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  1. 'Do you have an active DataSource for lComboEdt?' Anwser: Yes. The lComboEdt can be used is you dropdown the arrow. And also when I check the itemindex the value is >-1 (In my case 1)
  2. I have a TUniTreeMenu which is initialized at runtime. It is working but when a menu is larger than the screen there is no scrollbar to find and click the menu item
  3. Situation: 1 Form with 1 UniDBLookupCombobox and 1 button. When click on the button a second UniDBLookupCombobox is created and both lookupcomboboxs are initialized procedure TFrmTest.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var lTblDs : TDataset; lTblLookupDs : TDataset; lDataSourceLookup : TDataSource; lComboEdt: TUniDBLookupComboBox; begin lTblDs := TDmMain.Instance.GetTabel(1); //DataSourceTbl is TDataSource designtime DataSourceTbl.DataSet := lTblDs; lTblLookupDs := TDmMain.Instance.GetLookupTabel(2); //Initialize lCombo Created at designtime lCombo.DataSource := DataSourceTbl; lCombo.KeyField := ucFLD_DOM_ID; lCombo.ListField := ucFLD_DOM_TEXT; lCombo.ListSource := lLstDs; lCombo.DataField := ucFLD_TBLDEF_TYPE_DM; lCombo.ForceSelection := True; lCombo.Update; //Initialize lComboEdt Created at runtime lDataSourceLookup := TDataSource.Create(self); lDataSourceLookup.DataSet := lTblLookupDs; lComboEdt:= TUniDBLookupComboBox.Create(Self); lComboEdt.Parent := Self; lComboEdt.Top := lCombo.Top+30; lComboEdt.Left := lCombo.Left; lComboEdt.DataSource := DataSourceTbl; lComboEdt.KeyField := 'ID'; lComboEdt.ListField := 'NAME'; lComboEdt.ListSource := lDataSourceLookup; lComboEdt.DataField := 'CLIENT_ID'; lComboEdt.ForceSelection := True; lComboEdt.Show; lComboEdt.Update; //Extra added because this is also in dfm at designtime lComboEdt.ListFieldIndex := 0; lComboEdt.TabOrder := 1; lComboEdt.Color := clWindow; lComboEdt.FieldLabelFont.Name := 'Segoe UI'; lComboEdt.Update; end; lCombo is shown correct. lComboEdt do not display the text. Why?
  4. I want to do the same ;-) Simply delete the post parameter does not result in new url. In my case: You can start the loginscreen with some parameters. After login I want to show the mainform without the login options parameters in the url
  5. When I try to change the title of the UniserverModule it is change to New Application back after pressing enter in the Object Inspector. I also set the Title in runtime but same results.
  6. No I have Professional Edition
  7. I want to place my login form in the middle of the browser at the top. Layout=absolute LayoutAttributes.Algin=middle LayoutAttributes.Pack=center AlignmentControl=uniAlignmentClient BorderStyle=none What's wrong of my form? It still opens left side. (I have also tried Position=poDefault and Position=poDesigned)
  8. When I run my UniGUI application the title of the website always is New Application. When I try to change the title in the mainmodule it is n't saved (After Enter-key is New Application again) Running in UnIServer and as ISAPI DLL both gives New Application
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