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Found 12 results

  1. uniSession.AddJS('test();'); // FAILS test() not defined If the script is loaded in the IDE it works ! There is lots of talk on the forum dealing with this problem but no clear answer that I can see - please advise - thanks
  2. These days , I was trying to implement a special nested json data viewer in unihtmlframe . After more and more searching, find JsViews/JsRender from https://www.jsviews.com , it can make my jobs easy. I put my example souce code on fourm to share. Jquery_JsRender.zip
  3. I see no scrollbar events in the ExtEvents list of events, how do I create Scrollbar Events for HTMLFrame when ScrollBars are showing ? I tried "move" but it never fires ?
  4. Please advise. I need "AfterRender" and MouseDown Button 2 InfoHTMLFrame.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Clear; s:= 'afterrender=function afterrender(sender, eOpts) '#13#10+ '{'#13#10+ ' sender.getEl().dom.addEventListener(''contextmenu'', function(e) '#13#10+ ' { '#13#10+ ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10+ ' }), '#13#10+ ' sender.getEl().dom.addEventListener(''mousedown'', function(e) '#13#10+ ' {'#13#10+ ' if (e.button == 2) '#13#10+ ' { '#13#10+ ' e.preventDefault(); '#13#10+ ' ajaxRequest(sender, ''_Right_Click_'', {x: e.offsetX, y: e.offsetY}); '#13#10+ ' } '#13#10+ ' }), '#13#10+ ' ajaxRequest(fMain.InfoHTMLFrame, ''_AfterRender_'', []); '#13#10+ '}'; InfoHTMLFrame.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add(s);
  5. TopHtmlFrame contains <img id='01' TopHtmlFrame contains script markTop LeftHtmlFrame contains <img id='01' LeftHtmlFrame contains script markLeft UniSession.AddJS(markTop("01"); works as expected UniSession.AddJS(markLeft("01"); ACCESSES TopHtmlFrame <img id='01' I have tried UniSession.AddJS('markLeft("01")'); I have tried UniSession.AddJS('fMain.LeftHTMLFrame.JSName.markLeft("01")'); I have tried LeftHTMLFrame.JSInterface.JSCode('markLeft("01")'); I have tried ' function markLeft(id) '+ ' { '+ ' var img = document.getElementById(id); '+ ' if (!img) {return null} '+ ' img.style.border = "3px solid red"; '+ ' } '+ I have tried ' function markLeft(id) '+ ' { '+ ' var img = sender.document.getElementById(id); '+ ' if (!img) {return null} '+ ' img.style.border = "3px solid red"; '+ ' } '+ I have tried ' function markLeft(id) '+ ' { '+ ' var img = fMain.LeftHTMLFrame.JSName.document.getElementById(id); '+ ' if (!img) {return null} '+ ' img.style.border = "3px solid red"; '+ ' } '+ Please advise - thanks in advance
  6. SERVERMODULE CustomFiles.Add('tiny_mce\tiny_mce.js'); CustomFiles.Add('tiny_mce\tiny_mce_popup.js'); MAINFORM s:= ' <textarea id="ed1" style="width: 100%; height: 400px;"></textarea> '+ ' <script> '+ ' tinyMCE.init( '+ ' { '+ ' theme : "advanced", '+ ' plugins : "autolink, lists, spellchecker, pagebreak, style, layer, '+ ' table, advhr, advimage, advlink, emotions, iespell, inlinepopups, '+ ' insertdatetime, preview, media, searchreplace, print, contextmenu, '+ ' paste, directionality, fullscreen, noneditable, visualchars, nonbreaking, '+ ' xhtmlxtras,template", '+ ' theme_advanced_buttons1 : "newdocument, |, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, |, '+ ' justifyleft, justifycenter, justifyright, justifyfull, |, '+ ' styleselect, formatselect, fontselect, fontsizeselect", '+ ' theme_advanced_buttons2 : "cut, copy, paste, pastetext, pasteword, |, search, replace, |, '+ ' bullist, numlist, |, outdent, indent, blockquote, |, undo, redo, |, '+ ' link, unlink, anchor, image, cleanup, help, code, |, insertdate, '+ ' inserttime, preview, |, forecolor, backcolor", '+ ' theme_advanced_buttons3 : "tablecontrols, |, hr, removeformat, visualaid, |, sub, sup, |, '+ ' charmap, emotions, iespell, media, advhr, |, print, |, ltr, rtl, |, '+ ' fullscreen", '+ ' theme_advanced_buttons4 : "insertlayer, moveforward, movebackward, absolute, |, styleprops, '+ ' spellchecker, |, cite, abbr, acronym, del, ins, attribs, |, visualchars, '+ ' nonbreaking, template, blockquote, pagebreak, |, insertfile, insertimage", '+ ' theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top", '+ ' theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left", '+ ' theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom", '+ ' theme_advanced_resizing : true, '+ ' extended_valid_elements : "img[class=myclass | !src | border:0 | alt | title | width | height]", '+ ' mode: "exact", '+ ' elements : "ed1" '+ ' } '+ ' ); '+ ' </script> '; InfoHTMLFrame.HTML.Add(s); In browser debug mode I get "Cannot read property 'EditorManager' of null" Any suggestions ?
  7. Subject to user interaction we change the contents of a HTMLFrame (our frame has a pre-specified height):- BeginUpdate Clear script EndUpdate The previous contents were many many lines long forcing the user to scroll to bottom, now that we have new contents I want to reposition to the top. How Can We Force Scroll-To-Top in code ?
  8. Hello guys! We have a problem when putting a scroll and scrolling the page down the htmlframe component stands still without scrolling along with the other elements. Link to the video showing the error ---> http://www.grsoft.com.br/videos/VideoErroScroll.mp4 We appreciate who can help!
  9. Olá pessoal! Estamos com um problema ao colocar um scroll e rolar a pagina para baixo o componente htmlframe fica parado sem rolar junto com os demais elementos. Link para o vídeo mostrando o erro --- > http://www.grsoft.com.br/videos/VideoErroScroll.mp4 Agradecemos quem poder ajudar!
  10. Hi, I have 2 issues regarding using chart.js in TUniHTMLFrame. Maybe someone can help. Below is link to download simple example. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtP5BtucE5MeioIwGecaHHSy_0FdMQ Issue 1: Loading HTML from index.html file does not work correctly. The loaded file is not displayed or not displayed correctly. Only when i reloed the file for few times then content is displayed correctly in UniHTMLFrame (click few times button LoadChart to get result like in index.html file, which is located in exe directory). Issue 2: When you load index.html directly in the browser then mouse scroll makes chart zooming, but when i load index.html to TUniHtmFrame then zooming is not working. If someone can download it and give me some tips what is wrong with it? Marcin
  11. Hi all, I am trying to test having a carousel in mobile app with pinch to zoom functionality. I found this amazing example: https://github.com/SunboX/ST2_ImageViewer https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?197903-Pinch-Image-with-carousel-and-working-fine But I can't get it to work with unigui mobile or desktop I changed files paths in .js or html to correct "files/..." to work correctly with unigui, also added this code to BeforeScript property in UnimHTMLFrame1: Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true, paths: { 'Ext.ux': 'files/ux' } }); Ext.define('Demo.Viewport', { extend: 'Ext.Carousel', xtype : 'my-viewport', config: { items: [ { xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc: 'files/images/Desert.jpg' }, { xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc : 'files/images/Hydrangeas.jpg' }, { xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc: 'files/images/Chrysanthemum.jpg' } ], listeners: { activeitemchange: function(container, value, oldValue, eOpts) { if (oldValue) { oldValue.resetZoom(); this.getActiveItem().resize(); } }, resize: function(component, eOpts) { this.getActiveItem().resize(); } } }, onDragStart: function(e) { var scroller = this.getActiveItem().getScrollable().getScroller(); if (e.targetTouches.length === 1 && (e.deltaX < 0 && scroller.getMaxPosition().x === scroller.position.x) || (e.deltaX > 0 && scroller.position.x === 0)) { this.callParent(arguments); } }, onDrag: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length == 1) this.callParent(arguments); }, onDragEnd: function(e) { if (e.targetTouches.length < 2) this.callParent(arguments); } }); Ext.define('Demo.ViewportPanel', { extend: 'Ext.Panel', xtype : 'my-viewport-panel', config: { fullscreen: true, layout: 'fit', items: [{ xtype: 'titlebar', docked: 'top', items: [ { text: 'ZoomIn', listeners: { tap: function() { Ext.getCmp('myCarousel').getActiveItem().onZoomIn(); } } }, { text: 'ZoomOut', align: 'right', listeners: { tap: function() { Ext.getCmp('myCarousel').getActiveItem().onZoomOut(); } } } ] }, { xtype: 'my-viewport', id: 'myCarousel' }] } }); Ext.application({ name : 'ImageViewer Carousel Demo', views : [ 'Ext.ux.ImageViewer' ], launch: function() { Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: 'my-viewport-panel' }); } }); or this for single image viewer Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true, paths: { 'Ext.ux': 'files/ux' } }); Ext.application({ name : 'Simple ImageViewer Demo', views : [ 'Ext.ux.ImageViewer' ], launch: function() { Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: 'imageviewer', style: { backgroundColor: '#333' }, imageSrc: 'files/desert.jpg' }); } }); All I get is the "loading..." the carousel radio buttons are working but images are not sliding and the two buttons on the top panel (zoomin/zoomout) are working too. Sorry to bother you guys but I am not good with html/css or js so i can fix this on my own Any help will be appreciated Thanks in advance
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