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News :cool:


  • Added support for multiple Upload components on the same screen in TUniFSMultiUpload;
  • Added support for filtering file types for upload in TUniFSMultiUpload;
  • Added new property Icon (Icon default, Icon Sending, Icon Spin) in TUniFSMultiUpload;
  • Fixed alignment bug, and responsiveness in TUniFSMultiUpload;
  • Added new properties to change tooltip texts in TUniFSEdit;
  • Fixed bug when viewing the password when there are many edit components on the screen in TUniFSEdit;
  • Fixed signature clear method in TUniFSSignature;
  • Optimized QRCode generation in TUniFSPix;

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On 9/14/2022 at 6:22 PM, Sherzod said:

I've added such code to the TUniFileUploadButton and TUniFSMultiUpload and nothing is changed. The TUniFileUploadButton does show error after folder (even single) dropped. The TUniFSMultiUpload does show progress and nothing is happen.

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Please add a 'SelectOnFocus' property to your various edits. The base TUniEdit components have it.

It was easy to add with the code like  below:




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5 hours ago, Stemon63 said:

Any news on advanced dblookupcombo with incremental search (on valid values) and grids in popups?
With a local store management, other that remote data, is a great step.
If you have those advanced components I buy your pack 🙂


Thanks my friend for your interest.

I'm currently finishing some tests with it before going into production.

It took me longer than expected because along the way there were some critical bugs in other components that I had to fix before.
We are accelerating on new components and improvements to current components. 🤜🤛

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On 10/7/2022 at 4:21 PM, Marlon Nardi said:

Thanks my friend for your interest.

I'm currently finishing some tests with it before going into production.

It took me longer than expected because along the way there were some critical bugs in other components that I had to fix before.
We are accelerating on new components and improvements to current components. 🤜🤛

Please consider another step: it must works correctly  also in DBGRIDS!!! 😉

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/12/2022 at 10:01 AM, pro_imaj said:

@Marlon Nardi


I'm not sure this is the exact place of the question, so I apologize for that.

When I send decimal value to UniFSKendoUI object, I get the following error. What is the way to fix this?

Error message: 512.86 is not a valid BCD value.

Hi @pro_imaj

I was unable to reproduce this problem with UniFSKendoUI version

Can you send me a simple example project? and check this problem for you.

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1 hour ago, Marlon Nardi said:

Hi @pro_imaj

I was unable to reproduce this problem with UniFSKendoUI version

Can you send me a simple example project? and check this problem for you.

Thank you very much for your attention, I discovered that the problem is in the database structure. This error occurs when decimal in MSSQL. It gets fixed when you make the field type float. This is very interesting.

Since there is a database problem, I cannot send it directly, but this is how I solved the problem for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

News :cool:


  • Fixed QrCode generation on IOS (Safari) in TUniFSQrCode;
  • Optimized PIX generation in TUniFSPix;
  • Fixed sending video files in TUniFSMultiUpload;
  • Fixed signature clear method (Clear to ClearSignature) in TUniFSSignature;



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News :cool:


  • Added new project sample Kriging Map in TUniFSMap;



kriging.js is a Javascript library providing spatial prediction and mapping capabilities via the ordinary kriging algorithm.

Kriging is a type of gaussian process where 2-dimensional coordinates are mapped to some target variable using kernel regression. This algorithm has been specifically designed to accurately model smaller data sets by assigning a prior to the variogram parameters.

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  • 1 month later...

Novidades :cool: [Atenção Brasileiros] [Post focused on Brazil]

Componente de integração com a API do Asaas em Delphi

Link  para ganhar R$ 50,00 de bônus (https://www.asaas.com/r/fb/7JIJZ9BL)
Diversas melhorias efetuadas no componente de Integração de Pagamentos compátivel com uniGUI:
  • Suporte agora para Editar Assinatura (Forma de Pagamento);
  • Suporte agora para visualizar o PDF do Boleto;
  • Suporte para geração de Carnês;

Lembrando que o componente já possui as seguintes funcionalidades:

• Checkout Transparente - Pagamento por Cartão de Crédito e Debito;
• Geração de QrCode PIX com consulta de status de pagamento e diversas outras informações;
• Geração de Boleto com consulta de status de pagamento;
• Geração de cobranças por Pix;
• Geração de cobranças por Boleto;
• Geração de cobranças por Cartão de Crédito;
• Criação de Assinaturas - Utilizado para cobrar de forma recorrente seus clientes;
• Criação de Clientes e Manutenção;
• Com suporte ao ambiente de Sandbox;
• Com Instalador automático do componente;
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

News :cool:


  • New barcode reader component, qrcode among other formats TUniFSQrCodeScanner;
  • Performance improvements in image generation with kriging in TUniFSMap;

Project Mobile Sample: https://appscan.falconsistemas.com.br/




Formats Supported:


For support send e-mail for: suporte@falconsistemas.com.br

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/22/2019 at 8:36 PM, Marlon Nardi said:

Hi Donald

Thank you, for questions and support you can send email to suporte@falconsistemas.com.br

If I understood your question, all my systems use secure connection.
If you are referring to my CDN TLS you can change it, it is not mandatory.

UniFSCommon.pas -> comment out the directive {$ DEFINE CDN_FALCON}


When you comment on the {$ DEFINE CDN_FALCON} directive, the components stop fetching the JS and CSS files from the CDN  and seek in fetch the JS and CSS files from the local uniGui installation folder, ie the falcon folder should be located of the uniGUI installation folder, both on the server and on your local machine.

the falcon folder is inside the UniFalcon folder.


Quando você comenta sobre a diretiva {$ DEFINE CDN_FALCON}, os componentes param de buscar os arquivos JS e CSS do CDN e buscam os arquivos JS e CSS da pasta local uniGui, ou seja, a pasta falcon deve estar localizada na pasta de instalação uniGUI. , tanto no servidor como na sua máquina local.

a pasta falcon está dentro da pasta UniFalcon.


I cant Change CDN and my program stop with error



  CDN = 'files/falcon/';
//  CDN = 'https://cdn.falconsistemas.com.br/';

  CDN = '';


  if StrToFloat(Copy(StringReplace(UNI_CURRENT_EXTJS_VERSION,'.','',[rfReplaceAll]),0,3)) < 700 then
    UniAddCSSLibrary('https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.15.4/css/all.css', True, [upoFolderUni, upoPlatformBoth]);



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