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  1. I use this procedure to create a runtime form with HTMLFrame procedure TDMT.ShowListStart(TTl: STring); Var F : TUniForm; RollingStone : TUniHTMLFrame; Begin F := TUniForm(UniApplication.FindComponent('MyShowListName')); if Assigned(F) then FreeAndNil(F); F := TUniForm.Create(UniApplication); With F Do Begin // Parent:=MainForm; AlignmentControl:=uniAlignmentServer; ClientHeight := 512 ; ClientWidth := 1248; OldCreateOrder := False ; Width:=Round(Screen.Width/4); Height:=Round(Screen.Height/2); Left:=Screen.Width-Round(Screen.Width/8); Top:=Screen.Height-Round(Screen.Height/4); Position:=poScreenCenter; BorderStyle:=bsSingle; BorderIcons:=[biMaximize,biSystemMenu]; Name:='MyShowListName'; KeyPreview:=True; Rtl:=False; Caption:=''; CaptionAlign:=taCenter; FormStyle:=fsStayOnTop; OnKeyDown:= KeyDownConfig; Caption:=TTl; FreeOnClose:=True; End; RollingStone:=TUniHTMLFrame.Create(F); With RollingStone Do Begin Parent:=F; AlignWithMargins := True; RTL := True; Align:=alClient; AutoScroll := True; Name:='MyShowListRollingStoneName'; end; End; And I use the normal form buttons to close it. This form closes without issue when called on a frame But if it is called while working on a form, the regular close button cannot close the form The form is designed as a server side How can I solve this problem?
  2. uniGUI DOES SESSION TIMEOUT PROPERLY There is nothing worst than lazy people using your program and keeping it open taking resources (DB access, memory, CPU time) and not paying homage to your wonderful work , hey ? They just leave there paying no attention whatsoever !!! I hate those lazy Btds people ! So, what about a solution to detect idle UI time at browser's side and alerts the user showing the real time left to close the session ? "No problemo, I got you back boy !!!" Seriously, when you have 50-100 concurrent sessions and not planning to expand to Hyper Server, it may cripple yours application performance very deeply and quickly. That's no joke for real developers ! So, kick out the lazy ones doing nothing ! Solution https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13246378/detecting-user-inactivity-over-a-browser-purely-through-javascript This project is based in the code above and I made some tweaks to work properly and warn the user to put, that lazy bstd, to work again or leave that marvelous piece of code of yours alone. I found a better code some days latter but it don't seams to make any big difference to the JS Snippet used here. I'm planning to a latter update in the users area of unigui.com.br. For now it's what I got working and tested. Instructions 1- Put the MainForm Script in your project. 2- In MainForm OnAjaxRequest past the code provided here. Change the messages and other details. 3- As you can see, there are two Events: one to trigger at a 1 minute idle time (_idle_timeout = no mouse ou keyboard activities) and starts to show the time remaining based in uniServerModule.SessionTimeout, to TimeOut, of course !. And teh other to show the busy mode (_busy). So when the session expires, at least you warned the user before and have a trigger point to save data and close any pending task. You can also flag "work mode" and and "idle mode" showing proper remaining session time. Have fun... and have a good one. Here is a second JS Code Snippet that works better and I will replace later. Stay tuned ! (or clicking...) var IDLE_TIMEOUT = 60; //seconds var _localStorageKey = 'global_countdown_last_reset_timestamp'; var _idleSecondsTimer = null; var _lastResetTimeStamp = (new Date()).getTime(); var _localStorage = null; AttachEvent(document, 'click', ResetTime); AttachEvent(document, 'mousemove', ResetTime); AttachEvent(document, 'keypress', ResetTime); AttachEvent(window, 'load', ResetTime); try { _localStorage = window.localStorage; } catch (ex) { } _idleSecondsTimer = window.setInterval(CheckIdleTime, 1000); function GetLastResetTimeStamp() { var lastResetTimeStamp = 0; if (_localStorage) { lastResetTimeStamp = parseInt(_localStorage[_localStorageKey], 10); if (isNaN(lastResetTimeStamp) || lastResetTimeStamp < 0) lastResetTimeStamp = (new Date()).getTime(); } else { lastResetTimeStamp = _lastResetTimeStamp; } return lastResetTimeStamp; } function SetLastResetTimeStamp(timeStamp) { if (_localStorage) { _localStorage[_localStorageKey] = timeStamp; } else { _lastResetTimeStamp = timeStamp; } } function ResetTime() { SetLastResetTimeStamp((new Date()).getTime()); } function AttachEvent(element, eventName, eventHandler) { if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false); return true; } else if (element.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent('on' + eventName, eventHandler); return true; } else { //nothing to do, browser too old or non standard anyway return false; } } function WriteProgress(msg) { var oPanel = document.getElementById("SecondsUntilExpire"); if (oPanel) oPanel.innerHTML = msg; else if (console) console.log(msg); } function CheckIdleTime() { var currentTimeStamp = (new Date()).getTime(); var lastResetTimeStamp = GetLastResetTimeStamp(); var secondsDiff = Math.floor((currentTimeStamp - lastResetTimeStamp) / 1000); if (secondsDiff <= 0) { ResetTime(); secondsDiff = 0; } WriteProgress((IDLE_TIMEOUT - secondsDiff) + ""); if (secondsDiff >= IDLE_TIMEOUT) { window.clearInterval(_idleSecondsTimer); ResetTime(); alert("Time expired!"); document.location.href = "logout.html"; } } uniGUI DOES SESSION TIMEOUT PROPERLY.rar
  3. How do I create a button to close a frame on a PageControl? thanks.
  4. Hello, I recently notices that I'm getting blank white page after dialog is closed. In my application on MainForm I have DBGrid and when double click is performed detail form is shown. After I click close button on this detail form I get white blank page. It seems that behind the whiteness there are all controls from MainForm, but they aren't visible. Attachments: On start there is MainForm (MainForm.png) Double click on the record opens details dialog (DetailsDialog.png) When Close button on details dialog is clicked, I get whiteness (BlankWhite.png) Because this started recently I suspected that some IE patch made this. I found out that this blank white page only apper on Windows 7, witch has IE 11 with KB3197655 patch installed (seen in Windows 7 - IE11.png). I followed this patch on MS website (https://support.microsoft.con/en-us/kb/3197655). There is this drawElements (KB3203729) that they fixed witch I think is a change that causes me problems. On other IE Works just fine, but this combination seems to cause me problem. Blank white page sometimes disaper by it self and show MainForm and sometimes don't. I found that that if I resize IE when there is a white blank page, it dissaper and MainForm is shown. Please help. Best regards!
  5. I observed that if I click on the close of the browser, the uniGUI does not end the session. The session ends when it exceeds the timeout it. Has anyone had this experience?
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