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Found 14 results

  1. Dear Friends, we are using a stringgrid as a kind of kitchen-sink calender at the moment. we even implemented successful drag & drop. After redrawing we reset the row with Grid.Row (which works mostly of the time, in some cases not), but the offset of the grid, that means the first line shown at the top, is mostly messed up or changed. Is there a possibility to read/set the offset of the grid? And, is there a better possibility to set the row than Grid.Row? Best greetings, Gery
  2. Is there any way to right-align the given cell in the unistringgrid as per example below? Do I just need cell "x" to stay right? Thansks Zanona
  3. Hi every One Merry Christmas I start to convert very big project from VCL to UniGui bat I find some problems to convert VCL DBgrid and StringGrid . In uniGuui there is no Rowcount property for both component also there is no selected Row proprieties. So if thre is some one how had implmente those proprieties can only show how to do this . Also i remarque that until now UniGui don't implement VCL Listview ? Thanks
  4. Hello, It is posible with a UniStringGrid to select several rows (2 cols max) , copy and paste them in another grid? I was searching and i find the option to select multiple rows, and multiple cols. But It was not posible to copy the content. What i'm try to achieve is the same behaviour that is posible with an xls document. Regards
  5. Hi, I'm having an issue with the unistringgrid. I'll try to explain. I'm using a UniStringGrid so the user can enter some data (as detailed here http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/11309-solved-unistringgrid-editorview), which works great, but i'm having trouble saving the information to a text file, the problem is that the grid trims the blank spaces at the beginning of the cell but only when i add them myself. Some images: When i load the app and press the button show text: I edit the first cell adding a lot more blank space at the beggining and then click on Show Text The text has been trimed. I attach a test project. It would be great if someone can help me. Regards UniStringGrid.zip
  6. Hi I change DefaultRowHeight in UniStringGrid ,but don't apply. I change DefaultColWidth , it changed. Best Regards.
  7. I have a stringgrid where the user can change the text font size of the cells. Is there a way of resizing the cell heights/widths so the cell text is always visible within the cells regardless of the font size selected?
  8. Hi, I have an issue with the UniStringGrid. The problem is with the visualization and the edition of the information. The visualization is like html, but the edition es plain text. Is there a way to work always with plain text? This is how the information is viewed: If I edit the field There is a lot of white space (that is correct). The only way to replicate the white space is adding  , but of course that the end user will not use that. So, basically what i am asking is if there is a way to change the view of the UniStringGrid to show the white spaces. Regards
  9. I am using a UniStringGrid and have added some code to sort based on the header column cell that is clicked. What I would like to do is display the sorting arrows to indicate which column is currently sorted and whether it is sorted ascending or descending. Is it possible to show the arrows and to set which arrow is visible?
  10. Hi How to can set title in UniStringGrid? I write Below code ,But don't work SGCal.Columns[0].Title.Caption:='جمعه'; Best Regards.
  11. Hello , how i can change UniStringGrid RowHeights and ColWidths value i try this for I := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount -1 do begin for j := 0 to 6 do begin StringGrid1.Cells[i,j] := ''; StringGrid1.ColWidths[j] := 70; StringGrid1.RowHeights := 70; end; end; but i have error " Config option: hideheiders:True<br/> ............ is not allowed in ajax request or js .... use equivalent puclic propreity ... please i nedd help thanks
  12. Alguien sabe como colorear un renglón seleccionado de un TUniStringGrid ?
  13. Hii, i want to integrate an image in the UniStringGrid for example Cells[3;1]. Is this possible? I use the trial version 0.99 and Delphi XE8. thx for your answer. LG akio
  14. If I use a UniStringGrid, in web mode I can't resize the column's with. In application mode it works.
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