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AjaxRequest and Unisession.sendresponse


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Hi Farshad.

I've been playing with the google map api, passing data back and forth using the ajax methods and and I'm really beginning to appreciate the power there.


I was wondering if i can pass something more complex, like arrays this way ? if so, how do I unwrap it in Delphi/JS .

Or should I be using JSON to pass data around, if so, is there a nice way to wrap/and unwrap the json on either side ?


The reason I ask is because at one point i was looking for a way to create a bunch of markers on the map using lat/long values. i thought maybe I could bundle up a bunch of values and pass them back with my response, and then unwarap them client side and run a "addmarker" function for each element of the data. i prefer to keep the JS and delphi seperate and avoid doing things like this (eg) :


procedure TMapFRM1.CalcRoute(start_lat,start_long, end_lat,end_long: double);
  if WebMode then
   UniSession.AddJS('if (typeof googleMap=="object")' +
                    '{' +
                    'var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();' +
	                 'var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();'    +

                    'directionsDisplay.setMap(googleMap);  ' +

                    'var request = {origin:,destination:,travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING};' +
                    'directionsService.route(request, function(result, status) {' +
   		             ' if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {' +
     			         '  directionsDisplay.setDirections(result);' +
   		             '  }' +
 		               '});' +



eventually i ended up writing the AddMarker function in js and then calling it in an iterative loop :

procedure TMapFRM1.AddMarker(s_lat, s_long,s_name : ansistring);
 UniSession.AddJS('addMarker('+s_lat+','+s_long+',"' + s_name+'")');
 LBX1TestLBX.Items.Add(s_lat + '-' + s_long);

I := UniMainModule.Props.Execute(s_sql,[],@Calls);
   while I.step() do

in the html I have :

  <script type="text/javascript">
      function addMarker(lat,long,nme){
        //alert('add a marker ' + nme);
        var image = "/files/tools.png";
        var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,long);
        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
     		position: latlng,
     		title:"Call number" + nme,
        google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {




this kind of feels right, but I might be missing the point ...


Keep up the brilliant work!

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Hi , I really don't know if it is the correct way,

but I use something like that:


procedure TMapForm.AddMarker(id: integer; lat, lng, icon, Caption: string; JumpTo: Boolean);
 s, m: string;
 s := IntToStr(id);

 //marker name
 m := 'marker_' + s;

   'var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(' + lat + ',' + lng + ');' +
   'var image = ''' + icon + '''; ' +

   'var ' + m + ' = new google.maps.Marker({ ' +
   'position: myLatlng, ' +
   'map: googleMap, ' +
   'animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,' +
   'myname: "' + m + '", ' +
   'id: ' + s + ', ' +
   'icon: image, ' +
   'title:"' + Caption + '" ' +
   '}); ' +

   'markersArray.push(' + m + ');' + //Push the marker into array.
   'google.maps.event.addListener(' + m + ', ''click'', function(e) { ' +
   'ajaxRequest(MapForm.EventPanel, ''markerClick'' ,' +
   ' [''marker=' + m + ''', ''lat=''+e.latLng.lat(), ''lng=''+e.latLng.lng()]);}); '

 if JumpTo then
     'googleMap.setZoom(17); ' +
     'googleMap.setCenter(myLatlng); '




I have also defined in MainForm.Script the marker array.


var markersArray = [];


When I want to set a series of markers I just call in a loop the AddMarker();

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Hi Farshad.

I've been playing with the google map api, passing data back and forth using the ajax methods and and I'm really beginning to appreciate the power there.


I was wondering if i can pass something more complex, like arrays this way ? if so, how do I unwrap it in Delphi/JS .


Any complex structure like objects and arrays must be converted to proper string notation before they are sent to server.


JS converts arrays to string using a,b,c,... notation.

Objects must be converted manually.

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