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Send key to column in UnimDBGrid


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My app is connected to a Laser-Distance-Measurement-System by Bluetooth. If the user scans a distance, the distance is added to a column in a UnimDBGrid.

Unfortunately the virtual keyboard doesn't pop up, while the LDMS is connected. But the user needs to insert arithmetic symbols like + or - 

So I've created some buttons for that and use :

 keybd_event(187, 0, 0, 0); // + key in WORD
 keybd_event(187, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);

But this doesn't work. I tried other code samples, but there is no effect.

Is there a working way to simulate key inputs to a column in UnimDBGrid?

Or is it possible to force the virtual keyboard to pop up?

Thanks in advance



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