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Data cursor moving to first row by itself


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I am having this specific problem when trying to remove a row of data from an open cursor. When using this type of syntax attached to a button:

MessageDlg('Are you sure you want to delete this record? ', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, RemoveDocCallback); 

Then running a callback procedure like this with no code or code in it, the data cursor moves to the 1st row of data by itself.

procedure TfrmViewUploads.RemoveDocCallback(Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer);


Let's say there are 3 rows of data in a uniDBGrid shown and I select the 2nd row, then click a button that asks a MessageDlg like above. When Yes is selected, the cursor will move to the 1st row of data by itself. I am using FireDac and connecting to a MSSQL database and pulling data into the cursor via a stored procedure call. If anyone can duplicate this or tell me what I an doing wrong, that would be great. 


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A quick update.  I think this has something to do with the callback to the window I have the data in. If I simply drag the window a little in either direction, the cursor is refreshed and pointed to the 1st row. I know it's something I do not understand with a window refreshing while there is an open data set in a grid. 

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It does not matter how many rows there are. In my own stupidity, I found the issue. On the form OnActivate event I called a procedure that opens the data set.  When a form is simply dragged in any direction, it fires off the OnActivate event. Originally I thought it was something to do with the call back, but it really has to do with the form refreshing. I moved the procedure that opens the data set to the OnSHow event and all is well.

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