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  1. I ran into a problem that in version the WS does not work on the Login form. Of course, this is possible and correct, because the user has not yet logged in, but there are ReceiveSocketsEvents in the form properties, but there is no Delphi event BroadcastMessage(this handler is an illusion, because in fact WS listens only to the frontend and it sends an ajaxRequest to the backend). I have solved this problem (through a crutch😞 1. property form ReceiveSocketsEvents - in True 2. I add in ClientEvents - for event form.socketmesssage it code 3. And added a handler on onAjaxEvent... (with my procedure, here will be your handler) 4. Next.. i add in Delphi Event - OnCreate (LoginForm) call: UniServerModule.WebSocketStack.CreateWebSocket(unisession, self.WebForm); this opens WebSockets in the browser - Ok But if after that you try to log in (and on the main form you will listen to the WS channel) then you will get an error in the browser console: "WebSocket is closed before the connection is established" - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12487828/what-does-websocket-is-closed-before-the-connection-is-established-mean for Example: Okay not a nice mistake... - We understand that we need to close the connection on the login form (before initializing the main form) because the connection is global... (We go to the JS part of the framework and look at everything in WS) 5. Writing in Delphi class Helper: TUniWebSocketStackHelp = class helper for TUniWebSocketStack public procedure TerminateWS(const aForm: TUniBaseJSForm); procedure CloseWS(const aForm: TUniBaseJSForm); end; //... procedure TUniWebSocketStackHelp.CloseWS(const aForm: TUniBaseJSForm); begin with aForm.JSInterface do begin JSCallGlobal('uniWebSocketObj.closeSocket', []); end; end; procedure TUniWebSocketStackHelp.TerminateWS(const aForm: TUniBaseJSForm); begin with aForm.JSInterface do begin JSCallGlobal('uniWebSocketObj.terminateSocket', []); end; end; 6. Before closing the login form (ModalResult.mrok), we perform: "UniServerModule.WebSocketStack.TerminateWS(self.WebForm);" - I hope this is useful to someone!!
  2. Hi How to set TUniHTMLFrame on bakground of loginform? I want run JavaScript file in bakground of loginform instead of a photo . Regards.
  3. Доброе время суток! Хочу реализовать равнение панельки по центру формы. Применил следующие свойства: 1 у ServerModule 2 у формы fmLogin Прописал скрипты у формы fmLogin Все работает и панелька встает по центру, но когда начинаем тянуть браузер то появляется скролбар и не дает форме ресайзиться, собственно из за этого панелька по мере изменения окна браузера не меняет и расположение. Могли бы что нить подсказать, как быть в этом случае? ИСХОДНИК testClientResize.zip
  4. Good evening, seems there went something wrong. In a new project I added the TUniLoginForm quite late and now it looks like, it is not shown automatically. But however the MainForm appears immediately. Yes, Handled:=False in BeforeLogin (MainModule) Is there something I forgot or deactivated? Couldnt find any clue in the forum. Help or advice would be wonderful Version:
  5. Здравствуйте! Если в uniGUI стандартные средства, чтоб реализовать просмотр пароля пользователем? Примерно изображено на картинке Тестовый проект pass.zip
  6. From the "infamous" series, "All about...", we got together 4 examples of animated backgrounds for LoginForms. A foreground LoginForm (with some tricks and a soft gradient) that can be easily included in minutes to you project for a "quick facelift" and voilá . Different solutions with only one goal: All formatted to be used in LoginForms because "it's all about the looks my dear"... With the examples provided you can easily adapt any animated JavaScript background to your projects and get an extra bang to user attention. There are lots of animated jscripts , particules, elements in codepen and other Jscript resources websites that you can use the same tools and solutions here. Since we are almost at Christmas and Festivities days, SnowFlakes JavaScript Animated background is here for direct download. Additional projects with nice effects and ready-to-use is downloadable from the link below. Visit www.unigui.com.br (use the google translation control at the top - soon in english) and download the other examples and material. Project Packs, Books (in Portuguese only for now but coming soon in english) and resources exclusive to uniGUI Framework. Happy festivities, Christmas and a prosper new year. Cheers, Fred. PS: you can write me in english for more info and support. "No problemo.. "
  7. Login Form with a Background video Project Repository for a Initial Login Screen for desktop projects with background video and informative DIV and pause / play button. Adapted example from W3School (http://wwww.w3schools.com). Panel with Gradient in two colors and centralized shade to facilitate the definition of your login controls. Note that it is a borderless LoginForm and properly configured to work. Future versions like this example and others you will find easily in the portal http://www.unigui.com.br Source code right below... have fun. Project available for purchase at https://www.uniguiexpress.com
  8. Hello, 1-) Is LoginForm create for each session? 2-) how to create manually without session(s) form ? I mean I'll create form, but this form hastobe create only one time, like a servermodule. Thank you.
  9. Hi I write below code ,and check edits on login Form isn't empty. procedure Tfgetsqlpass.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if (edt_uname.Text ='' ) and (edt_pword.Text = '') then Begin ModalResult := mrNone; ShowMessage('Please fill username and password!'); Exit End; end; But after Button1Click application terminate. Best Regards.
  10. I am experiencing strange behavior with regards to the Login Form. I have a TUniHTMLFrame on my main form which contains a CSS menu. It works perfectly when I do not have a login form. When I do add the login form the CSS menu does not show or behaves correctly except for the first tab. It is a CSS "TabMenu" and the display doesn't update when moving over the other tabs nor does it receive the mouse clicks. I also have one panel with its position slightly altered. Any ideas why the Login Form can have such an influence on the main form when included? See the two images attached - the second image is the one with the broken CSS menu. Thanks.
  11. Not wanting to nit pick, but I think some warning and/or improvement may be in order in the LoginForm Cookie demo. The demo directly stores the username and password in plaintext cookies. This is not good practice and should not be encouraged via example. For more see: https://www.troyhunt.com/how-to-build-and-how-not-to-build/ http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/64984/remember-me-cookies-did-i-implement-them-securely http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/44/how-to-securely-implement-a-remember-me-feature Edit: Also: https://paragonie.com/blog/2015/04/secure-authentication-php-with-long-term-persistence#title.2 (Would it be possible to host the demo's on e.g. a github repository? I'd guess lots of people would be happy to submit pull requests for fixes and improvements to the demo applications?)
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