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Found 7 results

  1. I'm using sockt.io to receive push and pass messages to other users if I'm connected on the same screen, for this I'm using ajaxevent, but I noticed that when another page (user) opens, an error occurs not finding the object (screen ) from the previous open page, it seems that it is lost or because it is the same object (screen) the previous one is destroyed, at this moment it only works on the last opened page, the previous ones give the error below. I'm using a uniFrame Error conection socket and ajaxevent xHTML := ' socketWhats = io.connect('''+pIP_APIWHATSAPP+''' '+ ' ,{transports: [''websocket'']} ' + #13#10 + ' );' + #13#10 + ' socketWhats.emit(''join'','''+lbSessao.Caption+''');' + #13#10 + ' socketWhats.on(''enviaPushRoom'', function(msg){ ' + #13#10 + ' ajaxRequest('+FormRegion.JSName+', "pushWhats", ["return=" + JSON.stringify(msg)] ) ' + #13#10 + '}); ' + ' socketWhats.on(''enviaPushRoom'', (data)=>{ '+ ' var now = new Date;'+ ' var hora = now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes() + ":" + now.getSeconds(); '+ ' console.log(''socketWhats'',hora,JSON.stringify(data)); '+ ' });'; Self.UniSession.AddJS(xHTML);
  2. I am doing some external communications with unigui through socket.io, through the external api of socket.io is sending information in json format and when I retrieve it through ajaxevent it returns me as [object Object], how can I convert to json and read in unigui ? when I start the application I create the connection to socket.io that way on the console I retrieve the json this is my return from ajaxevent, see that on return i get [object object], how do i get that [object object] that is my json and read it?
  3. Good afternoon. I'm calling a page from a pdf editor inside the URLFrame. Is it possible that I pass the command to close UniForm after OK via ajaxevent?
  4. I have a function in javascript where I wanted to trigger the return of it to mainmForm, but I'm not getting it, how to do it? I'm trying that way function hashPagSeguro() { PagSeguroDirectPayment.onSenderHashReady(function (response) { if (response.status == 'error') { console.log(response.message); return false; } var hash = response.senderHash; ajaxRequest(MainmForm,'senderHash', ['hash='+hash]); console.log(hash); }); } but I am having this error
  5. Hello, can I get a screen to fire an ajaxevent to another screen? For example user A is on the frmProcessos screen, I want to click on a button to fire an ajaxevent on the MainForm screen or another specific screen, example frmProcessosAndamento, is there such a possibility? if so, how?
  6. I have a UniForm (UniForm2) that I am trying to send an AjaxEvent to update my ProgressBar (pg). The Form's AjaxEvent code is firing on: active, move, resize etc. as expected. It will not fire on my custom EventName 'update' sent via my UpdateJobProgress procedure, please advise how to resolve - thanks in advance. procedure TJobThread.Execute; // This will be extended when the basics work begin Progress:= 0; while not Terminated and (Progress < 100) do begin Inc(Progress); Sleep(50); end; end; function TUniForm2.DoSomething(): Boolean; ... // if Assigned(job) then begin if not (job.Finished or job.Terminated) then begin job.Terminate; end; job.Free; end; // job:= TJobThread.Create; job.FreeOnTerminate:= False; UniSession.AddJS('UniForm2.pg.updateProgress(0.0, ''Running...'', false);'); UpdateJobProgress; ... BUSY WORKING HERE ... end; procedure TUniForm2.AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = 'update' then begin MessageDlg(EventName, mtWarning, [mbOK]); UniSession.AddJS(Format('UniForm2.pg.updateProgress(%d/%d, ''Running...'', true);', [job.Progress, 100])); // if not (job.Finished or job.Terminated) then begin UpdateJobProgress; end else begin if job.Progress = 100 then begin UniSession.AddJS('UniForm2.pg.updateProgress(1.0, ''Done'', true);'); end else begin UniSession.AddJS(Format('UniForm2.pg.updateProgress(%d/%d, ''Stopped by user'', true);', [job.Progress, 100])); end; end; // end; end; procedure TUniForm2.UpdateJobProgress; begin UniSession.AddJS('setTimeout(function() { ajaxRequest(UniForm2.form, ''update'', []) }, 200)'); end;
  7. I have a TuniEdit on a form for search functionality. I do not want to trap the OnKeyPress event on the server side because of all the traffic hence I have added the event below: ClientEvents | ExtEvents | Ext.form.field.text function keypress(sender, e, eOpts) { if (e.getKey() == 13 ) { sender.showMask('Searching...'); ajaxRequest(sender, 'doSearch', [editboxText?]); } } I am not sure how to obtain the text from the TuniEdit to send through as a parameter? Does anybody know?
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