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Hi In UniDbGrid ,columns don't get CustomConstraint. I Create UniDbGrid in Runtime and set fields,But UniDbGrid columns don't have CustomConstraint that Field in dataset has. I write below code For i := Columns.Count - 1 DownTo 0 do Columns[i].Field.CustomConstraint:=ASource.DataSet.Fields[i].CustomConstraint; But Show below Error First chance exception at $0040BF8A. Exception class $C0000005 with message 'access violation at 0x0040bf8a: write of address 0x00000094'. Process P.exe (5616) Best Regards.
Hi Farshad. What is DefaultFloatFormat in UniDBGrid WebOptions and how to use? Thanks...
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Create A fresh uniGUI project by the uniGUI wizard. Place 3 Components: FDMemTable1, DataSource1 and UniDBGrid1 and this code: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FDMemTable1.LoadFromFile('dataset.fds', sfBinary); // Create youself, 100 records with 30 columns of random data DataSource1.DataSet := FDMemTable1; UniDBGrid1.DataSource := DataSource1; end; Run the project. Press the DBGrid page forward, page backward, enter a page no. click a cell, repeat this serveral times. Click click click. Within 1 minute the page will freeze with 'Loading data' or just go transperent grey. I have tried from Google Crome and Internet Explorer and Edge. Same problem. I am getting alot of these log entries: Project1.exe: 000030E0: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 182, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 000030E0: 16:54:21 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 182, Event: load Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Failed Sequence Recovery : TDiff:2016, Event: load, Expected: 179, Received: 184, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Missing Sequence: Exp:179, TDiff:23437/45000, FCnt:32 Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 184, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 000030E0: 16:54:21 []:Processing: Id: 182, Evt: load Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 184, Event: load Project1.exe: 000030E0: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 182, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00003110: 16:54:21 []:Processing: Id: 180, Evt: load Project1.exe: 00003110: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 180, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Processing: Id: 184, Evt: load Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 184, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:22 []:Failed Sequence Recovery : TDiff:2031, Event: load, Expected: 185, Received: 186, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:22 []:Failed Sequence Reset to: 185 Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:22 []:Processed: Id: 186, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:22 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 186, Event: load Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:24 []:Aborted I am using newest version. uniGUI Complete Trial Edition 1.00RC1385 Extra info: I have exactly this problem in another project, with a FDConnection and a FDQuery and the uniDBGrid. After ALOT of debugging, I narrowed it down to the above test case. Can anyone confirm that this is a bug, or am I missing something ? I believe that I had this problem with earlier uniGUI versions too.
Finally! I now have understood and learned how to filter a uniDBGrid using a hiddenpanel with dblookupcombos. But I cannot figure out, if it is possible to move the filtering dblookupcombos, so they are outside the uniDBGrid. Anyone with a trick?
Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way with UniDBGrid to do grid inside grid? Something like this:
Hi, is possible to change the height of a row ? and to change the width of a column dynamically so I can fit the columns with the hole unidbgrid wide ? thomething like this: under user results tab
Boa noite colegas, Sou iniciante no unigui e estou com uma dúvida. Estou tentando criar um controle de privilégios. Dou privilégios dentro de um PERFIL e quando vou cadastrar um USUÁRIO vinculo ele a um PERFIL. Estou carregando este perfil em um Tclientdataset que está vinculado a um TUNIDBGRID com checkbox somente para selecionar os perfis. Para incluir um usuário, vincular ele a um perfil e gravar no banco tudo bem, o problema é quando eu vou editar um usuário não sei como já trazer os checkBox do TUNIDBGRID já checados, quando ele já está vinculado aquele perfil especifico, como se estivesse com a opção "TRUE". Alguém poderia me ajudar? Desde já agradeço. Abraços.
Hi I want this command in unigui. Var SF: TField; Begin SF := TuniDBGrid(Sender).SelectedField; End; How to can do it? Best Regards.
the red box is a value after select some day from dattimepicker inside grid how to chage value to 15/02/2017
Help with html buttons I have a button created in html and I would like that when I click the button it executes what I want, I have doubt of how to do somebody could guide me. This is an example of the button in html <Button type = "button" name = "normal"> Normal </ button>
Hi Farshad. How to make grouping with a plugin like this: ? Possible to implement it? Thanks.
Есть ли возможность вывод данных UniDBGrid1, чтобы вертикально отображались данные по аналогии как в TDBVertGridEh?
Merhaba unidbgrid deki çektiğim dataların ortalı çıkmasını istiyorum soldan sağa yapılabiliyor ama yukarıdan aşağıya nasıl yaparım?
in Grids - Cell Editors When you select a single editable column in edit mode to edit records going to the next with tab, the last record is not saved if we do not change record with tab (by not changing record, changing record with click or upon arrival at last record). Thank you
Hi , i would like to drag & drop rows between two grids , here is the code i used , it seems i forgot something , if some one could help me to fix it please //in first grid: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.listeners = { plugins: { ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop', dragGroup: 'secondGridDDGroup', dropGroup: 'firstGridDDGroup' }, listeners: { drop: function(node, data, dropRec, dropPosition) { var dropOn = dropRec ? ' ' + dropPosition + ' ' + dropRec.get('name') : ' on empty view'; } } } } //second grid function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.listeners = { plugins: { ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop', dragGroup: 'firstGridDDGroup', dropGroup: 'secondGridDDGroup' }, listeners: { drop: function(node, data, dropRec, dropPosition) { var dropOn = dropRec ? ' ' + dropPosition + ' ' + dropRec.get('name') : ' on empty view'; } } } }
Hi! Farshad unidbgrid how to direct print and export Excel File?
Hi, Please, How can I leave the unigrid with automatic height without scroll? I need the height is according to number of record in the unidbgrid, the scroll to be used the page or scrollbox. Best regards
Hi Farshad, working with latest release; Some issue and needs (all in the dbgrid): Tab or navigate in a dbgrid row while editing: Pressing tab or any key in a next/previous fields not go to editing; it works only with [enter] or [click] inside. dgInsert: Pressing the down arrow on last row is no longer possible to add automatically a new row in a dbgrid. UpdateRowDataset : it is very useful if you insert a method that update the underline dataset fields when leave a modified cell (optionally used on onexit of cell), so we can calculate or modify other fields in the record and show with RefreshCurrentRow(), WITHOUT post operation and WITHOUT exit from the row for update related fields (very useful on lookups, calculate and validate fields during edit). As Always.... partial fetch with scrollbars (infinite scroll)....advanced dblookups.... :-) Best Regard!!!
UniListBox ve dbgride arka plan rengi nasıl veririm. UniListBox için arka planı transparan yapabilir miyim ?
when i start edit inside som column dbgrid i need to use any shortcut like F1,F2.. or any shortcut ,how i can do thank you joe
Hi All! There is a solution for the Progress Bar Pager. How to use? 1. You need to include the file "ProgressBarPager.js". One way to, copy the file "ProgressBarPager.js" from the directory "C:\Program Files\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\ ext-\examples\ux" to the directory "... /Files/" add CustomFiles in UniServerModule: files/ProgressBarPager.js 2. Add beforerender function in UniDBGrid: function beforerender(sender, eOpts) { if (sender.pagingBar) { sender.pagingBar.hide(); sender.pagingBar.border = "0 none"; sender.pagingBar.destroy(); sender.addDocked( {dock: 'bottom', items: [Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', { pageSize:, store:, displayInfo: true, plugins: Ext.create('Ext.ux.ProgressBarPager', {width: 300}) })] }); } } Sincerely.
hi all I developed an accounting software (VCL mode), I use DBGrid with the onkeypress event for moving the cursor to the next column, I search the forum there is some solution but the key to enter the mode changes in editon not the next column are there a solution for this problem??
Hello, i have a problem with a UniDBGrid with the following situation: Every time i make a SQL Call with "insert into" on my FireBird DB for the first time for a new user (of my cms, DB is not empty) and refresh the grid, the columns of my table are there but the entry is not. When i delete the entry (dbgrid is then empty) and make another call (insert into) and the same refresh method, the grid refreshes and i see the entry in the database. My Question is, is this the right way?: 1. SQL call: insert into... 2. Database.ExecuteDirect(..)... 3. DBGrid.DataSource.DataSet.Open; 4. DBGrid.DataSource.DataSet.Refresh; 5. DBGrid.Refresh; Do you have any other suggestions or ideas why it doesnt work on the first call?
Hi Farshad! I think need to include "summaryType": count sum min max average If I'm not mistaken there is currently no such possibility (of course, we can use the "summaryType" in code, in another way. But would like that this possibility was in the properties of the column) Sincerely.