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  1. Hi, Is it possible to add one column to show the row number? and the number will be automatically updated when any row is deleted. Thanks?
  2. Merhabalar, Blob(text) turunde tablomda bir alanım var. Bu alandaki değeri gridde gostermek için gridin ilgili sutununda "Display Memo" değerini "True" yapiyorum. Uygulamayı calistirdigimda eger o sutunda veri yoksa aşağıdaki hatayı aliyorum. Bu hata uzerine forma bir adet UniHiddenPanel ekledim. Üzerine de UniMemo bileseni koydum. Gridin ilgili sutunun "Editor" ozelliğinden unimemo bilesenini sectim. Bu defa hata vermiyor ama gridde etkilenmemiş gorunuyor. ilgili sutunda "(Memo)" seklinde bir değer gosteriyor. Gridde blob alanları nasil gosterebilirim. Teşekkürler. Kullandığım unigui version:
  3. Hi; I need see e.g. 3.000.000 registers in Unidbgrid, Is it possible?? Thanks! Angélica
  4. Hi Can I Save UniDbgrid Column Width Values to Ini and Reread them Separately for any user ? Best Regards.
  5. Hi: I need to delete from the OnClick event of a TUniButton filters the columns of a UniDbGrid. I'm using Tokyo 10.2. The grid with data I can restore it without filters but I can't delete the texts entered in the filters of the columns. Thank you in advance for your help.
  6. Hi, I need to perform default key action before focusing to the next unidbgrid column (change enter key to tab key) because sometimes data is not posted to database for now i use the code : function reconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, oldColumns, eOpts) { columns[i].editor = { selectOnFocus: true, xtype: 'numberfield' ,minValue: 0 ,allowBlank : false ,groupable : false }; .... if (columns[i].getEditor()) { columns[i].getEditor().on('specialkey', function (field, e) { if (e.getKey() == 13) { // perform default key action, force update current edit value // before focusing to the next column e.keyCode = e.TAB; return e.keyCode; ..... } Environment Windows 10 Delphi Tokyo Unigui Google Chrome 59.0.3071.115 Thank you
  7. Hello, I looked at Your sample with a UniDBGrid and 3 fixed Columns. I try to set the property LOCKED for my first 3 columns while run time, because I want to output a ClientDataSet, which fields are created at run time. Can You please post me a sample with dynamically set LOCKED-property? Thank You Marcus
  8. uses JvDBGridExport, DBGrids; // Activex; for Word/Excel var mygrid : TDBGrid; myexport : TJvDBGridCSVExport; // myexport : TJvDBGridExcelExport; // myexport : TJvDBGridWordExport; // myexport : TJvDBGridHTMLExport; begin mygrid := TDBGrid.Create(nil); mygrid.DataSource := unimainmodule.myexportdatasource; // CoInitialize(nil); // call only if export to Word/Excel myexport := TJvDBGridCSVExport.Create(nil); // myexport := TJvDBGridExcelExport.Create(nil); // myexport := TJvDBGridWordExport.Create(nil); // myexport := TJvDBGridHTMLExport.Create(nil); myexport.FileName := 'c:\myexport.csv'; myexport.ExportSeparator := esSemiColon; // estab, esComma, esSemiColon myexport.Grid := mygrid; myexport.ExportGrid; // read exceptions in: myexport.LastExceptionMessage; myexport.Free; mygrid.Free; end; If you want to export to Word/Excel, then you have to have Office installed on the Server. Excel can easily read CSV files. You need to have JVCL in your Delphi.
  9. I would need a solution for drag & drop within a dbTreeGrid. I tried to code something with AjaxEvents but it always fails with "empty row text" at the end. Also I would need to access cells directly (f.e. read value of Cell(Row,Column) as integer or string). A solution for drag & drop would be very much appreciated. I have a quite urgent project, which should be coded with using DBTreeGrid. If someone wants to spend some time on it, I will be ready to pay for your time and effort. pls contact me here or via email: g.ziegler@velio.at Thanks in advance
  10. Hi, I'm using an AdsQuery to populate a data from and Advantage Database, wich works great. But I'm Having problem filtering the data (I'm trying to make the same thing as the GridFilter example, but with an AdsQuery). I Just can't refresh the query. This is my code on the UniDbGridColumnFilter event procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1ColumnFilter(Sender: TUniDBGrid; const Column: TUniDBGridColumn; const Value: Variant); begin if UniMainModule.AdsQuery.Active then begin UniMainModule.ADsQuery.Params.ParamByName(Column.FieldName).Value := '%'+Value+'%'; UniMainModule.AdsQuery.Open; end end; I also try Closing, and Opening the Query, Refreshing it. But nothing seems to work. Regards Gabriel
  11. Hi In UniDbGrid ,columns don't get CustomConstraint. I Create UniDbGrid in Runtime and set fields,But UniDbGrid columns don't have CustomConstraint that Field in dataset has. I write below code For i := Columns.Count - 1 DownTo 0 do Columns[i].Field.CustomConstraint:=ASource.DataSet.Fields[i].CustomConstraint; But Show below Error First chance exception at $0040BF8A. Exception class $C0000005 with message 'access violation at 0x0040bf8a: write of address 0x00000094'. Process P.exe (5616) Best Regards.
  12. Finally! I now have understood and learned how to filter a uniDBGrid using a hiddenpanel with dblookupcombos. But I cannot figure out, if it is possible to move the filtering dblookupcombos, so they are outside the uniDBGrid. Anyone with a trick?
  13. Hello, I had just discovered UniGUI and currently evaluating it. UniGUI is very cool! I can use Delphi, but I don't know anything about developing web application. Now UniGUI make things looks familiar and easy. I hope that I never have to learn another programming language to develop web applications. I have questions about UniDBGrid. Please download the attachment to understand my questions better. It is a slightly modified UniGUI GridEditors - Row Editor Demo I use Delphi Berlin Starter & UniGUI Trial. Now the questions: 1. When I'm editing a record by double-clicking the grid, UniDBGrid1.DataSource.State is dsBrowse. Is this a bug? Because when I do editing by clicking the edit button in the UniDBNavigator1 or by code, UniDBGrid1.DataSource.State is dsEdit (correct behaviour). 2. How to make it so that UniDBGrid1 can't be edited by double click but can be edited by code (eg. by clicking btAppend or btEdit) ? 3. How to make the Confirm and Cancel button dissapear when editing in RowEditor mode? I want to use another buttons outside the grid to do Post and Cancel by myself because I have several things to do before & after post (I can't use ClientDataset1.BeforePost & AfterPost events because the code will look bad). 4. How to change the Caption and give icons to the Confirm and Cancel buttons? Thanks in advance
  14. Create A fresh uniGUI project by the uniGUI wizard. Place 3 Components: FDMemTable1, DataSource1 and UniDBGrid1 and this code: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FDMemTable1.LoadFromFile('dataset.fds', sfBinary); // Create youself, 100 records with 30 columns of random data DataSource1.DataSet := FDMemTable1; UniDBGrid1.DataSource := DataSource1; end; Run the project. Press the DBGrid page forward, page backward, enter a page no. click a cell, repeat this serveral times. Click click click. Within 1 minute the page will freeze with 'Loading data' or just go transperent grey. I have tried from Google Crome and Internet Explorer and Edge. Same problem. I am getting alot of these log entries: Project1.exe: 000030E0: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 182, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 000030E0: 16:54:21 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 182, Event: load Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Failed Sequence Recovery : TDiff:2016, Event: load, Expected: 179, Received: 184, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Missing Sequence: Exp:179, TDiff:23437/45000, FCnt:32 Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 184, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 000030E0: 16:54:21 []:Processing: Id: 182, Evt: load Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 184, Event: load Project1.exe: 000030E0: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 182, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00003110: 16:54:21 []:Processing: Id: 180, Evt: load Project1.exe: 00003110: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 180, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Processing: Id: 184, Evt: load Project1.exe: 00001370: 16:54:21 []:Processed: Id: 184, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:22 []:Failed Sequence Recovery : TDiff:2031, Event: load, Expected: 185, Received: 186, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:22 []:Failed Sequence Reset to: 185 Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:22 []:Processed: Id: 186, Evt: load, [xJtAGCgA6kFF65EE90] Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:22 []:Failed Sequence Recovery: SeqId: 186, Event: load Project1.exe: 00003104: 16:54:24 []:Aborted I am using newest version. uniGUI Complete Trial Edition 1.00RC1385 Extra info: I have exactly this problem in another project, with a FDConnection and a FDQuery and the uniDBGrid. After ALOT of debugging, I narrowed it down to the above test case. Can anyone confirm that this is a bug, or am I missing something ? I believe that I had this problem with earlier uniGUI versions too.
  15. Hi, I'm wondering if there is a way with UniDBGrid to do grid inside grid? Something like this: https://www.componentone.com/newimages/Products/ScreenShots/StudioWinForms/C1TrueDBGrid/truedbgrid_childgrids.png
  16. Hi, Let's say i have 3 columns in UniDBGrid Row No | ColA | ColB 1 111 + 2 222 + 3 333 - ........ if cursor point on row that ColA Value = '222', i need to disable UniDBGrid key press I Think ExtJS Event can handle this, but not sure how do i call js function function keypress(e, t, eOpts) { var me = MainForm.UniDBGrid1; // not sure how to get dbgrid value in JS // ex. if Dataset.fieldByName('ColA').AsString = '222' then // Key := #0 } Thank you
  17. Hi, is possible to change the height of a row ? and to change the width of a column dynamically so I can fit the columns with the hole unidbgrid wide ? thomething like this: http://examples.sencha.com/extjs/6.2.0/examples/admin-dashboard/#searchresults under user results tab
  18. I know drag&drop using two UniDBGrids are discussed and there are even demo about it but how about dragging and dropping inside one grid? I have data in which rows are ordered by indexed row number and I'd like to add feature where user can drag rows to different positions and when user does that, row numbers are updated in the background accordingly. What is the easiest and more importantly, correct way to achieve this?
  19. Boa noite colegas, Sou iniciante no unigui e estou com uma dúvida. Estou tentando criar um controle de privilégios. Dou privilégios dentro de um PERFIL e quando vou cadastrar um USUÁRIO vinculo ele a um PERFIL. Estou carregando este perfil em um Tclientdataset que está vinculado a um TUNIDBGRID com checkbox somente para selecionar os perfis. Para incluir um usuário, vincular ele a um perfil e gravar no banco tudo bem, o problema é quando eu vou editar um usuário não sei como já trazer os checkBox do TUNIDBGRID já checados, quando ele já está vinculado aquele perfil especifico, como se estivesse com a opção "TRUE". Alguém poderia me ajudar? Desde já agradeço. Abraços.
  20. Hi I want this command in unigui. Var SF: TField; Begin SF := TuniDBGrid(Sender).SelectedField; End; How to can do it? Best Regards.
  21. the red box is a value after select some day from dattimepicker inside grid how to chage value to 15/02/2017
  22. Help with html buttons I have a button created in html and I would like that when I click the button it executes what I want, I have doubt of how to do somebody could guide me. This is an example of the button in html <Button type = "button" name = "normal"> Normal </ button>
  23. Hi, I want to select all rows and deselect all rows on one button click, Is that any property is exist for TUniDBGrid or not for do this? or need to write code manually selecting all rows and deselecting all rows?
  24. Hi every One Merry Christmas I start to convert very big project from VCL to UniGui bat I find some problems to convert VCL DBgrid and StringGrid . In uniGuui there is no Rowcount property for both component also there is no selected Row proprieties. So if thre is some one how had implmente those proprieties can only show how to do this . Also i remarque that until now UniGui don't implement VCL Listview ? Thanks
  25. Есть ли возможность вывод данных UniDBGrid1, чтобы вертикально отображались данные по аналогии как в TDBVertGridEh?
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