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Found 19 results

  1. Hi, Correct me if im wrong, if i have a websocket enabled in my app and im using a hyper server, the number of websocket is also the same with the number of nodes in my hyperserver? if so does it mean if im in different node, i wont be able to receive the websocket message from other node? thank you
  2. Hi. How to close the process of loading the main form with a mask (for some time 1-4 seconds (from client communication..) there may be a white screen between the authorization form and the MainForm. How to call a mask on the body? Is there even a way to manage the application body without resorting to js?
  3. Good afternoon. The Mode-2 documentation doesn't say anything about remote Deployment on Linux in Mode2 (http://www.unigui.com/resources/online-documentation/developer-manual). It doesn't seem to work in a Linux cluster. I guess this error is related to I describe the sequence of steps (Step-By-Step): Step 1 (i see fileinfo in Slave Server): Step 3 (i see File info in Master server): it's okey.. Step 4 I'm running services(first the slave, then the master): And md5 Step 5 (i join in Master Server - /server): it's ok Step 6 (I'm uploading the image to master). Image i changed (recompile) ... Discard, purge, Active.. master is active - OK Step 7 I'm moving to the Node state it doesn't work =( Step 8 - I go again and check the hash files on the master and slave I see that the master has been updated and the slave has not. Step 9 I don't give up and go to the slave - /server oo... Logs (slave): when trying to log in, he writes Node is purged! (error 700) What am I doing wrong? for me, this Hyper_server functionality is important If you update the slave first and then the master, then the master does not see the slave - (the slave is in the Discarded status), only restarting the slave first and then the master helps
  4. Hi, I wrote the instructions and within the framework of it I conducted testing on disabling the working node - receiving all sessions on the server (master) and enabling the working node. The status of the node(VM) is updated to Active when enabled, but users whom the master should send to this node receive error 503. (Below I have described the Step-by-step sequence of steps) Step 1: Step 2: Step 3 (As if the node is out of order - fine): Step 4 (I opened a large number of sessions and the master took them all on himself - that's fine): Step 5 (I started the node😞 Step 6(the master's node status has changed to online - that's fine) : Step 7 (I'm trying to open the interface (from Master)): I specially reproduced this situation separately and attached Hyper_server logs. I ask for help how to exclude a situation when lifting the server (without restarting the Master) drops the work of a part of the cluster? If, after enabling Node(Service/VM) (step 6), I restart and destroy all threads on the master, then the child node will work correctly and there will be no error 503 - but for this I will have to disconnect all users from the master: Do you have any idea why this is happening? Version: Logs.zip
  5. Linux does not catch the hyper_server version of the file as in the FAQ: http://www.unigui.com/resources/online-documentation/developer-manual I tried it in different ways - I press shift+F9 (Build) and it doesn't give a result, what to do?
  6. Hi unigui users Did anyone get hyperserver working with Authorization type Bearer? In Standalone Server it works with using TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleParseAuthentication: if AAuthType.ToLower = 'bearer' then begin VHandled := IntroSpect(AAuthData, VUsername, VPassword); end; But in hyperserver and hyperservice it returns "Unsupported authorization scheme." and status 401. Thank you in advance
  7. Я пока вижу пользу от HyperServer только в одном случае - это загрузка exe-файла серверной части, ну т.е. обновление бэкэнда. Да, это действительно удобно. Подключенные пользователи не отваливаются и продолжают работать, а новые подключаются уже к новой версии *.exe. Но не нужно забывать, что на бэкэнде еще может быть куча файлов, папок и/или база данных, т.е. можно было бы как-то выгрузить на сервер какой-нибудь архив, чтобы потом его распаковать и распределить всё по нужным папкам, но такого функционала нет, т.е. и обновление пока еще неполноценное. HyperServer может запустить 2-3-5 копий моего приложения на сервере, но зачем это нужно, ведь процессор все равно у компьютера один? Какой реально толк от трех параллельно запущенных приложений? Еще есть какой-то монитор ресурсов, тоже может быть полезная вещь, пока не знаю. А что еще полезного можно извлечь из HyperServer`а? Спасибо.
  8. Hello! I have a problem with HyperServer working. Socket Error 10061 is dropping This error starts after the nodes go into Suspended mode The problem is solved by a complete reboot of IIS
  9. Hi all, we would like to adopt HyperServer in our production environment, and we are undecided between: - ISAPI Module Mode with Apache - Windows Service Mode UniGUI documentation states that both methods are suitable for production, we would like to know which one is the best in terms of: - performance - robustness And what are the advantages/drawbacks of the two methods ? Many thanks to anybody will share their experience/knowledge to help us choose the best solution. Andrea
  10. Hello, my hyperserver is constantly crashing and looking at the log I found some messages. What could cause this kind of problem? Note: the system uses a threadtimer with a 1 minute interval to check notifications for users, and I noticed that when this feature is active the incidence of this problem happens more frequently. attached is the generated log file. A2021-04-08.log
  11. Hi, I had an issue with hyperserver which previously worked fine. I uninstalled everything of FM uniGUI on my server, I noticed there were still a few directories of uniGUI in my program files directory, so I deleted them manually. Then I installed the runtime package, the themes package and the hyper server config package of the latest uniGUI version on my server. My uniGUI application works fine, but I still get a blank screen when I want to open the hyperserver, even after restarting IIS. But when I look closer at the installed files, I cannot find the hyperserver files: hyper_server.exe, hyper_server.dll, hyper_server.cfg. Anyone has an idea why these files are not present after the install procedure ? Anyone knows which package installes these hyperserver files ?
  12. I need help with my application I'm having this error Project1.exe: 000015F8: 11:16:04 []: EUniSessionException: Invalid session or session timeout. (Session not found: 23_VVwFj8bixu1079F49B9): Addr: $ 00767622 the application is over 300 simultaneous accesses, but it is not taking it anymore, what can I do more with the hyperserver to improve?
  13. Мне нужно построить список сессий. При традиционном способе я использовал UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions, но в HyperServer этот способ уже не подходит, так как он видит сессии в рамках своего узла. Подскажите как построить список всех сессий их всех узлов?
  14. Hi, I'm using IIS 10, Hyper_Server with my application. When I run application in standalone mode, response looks like: most important: HTTP/1.1 200 OK But when I use IIS + hyper_server, response is WITHOUT "OK" ... HTTP/1.1 200 Embeded device is waiting for that OK also, response is not parsed. Can you please help me ? Thanks. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: close Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Length: 4 Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2020 10:10:04 GMT Server: New Application OK|0 HTTP/1.1 200 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 Server: New Application Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2020 10:10:28 GMT Content-Length: 4 OK|0
  15. Greetings, Currently, we are working on a application that already has a server setup (Windows Server 2012) loading a project like client-server adopting IIS and HyperServer (along side uniGUI), and these one's are been configured into DataSnap. But, a few days ago, my application starts to freezing and crash, and it's necessary to restart them again. uniGUI it's already attached into HyperSever and stablished correctly into client. By the way, we have DataSnap in Server-Side (case this one will crash) all our services it will stop. And i would like to know if there's any kind of settings i must be set into my application (or right into Datasnap, maybe?) or really should i search for another kind of Data Transference which it would be eficient and responsive (more them this one) which i use today? Best Regards!
  16. Esteemed, We are working in production with a windows server 2012 server, IIS and HyperServer, greatly improved performance and instability, but sometimes during the day the crash occurs. Attachments: index.cfg, log index.dll, and logs for some nodes, The errors started at 13:49:12 version uniGUI I appreciate the collaboration. index.cfg index.dll A2020-06-18.log n0 A2020-06-18.log n1 A2020-06-18.log n2 A2020-06-18.log
  17. Hello, for "SSL Support in HyperServer" i found http://www.unigui.com/doc/online_help/ssl-support-in-hyperserver.htm but now i have more questions as before ;-) i have a apache webserver running without https - i want to run it just over https what must i do in \apache\config\httpd.conf \apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf what must i do in delphi - server module? what must i do in [unigui_application_name_1].ssl.cfg what must i do in [unigui_application_name_1].cfg (do i need both Hyperserver Configfiles????) i have 2 unigui-apps on the Apache Server - so i have 2 Hyperserver-cfg files .. is it possile to do it allso with 2 Hyperserver-ssl.cfg And what is the job of the webserver OWNER? - is it enouth to become following informations? SSL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile = 'xxx.pem' SSL.SSLOptions.CertFile = 'xxx.pem' SSL.SSLOptions.KeyFile = 'xxx.pem' SSL.SSLOptions.Method = sslvTLSv1_1 SSL.SSLOptions.SSLVersions = [sslvTLSv1_1] SSL.SSLOptions.Mode = sslmUnassigned SSL.SSLOptions.VerifyMode = [] SSL.SSLOptions.VerifyDepth = 0 SSL.SSLPassword = 'xxx' ThanX for informations Erich
  18. I have a Standalone-Server application that uses a shared-variable in the ServerModule. Using the shared variable works as expected if I run the application without HyperServer. However if I run it through the HyperServer each session only sees its own changes to the shared variable and not the changes made by other sessions.The shared variable I am using is a simple counter (integer) that can be incremented by any session. After incrementing the counter within any session I can verify that it has been updated correctly. However other sessions do not see the increment. I am using the CriticalSection lock mechanism as required. (FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1524).
  19. I would like to communicate with the servvermodule of node zero from the rest of the nodes, I think one possibility is through the HTTPCommand event. That is, from another node make a get request to the URL The question is .... the zero node port is always the "start port" of the cfg file? Thank you
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