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new server dual processor or single processor

Wilton Ergon

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I am renting a dedicated server only for unigui applications, I already have another server for the database.
I would like to know if it makes a difference to have a server with 2 processors in the server, if the applications created in unigui will make use of the 2 processors.
I use IIS with windows server 2016

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my server has 95 sites instantiated on iis, i have peaks of thousands of simultaneous users (adding all sites) (5000+ users) each site has access to its own sql server database, with the covid pandemic, this is increasing substantially , so we are hiring a new server dedicated only to unigui.
in a scenario like this compiling the project in 64 bits, is there any improvement in performance?

We are using hyperserver on some of these sites (the ones with the most access)

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While waiting for ServerFarm, you can use pooling technic. This inhance drastically the connexion ressources and time.

For Pooling, each DBAware has its setting, here is an example for IBDAC (Devart) / FireBird :

function TUniMainModule.fct_Connexion_Pool(DB_Path:string; var error:boolean):TIBCConnection;

  Result := TIBCConnection.Create(nil);
  Result.ConnectString:='Port=3050; User ID=sysdba; Password=masterkey; Use Unicode=True; Login Prompt=False';
  Result.AutoCommit := False;
  Result.ClientLibrary:=WindowsNewDirectory.GetProgramFilesDir  + '\FireBird\FireBird_3_0\fbclient.dll';

//2. Pooling Technic
  Result.PoolingOptions.ConnectionLifetime:=10000;  //ms

  Result.Options.EnableMemos         :=False;
  Result.Options.EnableFMTBCD        :=True;
  Result.Options.UseUnicode          :=True;
  Result.Options.Charset             :='UTF8';
  Result.Options.KeepDesignConnected :=False;


     on E: Exception do
      showMessage('Problem DB : ' + E.Message);



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1 hour ago, Abaksoft said:


Enquanto aguarda o ServerFarm , você pode usar a técnica de pool . Isso inverte drasticamente os recursos e o tempo de conexão.

Para Pooling, cada DBAware tem sua configuração. Aqui está um exemplo para IBDAC (Devart) / FireBird :






Can you do that with firedac?

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10 horas atrás, wilton_rad disse:

meu servidor possui 95 sites instalados no iis, tenho milhares de usuários simultâneos (adicionando todos os sites) (mais de 5000 usuários) cada site tem acesso ao seu próprio banco de dados sql server, com uma pandemia oculta, isso é substancialmente , então está contratando um novo servidor dedicado apenas ao único.
em um cenário como esse, compilando o projeto em 64 bits, há alguma melhoria no desempenho?

Estamos usando o hiperserver em alguns desses sites (aqueles com mais acesso)


Muitas personalizações podem ser feitas no nível do sistema operacional para obter melhor desempenho. Considere também a versão do Windows Server Datacenter, If you have a lot of procs Cores. What is the hardware; Processor, Mem and SSD?


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