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Everything posted by Emiliano

  1. Hi I´m trying to develop a login form form a sample project After i click the "Ok" button in the login form, i receive this message: Warning: Form must be shown after is created: MainForm the Ok button code is: procedure TformLogin.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var LoginString : string; begin LoginString := 'SELECT * FROM tbluser '; LoginString := LoginString + 'WHERE login = ' + #39 + (edtLogin.Text) + #39; LoginString := LoginString + ' AND password = ' + #39 + (edtPassword.Text) + #39; MainForm.qryLogin.Close; MainForm.qryLogin.SQL.Clear; MainForm.qryLogin.SQL.Add(LoginString); MainForm.qryLogin.open; if not MainForm.qryLogin.IsEmpty then // check if query is empty Begin if MainForm.qryLogin.FieldByName('status').AsString='0' then // check the user status, user may be inactive (0-inactive, 1-active) begin showmessage('User inactive'); // inform the user status MainForm.Close; // close the application end else begin ModalResult:=mrOK; Mainform.ShowModal(); MainForm.UniStatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := 'User:' + formLogin.edtLogin.Text; // write user name in status bar end; end else begin showmessage('Login or password is not correct!'); edtLogin.Text := ''; edtPassword.text := ''; edtLogin.SetFocus; ModalResult := mrNone; end; end; any suggestion on how to solve this error message would be fine thanks
  2. Hi can you send details about the login process thanks Emiliano
  3. Olá Fabricio poderia informar maiores detalhes do processo de login e como ele se relaciona com o form principal grato Emiliano
  4. Hi i saw your assurance system screen capture. i´m having problems with my login screen, after i log i can´t dissmis the main form if possible can you show me the login and and main form codes thanks Emiliano
  5. and include pictures in the buttons of dbnavigator
  6. hi please include a demo of an authentication application using: login form + zeos lib + mysql thanks
  7. the error message i mantion above happens when i run the app inside the ide but when i run the executable from the windows explorer it works fine thanks
  8. ok, now the project is running but when i click the button e receive the error Project Sceensize.exe raised exception class EidSocketError !Socket Error # 10054 connection reset by peer .'. the code is just: Uniform2.show; thanks
  9. but when i create an application this the wisard starts a new project!
  10. unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIForm; type TUniForm1 = class(TUniForm) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; implementation uses uniGUIApplication; {$R *.dfm} end.
  11. Hi the undeclared identifier happens after this steps: a) i open the demo screensize included a new button c) INCLUDED the new form in the USES section d) the code is just the show command, so main form can call the second form when i try to run happens the error undeclared identifier informing that the second unit is not declared! any ideas? thanks Emiliano
  12. Hi if the application is not maximized... then you can see a blue background, how can i change that blue background to a specific picture Thanks Emiliano
  13. Hi I would suggest a component that enables integration with google maps thanks Emiliano
  14. Hi I would suggest a component to draw the Gantt chart for project management thanks Emiliano
  15. Hi why the forum is not accepting new members accounts? thanks Emiliano
  16. Hi Is it possible to install unigiu with delphi xe5 starter? thanks Emiliano
  17. Que licença é essa que o instalador da versão 0.94 esta pedindo?
  18. Olá Fiz um breve video mostrando o unigui, divulgem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbceBk892p8 grato fui...
  19. Ai galera veja este vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbceBk892p8
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