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Everything posted by francesco_1994

  1. Thank you for the reply but this problem occurs only when the user click on the buttons. In the event OnsessionIdle of MainForm is it possible to refresh the browser page? How do i refresh the page through code?
  2. Sorry, i'm using a trial version of unigui
  3. No, i'm not using trial version
  4. Thank you for the reply. I'm using the version
  5. Hi, I have a MainForm with some buttons. When i click on these buttons some panels are shown. If the user does not use the webapp for a few seconds (about 30), the click on buttons does not work and panels are not shown. What happens is that after a few seconds of user inactivity, the web app does not respond to commands and you need to refresh the browser page so that the webapp returns to respond to commands and work. Can you hel me to find a solution? Kind regards Francesco
  6. Perfect, it was just what I needed, thank you very much for the reply 😃
  7. Hi, I have 3 panels among which panel 1 contains the grid. I noticed that if I disable a panel (panel2.enable: = false) in order to overlap another one such as panel 3, everything above panel 2 appears opaque and consequently panel 3 overlapping panel 2 also appears half opaque, because it is part of half the area of panel 2 which is disabled and half of the area of panel 1 which is enabled. Panel 1, panel2 and panel 3 are children of the main form, so they have the same hierarchical rank. Is it possible to make the panel overlapping another panel keep its color and opacity? Because in this way it seems that panel 3 that overlaps panel 2 is disabled as panel 3 also appears opaque. I've tried with these lines of code but nothing: UniSession.AddJS('document.getElementById("'+self.UniPanel3.JSControl.Id+'").style.opacity="1";'); Can you help me? King Regards Francesco
  8. Hi, I have 3 panels among which panel 1 contains the grid. I noticed that if I disable a panel (panel2.enable: = false) in order to overlap another one such as panel 3, everything above panel 2 appears opaque and consequently panel 3 overlapping panel 2 also appears half opaque, because it is part of half the area of panel 2 which is disabled and half of the area of panel 1 which is enabled. Panel 1, panel2 and panel 3 are children of the main form, so they have the same hierarchical rank. Is it possible to make the panel overlapping another panel keep its color and opacity? Because in this way it seems that panel 3 that overlaps panel 2 is disabled as panel 3 also appears opaque. I've tried with these lines of code but nothing: UniSession.AddJS('document.getElementById("'+self.UniPanel3.JSControl.Id+'").style.opacity="1";'); Can you help me? King Regards Francesco
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