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Everything posted by Ron

  1. What may work, is using an uniHTMLFrame, containing some javascript, where you load a websocket client, which then connects to a websocket server you have running, like a nodejs server. I am in the process of trying this, and I'm going through the various websocket js libraries around, and I was able to connect with one of them, think it was Faye, to a nodejs server, but there was some other issues, so I kept looking. Going to take another closer look in some days. A list of such libraries is here: https://deepstream.io/blog/realtime-framework-overview/ Maybe it is possible to find a working library - I don't know - some of them use their own client libraries, and others use the raw websocket client. I need to broadcast db changes to all connected clients in real time, triggering the client to load the update, if relevant.
  2. You will not need any visual components in the servermodule anyway, so any non-visual objects and code you want to share could be in a separate unit with only such kind of code, used by both servermodule and mainmodule. If you have any datasets in mainmodule you want to use, just copy them, as well as the connection, and work with separate copies so you have some kind of isolation between the server and the client mainmodules.
  3. In several projects I use three db connections: - one in the servermodule, just to grab the company name from the db to create the browser page title. This connection is closed immediately. - one in the loginmodule, to take care of login, and this is also closed after login. - one in the mainmodule, which connects at create and loads setup values stored in the mainmodule In one project I have hundreds of datasets with datasources spread on various forms, all linking back to the mainmodule connection. This never seems to be an issue. But I have to set the mainmodule database connection for all datasets in the forms' create event, to make sure the datasets get the right connection, when there are several available. But in that project I also have about 70 datasets in the mainmodule, so I guess it's all about being able to maintain some order. If I get an exception in the servermodule or the mainmodule, like with the db connection, there is no message - that is right. But I can save the exception message to the db, if that connection works. To get an exception from the servermodule without advanced logging, you can use that approach I guess. But as said above - do not try to share that connection. Not without some very advanced stuff taking care of unique access, and that is probably not worth it anyway since you can do it from the mainmodule. I tried to run some heavier routine processing from the servermodule, that is stuff needed for the whole db, like SMS sending. But I found it to be unreliable, and built a service application instead for that. It was also easier to maintain this as two separate applications, rather than also have other server processes in the unigui app. So now I rather create other server applications in addition if specialized server processes are needed, rather than trying to put it all in unigui, even if it may seem tempting because of the servermodule being there. I was trying to run things with timers etc., but the servermodule requires the app to be loaded once before it kicks in, so that was another thing to consider. I guess for some simple stuff you can do it from the servermodule, if you are aware of the limitations. I am not aware of them all, so there is probably some reason for precaution.
  4. 64 is not a bad number....you should consider going for it. Best solution is often the simple one, they say...
  5. Ron

    application settings

    Right, and put it in the servermodule, and in the mainmodule onCreate as well if you need to. procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); var f:textfile; hostLine, portLine, dbLine, dbPortLine:string; cmdStr:string; procedure ExploreWeb(page:PChar); var Returnvalue: integer; begin ReturnValue := ShellExecute(0, 'open', page, nil, nil,SW_SHOWNORMAL); if ReturnValue <= 32 then begin case Returnvalue of 0 : MessageBox(0,'Error: Out of memory','Error',0); ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: MessageBox(0,'Error: File not found','Error',0); ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: MessageBox(0,'Error: Directory not found','Error',0); ERROR_BAD_FORMAT : MessageBox(0,'Error: Wrong format in EXE','Error',0); else MessageBox(0,PChar('Error Nr: '+IntToStr(Returnvalue)+' inShellExecute'),'Error',0) end; end; end; begin ServerRoot:=extractfilepath(GetModuleName(HInstance)); //read setup text file try assignfile(f, ServerRoot+'files/setup.txt'); reset(f); readln(f, hostLine); readln(f, portLine); readln(f, dbLine); readln(f, dbPortLine); closefile(f); except on E:Exception do ; end; case sslSetup of true: begin ssl.Enabled:=true; port:=443; end; false:begin ssl.Enabled:=false; port:=strtointdef(portLine, 8077); end; end; //connect db try with myDb do begin username:='user'; userpassword:='pass'; host:=hostLine; databasename:=dbLine; port:=strtointdef(dbPortLine, 3307); open; end; except on E:Exception do ; end; //load db setup data try loadSetup; except on E:Exception do ; end; //set app title title:=myLoadedSetupTitle; //close this db connection myDb.close; //autostart if standalone if self.StandAloneServer then begin cmdStr:='http://localhost:'+portLine; ExploreWeb(pchar(cmdStr)); end; end;
  6. Well, if it's the creation of the form, then is it only the creation of visual elements, or is it also the loading of data from db taking time? If you have data-aware components, notice that it will take some time to update them as the queries are opened. You may improve load time by not using data-aware components and also by using direct-sql query components that does not convert according to data type, i.e. that delivers only strings which you then manually convert if needed and then load into visual components
  7. Is it the creation of the form, or the viewing of the form that takes 6 secs? If you set FreeOnClose to false, open it, close it and open it again, does it still take 6 secs? If you can define the form as a free form, and somehow create it in the background as the app loads, and then just show it when needed, maybe that helps.
  8. Having two apps listening on the same port, on the same IP, would create a routing problem, so it is blocked by the OS. If both responds, who does first would be unpredictable, and it's meant to be a one-on-one setup like in monogamy. But you can add another network card/IP address on the same box, if that helps you. That way you can broadcast to both apps, on the same port but different IP, if that was the goal. Like having two girls, but in different rooms. You can't have two open ports in one single room...only creates problems....just common sense
  9. I've been using DAC for MySQL by microolap.com for years, and they have been excellent.
  10. @soon: yes, the indy http client. Below is a function I previously used to send SMS via a phone operator web service, using http.get and no ssl: function TuniMainModule.SendSMS(number, msg:string):string; const cUSER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/4.0 (MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)'; var httpResponse: string; Stream: TStringStream; URL, telParams:string; HTTP:TidHTTP; begin URL:='http://admin.telefonkatalogen.no/smsgateway/sendSms?sender='+shortNumber+'&targetNumbers='+number+'&sms='+encodeMessage(msg)+'&userName='+Username+'&password='+tSmsPw; Stream := TStringStream.Create; HTTP:=TIdHTTP.Create(nil); HTTP.ReadTimeout := 10000;{ IdTimeoutInfinite; } HTTP.ConnectTimeout := 10000; try HTTP.Request.UserAgent := cUSER_AGENT; try HTTP.Get(URL, Stream); result:= Stream.DataString; except result:= 'SMS Error!'; end; finally Stream.Free; HTTP.Free; end; end; If you want basic http auth then add: HTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication:=true; HTTP.Request.Username:=username; HTTP.Request.Password:=pw; If you need SSL, add: var LHandler: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; ... try LHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(nil); ... HTTP.IOHandler:=LHandler; finally LHandler.Free; etc. If you need to POST, use HTTP.Post(url, aParams, aResponse); Notice: using GET you have to think about encoding, since this is part of the URL, but when using POST there is no worry about that.
  11. I don't have an example right now, but a web service is basically just an HTTP server, so use any HTTP client and make a call, and read the result, XML or JSON....parse it, push it into a table and refresh the query linked to your grid, and there you have it. I like using the Indy components, the HTTP client is blocking, so use a thread if you have to, but it is very easy to set up and there are tons of examples on the net.
  12. Coming from desktop programming to web application programming, I quickly realized that in this new world it was all about workarounds... it's a miracle that things work at all
  13. Yes, it seems like the left property of the buttons gets miscalculated at times, in Chrome, and it depends on the width of the messagebox. In the case where I have a OKCancel setup, if I push the left property using JS right after the dialog, the buttons show up in Chrome: MessageDlg('my message text', mtWarning, mbOKCancel, MyCallBack); uniSession.AddJS('document.getElementById("button-1005").style.left = "40px";document.getElementById("button-1008").style.left = "140px";'); But of course they are not necessarily centered, but if the text is fixed, it works, and I think I will use this on a couple of instances.
  14. Seems like I have no upload quota here, but I put it at my own server, at http://www.timebok.com/rtclone.zip
  15. Attached is an .exe file, just install the db from the unicms.sql and set the root pw in mysql to "root", and it should work...
  16. Hi all, thought I should share a test project, where I try to use Unigui to make a clone of rt.com with its responsive design. Is it possible? So far I've done the top part, or most of it. Obviously there will be some JS and tweaking, but so far so good. Included is a mysql db that is required, and you will also need MyDAC db components to try it out as it is now - but that can of course be changed. Maybe some things could be fixed in a better way using layout system of ExtJS, I do not know. But I think it is possible to create a CMS system using Unigui. Kaj rtclone.zip
  17. I too got this problem, but only in Chrome, and only using the mac yosemite theme, because when using the default blue theme the buttons are showing in Chrome. I am running build 1309.
  18. I agree with zilav - set up a REST server on the local machine connected to the POS which accepts print jobs, and route the print job to the right client by choosing specific local machine at login, and have a table linking machine with IP. This is what I will do, as you need a totally browser-independent solution.
  19. Are you talking about loading an URL in an UrlFrame, and then trying to trigger any events in Unigui from that code? It seems to me that you then do not have access to the ajaxRequest function, so theoretically you could create a new XMLHttpRequest() object, if you only knew the URL on the unigui receiving side. <html> <head> </head> <body> <button type="button" onClick="xhr.send(encodeURI('eventname=test'));">Click Me!</button> <script type="text/javascript"> xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET',encodeURI('[Unigui-urlframe-url]')); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status === 200 && xhr.responseText !== newName) { alert('Something went wrong. Name is now ' + xhr.responseText); } else if (xhr.status !== 200) { alert('Request failed. Returned status of ' + xhr.status); } }; </script> </body> </html>
  20. Here is a simple example attached. ajaxtest.zip
  21. If I understand you correctly, you can then use a unihtmlframe and trigger an ajaxevent of that frame, from html, using ajaxRequest(mainform.htmlframe, ['eventname'], { param1: some_info }); and then handle that event and trigger the delphi procedure.
  22. Nice job, yes. Re using Unigui - it would not be practical to create Joomla from scratch either, using PHP... I assume that by time we will have CMS's made in Unigui, where you can setup a site just as easily as with Joomla.
  23. You can test the script above in an example project, found at http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6685-crop-image/
  24. Ron

    Crop image

    This is an example of cropping an image, using some javascript. The image is uploaded to the server, and then shown in the htmlframe by the JS, and then the crop data is returned to the mainmodule, where you can resample the image. There is a need for better resampling routines, maybe somebody can fix that - and if so please uploaded the new version. Probably needs a little adjustment of the JS too re. moving the cropframe if it's maxed out. The JS is in the cropFrame.HTML, but for JS debugging it is usually easier to edit when loaded from a file. There should be another way to do this, where the image is never initially uploaded to the server, but stays in the browser only and is also resampled in the browser using JS, and then at last uploaded to the server. Less data to transport, but a bit more work for the client. unigui crop.zip
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