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StringGrid highlights top data row


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Here's an attached screen shot of my stringgrid. The first data row(under the column headers) is always highlighted no matter where I click on the grid.

Is this expected behavior?

Here is my StringGrid properties

    object UniStringGrid3: TUniStringGrid
      Left = 8
      Top = 144
      Width = 185
      Height = 105
      Hint = ''
      FixedCols = 0
      RowCount = 3
      ColCount = 3
      DefaultRowHeight = 18
      Options = [goVertLine, goHorzLine]
      ShowColumnTitles = True
      Columns = <
          Title.Caption = 'ol1'
          Title.Caption = 'col2'
          Title.Caption = 'col3'
      BorderStyle = ubsOutset
      TabOrder = 11





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Just use my properties that I included. Copy/Paste it into any form with any theme. Run it in IDE or as an IIS server dll. They all react the same way. That first data line is in a different color.


object UniStringGrid3: TUniStringGrid
      Left = 8
      Top = 144
      Width = 185
      Height = 105
      Hint = ''
      FixedCols = 0
      RowCount = 3
      ColCount = 3
      DefaultRowHeight = 18
      Options = [goVertLine, goHorzLine]
      ShowColumnTitles = True
      Columns = <
          Title.Caption = 'ol1'
          Title.Caption = 'col2'
          Title.Caption = 'col3'
      BorderStyle = ubsOutset
      TabOrder = 11

NOTE: I tried to look at the UniGUI demos and couldn't find any TuniStringGrid demo that had a grid with the first column NOT fixed.



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6 minutes ago, vbdavie said:

Just use my properties that I included. Copy/Paste it into any form with any theme. Run it in IDE or as an IIS server dll. They all react the same way. That first data line is in a different color.

Please make a simple testcase.

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No. Maybe I don't understand the diff between the unigui stringgrid and the VCL stringgrid.

With the VCL stringgrid, I can create a list of rows with data in them AND I can create a column header with column names. And when I scroll the list, the column names don't scroll(1 fixed row).

And when a row is NOT selected, the row will not have the selected color.

Is this possible with unigui string grid?


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  • 2 years later...

It may be an old topic now but I have the exact same problem. The first non-fixed row of my UNIStringGrid is  blue. Its always blue, no matter which row you select or which row your are focused on. Its such a dark blue that is difficult to read any text in that row. Its easy to reproduce.  Add a UNIStringGrid. Set rowcout to anything greater than 0. Run the application.   Look at the grid. 


This does not appear at design time , so it seems almost a theme issue. I have triton.modified as the theme but it happens with any theme,


Did anyone come to a solution?


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8 hours ago, peeryog said:

Its such a dark blue that is difficult to read any text in that row.

I wouldn't say so:



Also you can use this approach to change the font color:

procedure TMainForm.UniStringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
  var Value: string; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs);
  if ARow < (Sender as TUniStringGrid).FixedRows then
    Attribs.Font.Color := clWhite;



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