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How to know the position relative to the form ?


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Please how can I know the position of a button created dinamicaly inside a panel, that is inside other panel, and scrollbox,  all of them created dinamicaly ? I need to open an options form closer to the button, so I think that i need the x,y position of the form, because the left and right position of the button is relative to the panel, that is inside a scroll box so i can not calculate the position based in summing the position of the parent components...

If its not possible i will create in the center... not so profissional... but will work..

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None..., but there is no other way to create a similar funcionality of the site monday.com, i'm almost there... but for some interface things i dont know how to do it...  as you can see in the image i can not use unidbgrid becase the kind of components that can compose a pulse are variable project by project, and board by board. So, for example the user will click on the panel red status and i whant to present the possible status 'near' this panel... just this. each line is a panel with componets created dinamicaly .

and why not pay monday.com, because it will not integrate with out industrial cost system and production system, (ERP).


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4 hours ago, FFREDIANELLI said:

Please how can I know the position of a button created dinamicaly inside a panel, that is inside other panel, and scrollbox,  all of them created dinamicaly ? I need to open an options form closer to the button, so I think that i need the x,y position of the form, because the left and right position of the button is relative to the panel, that is inside a scroll box so i can not calculate the position based in summing the position of the parent components...

If its not possible i will create in the center... not so profissional... but will work..


Can you explain in more details what you wanted to implement?

Make a simple testcase for this if possible

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37 minutes ago, FFREDIANELLI said:

Here is the testcase Sherzod, thanks for any help.

You can try something like this:

foptions -> Position -> poDefault

procedure pAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings);

procedure TMainForm.pAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string;
  Params: TUniStrings);
  p: TUniPanel;
  x, y: Integer;
  if EventName = '_mousedown' then
    x := Params.Values['x'].ToInteger();
    y := Params.Values['y'].ToInteger();

    p := findcomponent((Sender as TComponent).Name) as TUniPanel;
    foptions.unilabel2.Caption := p.Caption;
    foptions.Top := y;
    foptions.Left := x;

procedure TMainForm.UniPanel1Click(Sender: TObject);
  i: integer;
  for i := 1 to 25 do
    pStatus := TUniPanel.Create(MainForm);
    with pStatus do
      Name := 'Option_' + inttostr(i);
      caption := name;
      Parent := sb;
      Top := i * 41;
      Height := 40;
      align := altop;
      color := RGB(Random(255), Random(255), Random(255));
      //onclick := pstatusClick;
      OnAjaxEvent := pAjaxEvent;
      ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['mousedown'] := 'function mousedown(sender, x, y, eOpts){ajaxRequest(sender, "_mousedown", ["x="+parseInt(x+sender.getX()), "y="+parseInt(y+sender.getY())])}';


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