_nodes parameters of 8, 16 and 16 respectively.


For 1st instance start_port is configured as 16384 ( or any other desired value )

For 2nd instance start_port should be configured as 16384 + ( 8×3 + 8 ) = 16416

For 3rd instance start_port should be configured as 16416 + ( 16×3 + 8 ) = 16472


As you can see, we are leaving some additional gaps between port start numbers. The reason for this is that under certain conditions total number of Nodes can grow beyond max_nodes parameter.

Default value = 16384

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  • 1 month later...


I have same problem in my server cases : connectionlog files - "Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 107, Event: load, Status: 0, StatusText: "", TimedOut: false, cQs: f:{108}, s:{}, a:{}, r:{}"

I searched in my windows 10 operating system and saw that at this time windows is reporting lost internet connection. Have you seen the same information in log files on your server operating system?

1. I use StandAlone app (no hyperserver)

2. uniTimers in MainForm (every one second - update time on panel caption)

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