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Found 6 results

  1. I came across with this material that I haven't seen here. Unfortunately only in Portuguese but easy to use. https://github.com/deividyalcantara/unidsa-unigui-delphi Go to his channel: a cr
  2. Hi everyone! I'm kind of new into mobile development using framework Unigui in this current version (Trial - Equinox). So i was searching in forum about a doubt that was not resolved it at all, and i didn't find any answers that could helping me to find a clearly solution. But here in fact: - I have a Container Panel with alignment property (AlClient) defined. And inside him i have another UnimPanel form (again, with property Alclient defined) and a lot of components inside of them, like a UnimEdit, UnimCheckbox, Grid, etc... So, which property i have to use to, when i have more components inside that panel, he can dinamically adjust itself, besides i don't have to set a fixed height to my form? - Sorry if i posted in the wrong section or i don't used it correctly enough. I'm open to suggestions or links that could help me! Thanks.
  3. I see that we need a sub-group to exchange adds about components , projects and resources for sale using uniGUI. Is very important also make public an ecosystem about uniGUI.
  4. Hi Folks... For quite some time I have found and collected a lot of components here in the forum that are not include in the official uniGUI distributions. Some of them are very good in quality (like uniGMaps) and unique and while other are just regular uniGUI components with minors but good tweaks. To "old Delphi timer" (like myself above 40), we loved Rx Library. How about we put together a "uniRX Library" free for all uniUsers ? Could work also for a "lab" and suggestions on improvements to the main uniGUI pack's without bother the development team with little requests and at the same time help the community and the folks behind uniGUI with a community compass to their work. We should open a GitHUB Project and start from there with a Small Packs and adding as things come up. Who is up to the task or help it ? What you think about ? Is there anyone else doing it already ?
  5. Dear friends, i am missing the Accordion component (shown in mdemo.dll) in Delphi IDE (components selection), the Release from April., 19 which I downloaded and installed. Also the tree grid seems not available as visual component. And had someone already used the DBTreeGrid. I am desparate with the usage of Keyfields, TreeFields, Parent Fields... Thanks a lot in advance for any ideas. PS: TreeGrid in mdemo.dll - show sources causes an error
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