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PivotGrid Dynamic Column for Percent calculation


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Hello, I am setting up an analysis with PivotGrid, but I have extremely important data that I need to show in detail according to each grouping.
For example .... following the pivotgrid2 demo I want to create a% column where the none, nuse and tse grouping calculates the percentage over the total value and when I open the none grouping that details the values by rank I need to calculate the percentage of each rank over the total of none

the first image is based on pivotgrid2, the second image is exactly my need, i will have other columns than the similar calculations ....

how do I do ?

Another important point, I can't narrow down the font.



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Ok, I will try to exemplify with a spreadsheet
What I need is somehow dynamically calculating the% of each information according to its total and the total according to the other grouping, for example;

The percentage of each purchasing group is calculated on the sum total of the purchasing groups, the percentage of the total purchasing group is calculated on the section total and the percentage of the section is calculated on the department total and the total of the department is calculated on the grand total, so I need it to be dynamic ...




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  • 2 months later...

Good night, I know you are very busy, but I need help, because I have a demand that I am not able to meet with the unigui, which for me is very bad since I am not able to do it and the client is requesting this result urgently .
I really need somehow to be able to show a more dynamic result, to be able to manipulate a pivotgrid from devexpress, I don't care about dragging a column, my need is to show the results, to have a percentage column, however when opening a certain level the calculation of these results has to be different, I tried to use treegrid with several selects with union creating a totalizer, but the fact that the information doesn’t stay right in the detail line, being necessary to open the level is not usually good because it has a lot of information.
I would like help with this solution, please!

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  • 9 months later...

vou responder em br, pq vc e meu vizinho.

o pivot grid ate poderia fazer isso, mas esbarra ainda na limitação que nao vai deixar seu usuário mexer nas colunas, pensando nisso, entao porque usar o pivotgrid.

pq vc so não gera um relatório para seu cliente com os agrupamentos e valores calculados.

fazer isso no relatório e bem tranquilo, agora fazer a grade pivô fazer esses cálculos e mais complexo. pode ate existir um meio, mas vai ter que mexer em muito codigo js.

o que importa e o resultado e nao a ferramenta usada ..

eu faria isso como um relatorio no report builder ou qualquer outra ferramenta de relatórios que vc use.

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Oops, I will answer in English not to change this topic to the br rs, of course there will be several needs, but so far, all the reports I need to do with this type of calculation, I will not have the need to make it dynamic, not least because if there is a way to do this in the pivotgrid, it would be easy to create a way for the user to choose a form and then assemble it, an example is to use the pivot in a report where the user selects which columns he wants to see.

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