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  1. Hi everyone, In response to a request from a member I have put together a simple little project to help him/her get going with using Bootstrap with uniGui. I am re-posting it here with the hope that it might help others who are interested in the topic and don't know how to get going. I have called the project uniGui-Bootstrap Starter Project and provided a link below. It addresses issues like: - What you need to use Bootstrap - How to populate a Bootstrap page with uniGui data (e.g. table records). - How to handle Bootstrap page mouse-clicks. The project uses only one uniGui component, the uniURLFrame. Everything else is done in HTML + jQuery + CSS. I have inserted a bit of in-line documentation in main.pas and in both the HTML and Javascript files to help web-application newbies. I put this together in a very short time so apologize for any bugs or things I have overlooked. I personally think a lot of magic is possible with uniGui + Bootstrap, e.g. it is so simple to build applications that would work equally well on any device (with some caveats). I would welcome some feedback, e.g. how many members think we should have a new Browse Section call Bootstrap? Enjoy. Bootstrap-uniGui StarterProject.zip
  2. Good afternoon. I'm calling a page from a pdf editor inside the URLFrame. Is it possible that I pass the command to close UniForm after OK via ajaxevent?
  3. I am testing something in scene of dynamic create Frame/Form . As a rule, in one From or Form , we can call jscode ajaxRequest(sender,"method",[{Params}] ); , and respond to delphi procedure AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); . sender ==> Ext.getCmp("id"), id ==> sender.id (jscode) . id of Frame ==> frame.FormRegion.JsId; (pascalcode) . if we pass id of target Frame to source Form , then we can call target frame's method by begin self.unisession.addjs('ajaxRequest(Ext.getCmp("id"),"Method",[{params}])'); end; in source Form . same thing with Frame and Frame. id of Form ,I can't get , (but we have form.show(callbackproc) and form.showmodal(callbackproc) ). So, how to get the JsId of a UniForm ?
  4. HI... Having problem on firing ajaxRequest back to form OnAjaxEvent or uniURLFrame OnAjaxEvent. It seams to have some interference with the JS library since I have a very similar code and works all right but using uniHTMLFrame. Problem is that uniHTMLFrame there is no way I can start the lib to run and open device. Have tried MainForm.htmlcam, MainForm.form, MainForm.windows etc... changed params name whatever, afterscript, external js file, loadlibrary ... Any ideas ? BarCodeScanner.rar
  5. Hello! first topic in here, I'm an IT guy on a small business and I have the need to build up a Intranet for our ~10 man team to communicate and load some data from our ERP software, so I'm testing some options, unigui is one of them because Unigui and delphi seems to be extremly productive in comparison to asp.net / php frameworks So let's cut the crap, I've download downloaded the trial and did some homework, here's some of my doubts by now: 1st: I pretend to use Unigui with the UniPageControl/Frames to do some tabs inside the page but some of the frames like let's say "InvoiceDetail" I'll need to open one two or more instances at once, one for each different Invoice. for that test I did this way: procedure NewTab(AFrame : TFrame;ATitle:string;Aid:integer); ... //creation of the TabSheet and other stuffs FCurrentFrame:= TUniFrameClass(AFrame).Create(Self); with FCurrentFrame do begin Name := Name+IntToStr(Aid); Tag := ATag; Align := alClient; Parent := TabSheet; end; end; I Create the FRAME and then I renamed it because I CAN'T have two frames with the same name, so, to overcome this issue I inserted the Invoice ID on the end of the InvoiceDetail, now InvoiceDetail became InvoiceDetail400 InvoiceDetail500 InvoiceDetailN and so on... The problem is that those Frames will need some ajaxRequest to be sent to the sever and on the client side on JS I can't find the correct name of the Frame to send like ajaxRequest(InvoiceDetail400,'EventName',[params]); how do I retrieve the correct frame name? 2nd: I already bought the FontAwesome 5 and it seems that uniGUI uses the free by default. Is there a way to remove the embbeded FA Free so the page won't load this two css's files? (5.0 and 4.7 free). I don't like this kind of mess and waste of resources. 3rd: Is there a complete documentation? (Example: I don't understand, what is UniHTMLFrame.AfterScript , when it runs? after the page is loaded? Is there a documentation about that?) Regards, Frega W.
  6. Hello community! Unfortunately this is in Portuguese, but I would like to share with you a quick way to use Bootstrap in uniGUI. Bootstrap.rar
  7. Hi, Q1, I have a problem on ajax events that I can't find any source to resolve the problem. I use DevExtreme grid/pivotGrid (for column filter checkbox with data...) in uniHTMLFrame, with ajaxRequest, I need to load data in JSON format. I can see the XHR data is sent to browser correctly from chromeDeveloperTools, however when I look at result from console, i see only result = "true" and no data displayed in grid. if I use JSON String directly, no problem... I tried many way to handle the respone but i couldn't handle... Q2, if I use uniHTMLFrame in a Modal Form, devexpress filter column popup appears on mainForm, popup goes out from htmlFrame, I couldn't find any solution without putting uniHTMLFrame in to main form. What am I doing wrong, thanks. <div class="demo-container"> <div id="gridContainer"></div> </div> <script> $(function(){ var GetCustomers = function(e) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); result=ajaxRequest(MainForm.UniHTMLFrame1,e,[]); <!-- result=[{"ID":1,"CompanyName":"Premier Buy"}] THIS IS OK--> console.log(result); deferred.resolve(result); return deferred.promise(); } $("#gridContainer").dxDataGrid({ dataSource: GetCustomers('load'), columns: ["ID","CompanyName"] }).dxDataGrid("instance"); }); </script> procedure TMainForm.UniHTMLFrame1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); var s:string; begin if EventName = 'load' then begin s:='['+ '{"ID":1,"CompanyName":"Premier Buy"},'+ '{"ID":2,"CompanyName":"ElectrixMax"},'+ '{"ID":3,"CompanyName":"Video Emporium"}+ ']'; //unisession.JSONDirect(s); //unisession.Response := s; unisession.SendResponse(s,true); end; end; Platform: Delphi Tokyo, uniGui (licensed)
  8. Hi to all My case is very simple. I have runtime filled TUniHTMLMemo ( it is the same with DBHTMLMemo with text replacement inside OnGetText on DataSet Object) in some cases in this HTML I need to create button(s) that will execute ajaxRequest back to server. But IE and other browsers report with error like "ajaxRequest is NOT defined" I tested same code with simple onclick="alert('bla-bla');" and it work fine. What is necessary to be done to be possible standard UniGUI ajaxRequest call to be executed Thanks Kamen
  9. Hi, I cannot figure out how to fire the OnAjaxEvent from JS-code within the loaded page. ajaxRequest can be called with "parent.ajaxRequest", but I cannot determine the first parameter "sender" I tried: - parent.ajaxRequest(this, "ClickEvent", [ "param0=a", "param1=b" ]); - parent.ajaxRequest(O3C, "ClickEvent", [ "param0=a", "param1=b" ]); // where "O3C" is the JS-name of the UniURLFrame (added via code on startup) - tried to get a reference to the UniURLFrame-control with: - var x = parent.getElementById("O3C"); // x is null - var x = parent.getElementById("O3C_id"); // x is null nothing works. Can anybody help please? best regards steve
  10. Hello, I want to send the width of the form having AlignmentControl=uniAlignmentClient to the server but always receive various javascript errors. How to create a proper ajaxRequest? One of my bad tries: function window.destroy(sender, eOpts) { ajaxRequest(sender, 'WindowWidth', ['Width='+window.getWidth()] ); }
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