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Disabling automatic component creation


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Is it possible to prevent certain components to be created automatically?

I have fairly large forms (ie. they have lot of components) and they are too slow to load because of that. It would be great if, for example, I could prevent certain panels and their children not being created automatically when the form opens but instead create them by myself when they are actually needed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Yes I could but that would be very cumbersome task as each panel I would have to create dynamically contains many components (anywhere from 2-3 to 20-30). That's why creating each component dynamically isn't viable option. However, if I can only create parent panel containing all of those components, that would solve my problem.

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29 minutes ago, mika said:

Yes I could but that would be very cumbersome task as each panel I would have to create dynamically contains many components (anywhere from 2-3 to 20-30). That's why creating each component dynamically isn't viable option. However, if I can only create parent panel containing all of those components, that would solve my problem.

Maybe you should use a frame or a form that will contain all the components and create dynamically (frame, form)

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BTW, mika you can use GEpxperts:


it could automatically convert (selected) components into the code:

  UniListBox1: TUniListBox;

  UniListBox1 := TUniListBox.Create(Self);

  UniListBox1.Name := 'UniListBox1';
  UniListBox1.Parent := UniGroupBox1;
  UniListBox1.Left := 8;
  UniListBox1.Top := 17;
  UniListBox1.Width := 305;
  UniListBox1.Height := 84;
  UniListBox1.Hint := '';
  UniListBox1.TabOrder := 1;
  UniListBox1.MultiSelect := True;


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