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There is nothing worst than lazy people using your program and keeping it open taking resources (DB access, memory, CPU time) and not paying homage to your wonderful work , hey ?
They just leave there paying no attention whatsoever !!! I hate those lazy Btds people !

So, what about a solution to detect idle UI time at browser's side  and alerts the user showing the real time left to close the session ?
"No problemo, I got you back boy !!!"

Seriously, when you have 50-100 concurrent sessions and not planning to expand to Hyper Server, it may cripple yours application performance very deeply and quickly. That's no joke for real  developers ! So, kick out the lazy ones doing nothing !


This project is based in the code above and I made some tweaks to work properly
and warn the user to put, that lazy bstd, to work again or leave that
marvelous piece of code of yours alone.

I found a better code some days latter but it don't seams to make any big difference to the JS Snippet used here. I'm planning to a latter update in the users area of unigui.com.br. For now it's what I got working and tested.

1- Put the MainForm Script in your project.
2- In MainForm OnAjaxRequest past the code provided here. Change the messages and other details.
3- As you can see, there are two Events: one to trigger at a 1 minute idle time  (_idle_timeout = no mouse ou keyboard activities) and starts to show the time remaining based in uniServerModule.SessionTimeout,  to TimeOut, of course  !. And teh other to show the busy mode  (_busy).

So when the session expires, at least you warned the user before and have a trigger point  to save data and close any pending task. You can also flag "work mode" and and "idle mode" showing proper remaining session time.

Have fun... and have a good one.


Here is a second JS Code Snippet that works better and I will replace later. Stay tuned ! (or clicking...)

var IDLE_TIMEOUT = 60; //seconds
var _localStorageKey = 'global_countdown_last_reset_timestamp';
var _idleSecondsTimer = null;
var _lastResetTimeStamp = (new Date()).getTime();
var _localStorage = null;

AttachEvent(document, 'click', ResetTime);
AttachEvent(document, 'mousemove', ResetTime);
AttachEvent(document, 'keypress', ResetTime);
AttachEvent(window, 'load', ResetTime);

try {
    _localStorage = window.localStorage;
catch (ex) {

_idleSecondsTimer = window.setInterval(CheckIdleTime, 1000);

function GetLastResetTimeStamp() {
    var lastResetTimeStamp = 0;
    if (_localStorage) {
        lastResetTimeStamp = parseInt(_localStorage[_localStorageKey], 10);
        if (isNaN(lastResetTimeStamp) || lastResetTimeStamp < 0)
            lastResetTimeStamp = (new Date()).getTime();
    } else {
        lastResetTimeStamp = _lastResetTimeStamp;

    return lastResetTimeStamp;

function SetLastResetTimeStamp(timeStamp) {
    if (_localStorage) {
        _localStorage[_localStorageKey] = timeStamp;
    } else {
        _lastResetTimeStamp = timeStamp;

function ResetTime() {
    SetLastResetTimeStamp((new Date()).getTime());

function AttachEvent(element, eventName, eventHandler) {
    if (element.addEventListener) {
        element.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false);
        return true;
    } else if (element.attachEvent) {
        element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, eventHandler);
        return true;
    } else {
        //nothing to do, browser too old or non standard anyway
        return false;

function WriteProgress(msg) {
    var oPanel = document.getElementById("SecondsUntilExpire");
    if (oPanel)
         oPanel.innerHTML = msg;
    else if (console)

function CheckIdleTime() {
    var currentTimeStamp = (new Date()).getTime();
    var lastResetTimeStamp = GetLastResetTimeStamp();
    var secondsDiff = Math.floor((currentTimeStamp - lastResetTimeStamp) / 1000);
    if (secondsDiff <= 0) {
        secondsDiff = 0;
    WriteProgress((IDLE_TIMEOUT - secondsDiff) + "");
    if (secondsDiff >= IDLE_TIMEOUT) {
        alert("Time expired!");
        document.location.href = "logout.html";




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