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Como resolver esse problema do painel?


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11 minutes ago, Sherzod said:


Desculpe pela resposta tardia. 

Você está usando um layout de ajuste. Talvez você precise usar outro layout ...

I already tried to use some layouts but I was unsuccessful. Do you have any idea what it could be? I do not understand much of these layouts there I do not know how to adjust.

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1 hour ago, eduardosuruagy said:

Is my subscription still entitled to support?


First of all, we try to assist you in resolving any issues!


But please also read the license.txt:

4. Support

You will be assisted in installation process to fix your issues regarding installation. This products grants one year of subscription to all minor and major updates including new versions. Your subscription will start at time of purchase and will end one year later unless you renew your subscription. You will not receive any extra support options as a part of this subscription.

You can report bugs, ask for new features, post questions and request support in our support forums. There is no warranty that your question will be answered, your requested feature will be implemented, your support request will be answered and/or your reported bugs will be fixed. FMSoft Inc. will try to prioritize bugs and fix them in upcoming releases. FMSoft Inc. does not warranty that all bugs or any specific bug will be fixed.


Best regards.


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26 minutes ago, Sherzod said:


Primeiro, tentamos ajudá-lo a resolver qualquer problema!


Mas leia também o license.txt:

4. Suporte

Você será auxiliado no processo de instalação para corrigir seus problemas relacionados à instalação. Este produto concede um ano de assinatura a todas as atualizações principais e secundárias, incluindo novas versões. Sua assinatura começará no momento da compra e terminará um ano depois, a menos que você renove sua assinatura. Você não receberá nenhuma opção de suporte extra como parte desta assinatura .

Você pode relatar erros, solicitar novos recursos, postar perguntas e solicitar suporte em nossos fóruns de suporte. Não há garantia de que a sua pergunta seja respondida, o recurso solicitado será implementado, o seu pedido de suporte será respondido e / ou os bugs relatados serão corrigidos. A FMSoft Inc. tentará priorizar os bugs e corrigi-los nas próximas versões. A FMSoft Inc. não garante que todos os erros ou qualquer erro específico sejam corrigidos.




I understand, but since I have no guarantee that I will get support, at least there should be a more elaborate manual showing what each option does, so I think we need support.

Unigui is wonderful and I already use it from the first version, but we have to use several different pascoal codes to be able to adjust or correct the errors that appear and those codes unfortunately you know.

Several features we can only do through the codes made by the support so we seek here in the forum a help. I see the Brazilian community complaining a lot about it.

I'll be content with what I really have.

Thank you!

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5 minutes ago, Sherzod said:

Como eu disse acima, tentamos ajudá-lo a resolver quaisquer problemas!

Para o seu caso, e se você usar o layout de acordeão, por exemplo !?

I understand and know that supporting several people is not easy, because I have clients and I know the difficulty, but thank you very much for your support !!

I can use any layout, just need to know if it can look the way I asked. I'll test him and let you know later.

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31 minutes ago, eduardosuruagy said:

I already tried to use "Accordion Layout", but as there are many panels on the screen it does not show all.


Can you try to use this approach?

1. UniContainerPanel1.Layout = vbox

2. UniContainerPanel1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents ->

function afterrender(sender, eOpts) 
    sender.getEl().setStyle('overflow-x', 'hidden');

    sender.items.items.forEach(function(item) {
        item.on('expand', function() {
            var newHeight = item.getHeader().getHeight() + item.getHeight();
            if (!item.getMaxHeight()) {
            item.setHeight(item.getHeader().getHeight() + item.getHeight())


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