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UnimCanvas proble SaveToFile and SaveToStream


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Hello, I have a problem with TUnimCanvas, I use for a customer signature , when I save to an image (jpeg,gif,png,etc...), allways save with background black(see image attached),

The Unigui Demo Canvas movileTouch also does the same.

I have tried to save the image with savetostream and savetofile.

My version of UniGui is


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7 minutes ago, likemike said:

I use SaveToFile for the same reason (customer signature) without problems (version


2 hours ago, SergioGarcia said:

The Unigui Demo Canvas movileTouch also does the same.

Can you please test?

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Here is a little tipp for those you want to save a file to a  directory outside the main-directory af the app.

PROCEDURE TForm.UniCanvas1AfterSubmit(Sender:TObject);
  UniCanvas1.SaveToFile(TempName, tiJPG); // first save it to the local-path
  CopyFile(PChar(TempName), PChar(<your desired path>), FALSE); // then copy the file to where you want

This is necessary, because the client has no direct access to the outside-directory.

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Good morning, I'm also registering the signature on a cell phone, but I want to know if the document actually has the signature, and I haven't been able to do it. Does anyone know how to check if a signature exists?


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