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Found 8 results

  1. grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Clear; MyScript:= 'pagingBar.afterCreate=function pagingBar.afterCreate(sender)'+ '{ '+ ' sender.add( '+ ' [ '+ ... ' { '+ ' xtype: ''tbseparator'' '+ ' }, '+ ' { '+ ' xtype: ''label'', '+ ' id: "gridLabelid", '+ ' text: ''abc'', '+ ' margin: ''0 0 0 10'', '+ ' }, '+ ' { '+ ' xtype: ''tbseparator'' '+ ' }, '+ ... ' ]); '+ '} '; grdWorkSheet.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Add(MyScript); Above my FormCreate code adds a Label to the Pagingbar and it displays as expected (please advise if I have added the Label correctly). Elsewhere I want to change the Label.Text value at runtime grdWorkSheet.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.pagingBar.getComponent("gridLabelid").setValue(''Andy'');'); SetValue fails, please advise how to change the "gridLabelid" - thanks.
  2. Hello , I have a variable in number format. I have a button and a label object. When my variable is 1, the background color of the button and font color of the label will be green. When my variable is 2, the background color of the button and font color of the label will be red. How can I do these codes in Delphi and Javascript? My Version is 1.90.0 build 1547 TUniSpeedButton *offline1; offline1->Down=true; //not working offline1->Color=(TColor)0x003FEC89; // not working they are very simple things but They do not work properly. Where am I making a mistake? Thanks C.BEKTAS
  3. I am trying to change label parameters at runtime, please advise - Thanks. UniLabel.Caption:= IntToStr(MyCounter); UniLabel.Left:= 10; UniLabel.Top:= 500; UniLabel.Visible:= True; UniLabel.Repaint; UniLabel.BringToFront;
  4. mos

    CSS Color Issue

    I have a MainForm which contains a TUniLabel called lblHeader. In my external CSS file I have the following: .lblHeader { color: red !important; } Now if I don't have the !important the red color does not get applied to the label. The issue I have is I need to in code to be able to change the color of the label from red to blue in code. I tried the following code but it did not work: lblHeader.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.setStyle("color","blue");'); The above does work if I remove the !important for the red but the color red doesn't get applied. I also tried: lblHeader.JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.setStyle("color","blue !important");'); But this does not work. How can I get the label to change from red to blue at runtime?
  5. Dear colleagues, I placed label on panel and on frame resize i'm sending ajaxevent to panel and server calculates label font size based on panel width and height. if EventName='updatePNRouteSize' then begin a:=Params.Text; w:=StrToIntDef(Params.Values['w'],100); h:=StrToIntDef(Params.Values['h'],100); lblRouteName.Font.Size:=CalcElementFontSize(lblRouteName.Caption,w,h div 4); //OK end; After that i'm trying to place label at the top on the panel. function resize(sender, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight, eOpts) { console.log('resize lbl'); console.log(frmTest.pnRoute.getWidth()); //panel width (480) console.log((frmTest.pnRoute.getWidth()/2)); //half of panel width (240) console.log(frmTest.lblRouteName.getWidth()); //label width (130) console.log((frmTest.lblRouteName.getWidth()/2)); //half of label width (65) console.log((frmTest.pnRoute.getWidth()/2)-(frmTest.lblRouteName.getWidth()/2)); //label new X coord (175) frmTest.lblRouteName.setX((frmTest.pnRoute.getWidth()/2)- (frmTest.lblRouteName.getWidth()/2)); } In browser i saw strange things: 1. In console it shows that calculations are correct 2. But after frame show the label is placed not in panel center. 3. If i press F12 in browser then the label is placed as it was programmed. After console close the label position doesnt change and shows as needed. Could you please show me my errors? What i'm missing? Thank You. P.S. Of course i can replace label with panel and get the result but because i want to learn more in Unigui and Sencha so i'm trying so.
  6. Below does not work, I know just setting the Caption normally works but I am trying to understand why the JS version does not - please advise - thanks. UniSession.AddJS(LoginmForm.lblIP.JSName+'.Caption = ''Sleeping ...'' ;'); UniSession.AddJS(LoginmForm.lblIP.JSName+'.RePaint;');
  7. I have a UnimChart UnimHorizBarSeries assigned to a datasource where the XLabel is fetched from a rowset - all good. I want to via an Event OnPaintXLabel etc. interpret the label string and substitute it with another string at runtime. Please advise - thanks
  8. Good Morning! I have a problem and I'm unable to solve. C'mon: When I work with normal uniforms, it is very easy to change the caption of a label of a form from another. Example: TuniForm2.btOkClick procedure (Sender: TObject); begin uniForm1.uniLabel1.caption: = uniForm2.uniLabel2.Caption; end; What I'm unaable to do: TuniForm2.btOkClick procedure (Sender: TObject); begin uniFrame1.uniLabe1.caption: = uniForm2.uniLabel2.Caption; end; This code does not error. (In debug) The text is sent to the label, but for some reason does not reach the destination: TuniForm2.btOkClick procedure (Sender: TObject); begin FCurrentFrame := TUniFrameClass(FindClass('TuniFrame1')).Create(self); TuniFrame1(FCurrentFrame).uniLabel1.caption := 'hello world'); TuniFrame1(FCurrentFrame).uniLabel2.caption := 'by'; FCurrentFrame.Destroy; end; I tried to follow some examples of demos, but unfortunately could not. Can anyone help me do this? Grateful. (Translated by Google) ***************************************************************** Bom dia! Estou com um problema e eu não estou conseguindo resolver. Vamos lá: Quando eu trabalho com uniForms normais, é muito fácil alterar o caption de um label de um form através de outro. Exemplo: TuniForm2.btOkClick procedure (Sender: TObject); begin uniForm1.uniLabel1.caption: = uniForm2.uniLabel2.Caption; end; O que eu não estou conseguindo fazer: TuniForm2.btOkClick procedure (Sender: TObject); begin uniFrame1.uniLabe1.caption: = uniForm2.uniLabel2.Caption; end; Esse código, não dá erro. (No debug) O texto é enviado ao Label, mas por algum motivo não chega ao destino: TuniForm2.btOkClick procedure (Sender: TObject); begin FCurrentFrame := TUniFrameClass(FindClass('TuniFrame1')).Create(self); TuniFrame1(FCurrentFrame).uniLabel1.caption := 'hello world'); TuniFrame1(FCurrentFrame).uniLabel2.caption := 'by'; FCurrentFrame.Destroy; end; Tentei seguir uns exemplos dos demos, mas infelizmente não consegui. Alguém pode me ajudar a fazer isso? Grato.
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