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rock solid multiple file uploader (files from 1 KB to 4GB)

Jean-Marc Kiener

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I need a rock solid file upload solution for uploading mostly bigger pdf,jpg and dwg files to the server. Mostly the files have a size of 2 MB to 40 MB. But there are also files until 4 GB.
I want do this with uniGUI Mobile, because the app should work on desktops and on tablets. On Desktop the app is shown in a small iframe (640pxx400px). The app should look exactly the same, desktop or tablet. User can either choose files from a file browser or drag and drop a couple of files to an area. the solution should handle filenames from OSX and windows and linux and different languages (special characters conversion).

Some basic questions:
- Does Drag and Drop work on uniGUI Mobile?
- Because there are sometimes more than 100 files to upload, i would prefer that only per example 5 files together parallel can be uploaded. (when a file is uploaded then the next file upload is started, but max. 5 at same time). Is this possible?

-  Does TunimFileUploader have these features?

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