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Muhammad Idris

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Everything posted by Muhammad Idris

  1. Thank you sir, I tried but couldn't create a PDF and how do I get the PDF file to be taken from a loop like this? QBiaya.Close; QBiaya.SQL.Clear; QBiaya.SQL.Add('SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY A.Id_Hasil ASC) AS Nmr,A.*,C.NAMALENGKAP '+ 'FROM ASESMEN_HASIL_PENUNJANG_LAINNYA_PDF AS A '+ 'INNER JOIN TUSER AS C ON A.NAMAUSER=C.NAMAUSER '+ 'WHERE A.NO_REG = '+QuotedStr(noreg)+' '+ 'ORDER BY A.Id_Hasil'); QBiaya.Open; QBiaya.First; while Not QBiaya.Eof do begin CopyFile(pchar(UniMainModule.folderPath+QBiayaNama_File.AsString),pchar(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+'\'+QBiayaNama_File.AsString),false); pathfile:=trim( Copy(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath,AnsiPos('cache',UniServerModule.LocalCachePath),length(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath))); UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+'\'+QBiayaNama_File.AsString); QBiaya.Next; end; for Path in TDirectory.GetFiles(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+'\') do begin UniListBox1.Items.Add(ExtractFileName( Path )); end; OutPdf := UniServerModule.NewCacheFile('pdf', fileName); MergeAndEncryptPDFs('EKG MADAA.pdf,KULTUR MADAA.pdf', OutPdf, '');
  2. Yes, I also want to know how to convert from HTML to PDF? because my needs are not just one click download into one file, but this actually combines file1.pdf with file2.pdf into one pdf file and becomes 2 pages. like that for example
  3. So is there a solution so that several PDF files can become one PDF file?
  4. how to combine pdf files into one file with UniSession.SendFile ? The code I made can only download multiple files, it can't combine into one PDF file : QBiaya.Close; QBiaya.SQL.Clear; QBiaya.SQL.Add('SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY A.Id_Hasil ASC) AS Nmr,A.*,C.NAMALENGKAP '+ 'FROM ASESMEN_HASIL_PENUNJANG_LAINNYA_PDF AS A '+ 'INNER JOIN TUSER AS C ON A.NAMAUSER=C.NAMAUSER '+ 'WHERE A.NO_REG = '+QuotedStr(noreg)+' '+ 'ORDER BY A.Id_Hasil'); QBiaya.Open; QBiaya.First; while Not QBiaya.Eof do begin CopyFile(pchar(UniMainModule.folderPath+QBiayaNama_File.AsString),pchar(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+'\'+QBiayaNama_File.AsString),false); pathfile:=trim( Copy(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath,AnsiPos('cache',UniServerModule.LocalCachePath),length(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath))); UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath+'\'+QBiayaNama_File.AsString); QBiaya.Next; end;
  5. Thank you Abaksoft, I will study and try
  6. How do I configure Unigui Farm Servers load balancing? and while using nginx hyperserver there is no need to restart
  7. Is there a solution to this problem?
  8. The solution is still with the help of the load balancer on Nginx, so I created 3 services that are accessed via the Nginx server IP
  9. Applications using Hyper Server become slow when there are more than 200 sessions What happened to me is that I have used a hyperserver but the application problem is still slow. So finally I used a load balancer on Nginx to divide several services with different ports and IPs
  10. OK, it worked. Thank you Sherzod
  11. how to make the mainform background color darker like in AdminLte when displaying the modal form become like this :
  12. Is MSOLEDB 19.3.2 installed on the database server or client side on the web server? and I use ADOConnection to connect to SQL Server
  13. Sir, how do I set it to read and save PDF files in the specified folder? because when using Nginx the PDF file is not readable, whereas using the hyperserver itself it can be read. Thank You
  14. My application is accessed by more than 250 users. and before using UniGui, our SQL Server database had been running and accessed from 2012 with various performance tuning indexes, queries and partiton tables. If there is someone in this group whose application is accessed by more than 250 users and is stable and not slow, then please provide a solution.
  15. 400,0 becomes 400 200,0 becomes 200 0,0 becomes 0
  16. thankyou Sherzod, and I use this for number formats but not for line charts. I've changed this position : line function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.axes = { type: 'numeric', position: 'gauge', majorTickSteps: 5, renderer: function(axis, label, layoutContext) { return Ext.util.Format.number(label, "#") } } }
  17. and I use this for number formats but not for line charts. I've changed this position : line function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.axes = { type: 'numeric', position: 'gauge', majorTickSteps: 5, renderer: function(axis, label, layoutContext) { return Ext.util.Format.number(label, "#") } } }
  18. How do I ensure that the last value of the line chart is not cut off? I saw in the demo it was also cut
  19. This is an example of the program, sir DbVerticalGrid.zip
  20. What causes this error when the login or logout application cannot create files in the cache ?
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