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HyperServer for server farms


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6 hours ago, Farshad Mohajeri said:

Yes, we will also add these settings to the control panel.

something I would like to know how the application will be distributed in this environment

today i have
serv nginx
serv bd
serv app1
serv app2
serv app3
serv app4
serv app5

the app1 serv to the app5 serv, I have configured the hyperserver dll in the iis, and in the application folder my system as executable

dns sistema.minhaempresa.com.br is directed to serv nginx, which forwards the application to servapp1 2,3, etc.

on unigui load balancer server farm

I need to have configured in IIS only 1 server?, as this will run the applications on the other servers?


on each server I will still have several nodes (instances of my system running?) as it is today

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In server farm configuration there will be one master server and several slave ones. HyperServer will be installed on all of them.

Master server should be able to access slave servers through URLs using HTTP calls.

IIS will be configured on Master server only. Slave servers will run Windows Service version of HyperServer.

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On 11/08/2021 at 17:49, Farshad Mohajeri said:

Na configuração do farm de servidores, haverá um servidor mestre e vários escravos. O HyperServer será instalado em todos eles.

O servidor mestre deve ser capaz de acessar servidores escravos por meio de URLs usando chamadas HTTP.

O IIS será configurado apenas no servidor mestre. Os servidores escravos executarão a versão Windows Service do HyperServer.

It's important to know that, I have several websites on my servers, and each one uses a hyperserver, today the distribution is done using the hyperserver dll installed on IIS

in that case on slave servers, how will the hyperserver be started as a service, only one service running, will it be able to manage multiple sites, multiple different systems? or will I be able to have several services running on slave servers?

sorry for the questions, but it is important to know how and how this works to see if it will meet our expectations.

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20 minutes ago, wilton_rad said:

It's important to know that, I have several websites on my servers, and each one uses a hyperserver, today the distribution is done using the hyperserver dll installed on IIS

in that case on slave servers, how will the hyperserver be started as a service, only one service running, will it be able to manage multiple sites, multiple different systems? or will I be able to have several services running on slave servers?

sorry for the questions, but it is important to know how and how this works to see if it will meet our expectations.

How many uniGUI applications are you running in this system?

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57 minutes ago, Farshad Mohajeri said:

How many uniGUI applications are you running in this system?

four different apps each with its address.

one of them is used by several clients where in some cases I needed to isolate the installation separately, ie it is the same application but with a separate installation (a different address)




where client1 and Client2 has independent installation folders and configurations, even though it is the same system.

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if possible create a small test in the new version, and see if there are no problems with the display.

a simple form with a tunidbmemo component
looking for data from any table where the content has a lot of information (more than 2000 characters)

see that on the hyperserver farm, the display will not be compromised.

I have problems with this field type, with the nginx balancer, when there is too much information in the field, the data is displayed incorrectly


as we don't know, how data is transmitted between servers, it would be good to test this situation

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