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Easier to prepare the DLL inside the Remote Area? (instead of in the home localhost)


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I am used to prepare my code in the home localhost, I test everything, adjust ISS and deploy the code in C:\MyDLLDirectory into the localhost. Then I click http://localhost/MyCode and can see running in the browser

After I copy the C:\MyDirectory, with the DLL, to the Remote Area VPS, adjust again the IIS there and run the code via browser typing  http://XXX.YY.ZZ.WW/MyCode

Seems to be easier to install Delphi + Unigui in the localhost of the Remote Area VPS, to prepare the DLL there and, at the end, the only difference is the address which you will type in the browser.

Is this last one the more common practice?  or Remote Areas use to be “more slow” to develop the code and to arrive to the DLL?

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Dear Sergio,

You are right. I am thinking to do the same as my installer 3.0 (service) to simplify iis config.


This mean, we have to code step by step the unigui doc for iis config.

The task seems not obvious, as we have to know how Delphi communicate with isapi modules (pooling, etc...)

Let you know...


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Thanks, Abaksoft. In my case, doing everything directly in the Remote Area, where will deploy, avoids doing things twice. The issue is if the Remote Area is “slow” to work with Delphi + Unigui. Here with the current provider is worse than my home localhost. I am changing provider and will know soon if others are better.

With the help of Unigui team and some other colleagues in the forum I succeeded to develop and deploy my code. Thanks to all. I will not mention names to avoid forgetting someone.

 Below are links to FREE access to 2 codes. The test period will go up to June 30th. As my goal is to help engineering teams from undeveloped countries, maybe, after, I will keep it FREE, I will wait for the reactions to decide. The technical part is unique and reasonably tested. The Delphi + (free) GLScene VCL version is used by companies for more than 10 years. The only difference is that the rare 3D results visualization is not in the Unigui version. I am trying to create 3D components for Unigui based on GLscene. My concern is the “easy” login system. In my case, security is not an issue. The user need only to register an e-mail and create a password. I even removed the e-mail confirmation.  Let´s see how it will work. Without the help of this forum, it would not be possible to conclude.

Comments on errors and bugs are very welcome.

Thanks again to all and regards.              

  Sergio Feitoza Costa          The link https://www.cognitor.com.br/instructions.html

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