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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by rencarnacion

  1. I Think that TMS will make a version for Unigui they have a version for Intraweb
  2. http://www.contabo.com They have better prices
  3. No way to do it , You can't use VCL Datamodule in a Unigui Project
  4. Could be more specific please , because is not clear what you want
  5. You can use the TMS component Flexcel it an excellent component for import and export from excel
  6. In my case Only work when I Install for specific version
  7. That was the problem I always use full installations but as soon as I choose the installation for Delphi 10.1 It work good Thanks
  8. Hi I can't install the last version of Unigui, I reboot my laptop three times and ever I got the same error [dcc32 Fatal Error] uniTools24.dpk(46): F2613 Unit 'InstDecode.pas' not found. I Don't Understand why I can't Install Unigui in an smooth way, I always got error and Farshad must help, I think that installer must be more easy to install
  9. Good news Farshad , I cant' wait for !!! Linux server are cheaper than windows or other server Thanks
  10. Do you think to implement the feature to compile for linux ?
  11. Here your answer In Yellow highlight , Unigui Support very well Delphi Tokyo version Build 1392 will be available today: Changelog: Improvement [uNG-1962] - Theme and Runtime should install as separate products [uNG-1965] - UniTreeNode: GetPrev and GetPrevSibling methods. [uNG-1969] - TUniFormattedNumberEdit: Ability to set FormattedInput parameters at runtime. [uNG-1971] - TUniChart.Axes: Min ans Max properties [uNG-1975] - UniMainModule: New ExtLocale property [uNG-1976] - UniMainModule: New ServerMessages property [uNG-1977] - UniServerModule: UnavailableErrMsg property moved to TUniServerMessages class [uNG-1978] - UniServerModule: LoadingMessage property moved to TUniServerMessages class [uNG-1983] - Improved error message when a blocking modal is called in OnShow/OnCreate [uNG-1984] - TUniFileUpload: New ExecuteN procedure [uNG-1991] - New TUniLibraryFileOption set "upoDefer" member. [uNG-1992] - TUniTreeNode: GetNext & GetNextSibling methods [uNG-1993] - TUniStatusBar: SimpleText property [uNG-1998] - TUniTreeNode: New TopItem property. [uNG-1999] - TUniTrackBar: New LineSize property. [uNG-2000] - TUniTrackBar: New UseTips property. [uNG-2003] - Prevent calling unsafe methods ProcessMessages & HandleMessages in DLL mode. [uNG-2004] - Prevent calling unsafe methods AllocateHWnd & DeallocateHWnd in DLL mode. [uNG-2012] - Support for full links in ServerModule.CustomFiles. [uNG-2014] - Corrected member visibility for TUniCustomLayoutAttribs and TUniCustomLayoutConfig classes [uNG-2020] - DBLookup controls: New ListFecthAll property. [uNG-2035] - TUniTreeView: New ShowIcon property. [uNG-2040] - UniServerModule: New PatchVCL option. [uNG-2056] - Application Icon creation logic changed. [uNG-2058] - New MainModule.BrowserOptions member boDisableChromeRefresh [uNG-2065] - UniDBGrid: Allow editor in memo field. [uNG-2071] - TUniFileUpload: New Width Property [uNG-2072] - UniNativeImageList: Improved IDE design editor. [uNG-2083] - All DBGrids: New EmptyText property. [uNG-2095] - TUniControl: New JSId property. [uNG-2096] - TUniFormControl: New FormControlJSId Property. Task [uNG-1954] - TUniSpeedButton should publish TabStop and TabOrder [uNG-1955] - Fix all compile warning messages. [uNG-2036] - TUniImageList marked as deprecated. (Use TUniNativeImageList instead) [uNG-2039] - Kaspersky virus warning for installer [uNG-2059] - Sessions must be freed before ServerModule.OnDestroy event. [uNG-2063] - Delphi 10.2 Tokyo support [uNG-2085] - OpenSSL dlls updated to version 1.0.2k New Feature [uNG-1963] - New Documentation installer [uNG-1973] - New methods: ShowMessageN & ShowModalN. [uNG-1981] - TUniFormControl: New FieldLabelFont property [uNG-1986] - TUniChart: New AutoRefresh property [uNG-1987] - TUniChart: New RefreshData method [uNG-1988] - TUniChartSeries: New DataSource property [uNG-1989] - TUniChartSeries: New YValues & XLabelsSource property [uNG-1990] - TUniDBGridColumn: New Flex property [uNG-1994] - TUniDBGrid: New ForceFit property [uNG-1995] - TUniChart: New OnChartImage event [uNG-1996] - TUniChart: New SaveImage method. [uNG-2001] - TUniCalendarDialog: New Execute (Blocking) function and ExecuteN methods. [uNG-2002] - UniMainModule: OnNewComponent event [uNG-2015] - TUniDBGrid: New dgColumnMove option. [uNG-2016] - Capability to specify worker thread stack size for ISAPI modules [uNG-2017] - UniServerModule: ISAPIOptions.ThreadStackSize property [uNG-2023] - UniServerModule: New soWipeShadowSessions option. [uNG-2029] - UnimMemo, UnimDBMemo: New MaxRows property [uNG-2042] - New Component: TUniDBTreeGrid [uNG-2043] - New Component: TUniDBVerticalGrid [uNG-2044] - New Component: TUniDBVerticalTreeGrid [uNG-2052] - Functions uniGUIApplication.FmtSettings and uniGUIApplication.PFmtSettings. [uNG-2055] - New Server Monitor statistic: Handles [uNG-2060] - ServerModule: New OnBeforeShutdown event. [uNG-2061] - UniDBLookupCombo: New GridMode property [uNG-2066] - New Component: TUniPDFFrame [uNG-2067] - New Component: TUnimPDFFrame [uNG-2077] - New Component: TUniSyntaxEditEx based on CodeMirror 5.25 [uNG-2080] - ServerModule: New soControlNameAsId option. [uNG-2094] - TUniStringGrid: New Objects property. Bug [uNG-1952] - UniThreadTimer: Changing Enabled or Interval in Timer event causes high CPU usage [uNG-1953] - UniDBGrid: Could not convert variant of type (UnicodeString) into type (Date) [uNG-1956] - Bug when login background image is blank. [uNG-1957] - Incoming requests may overflow when an event handler is busy for a long time [uNG-1958] - Unnecessary lock is performed when processing requests. [uNG-1959] - Design time Font.Style is wrong when ParentFont is false. [uNG-1960] - EmptyText can not be set at runtime [uNG-1961] - UniNumberEdit: OnChangeValue is not called. [uNG-1964] - UniTreeNode: AbsoluteIndex returns wrong value. [uNG-1966] - CoInitialize is not called in worker thread. [uNG-1967] - UniTabControl: Tabs.AddObject doesn't create new tab. [uNG-1968] - UniTabControl: Tabs.Insert() doesn't insert tab at correct postion. [uNG-1970] - Stored cookies are cleared if a new cookie is set at session startup. [uNG-1972] - Broken MessageDlg functionality. [uNG-1974] - Issue when a non-RTL control is inside a RTL parent. [uNG-1979] - Issue when editor KeyUp event has a handler. [uNG-1980] - Issue with TUniDateTimePicker and layout management when Kind = tUniDateTime [uNG-1982] - Issue when EurekaLog is active and there are blocking modals [uNG-1985] - Issue when ComboBox items contain trailing spaces. [uNG-1997] - Inherited grid wrongly saves properties in DFM file. [uNG-2010] - Tab navigation suspends when form has a UniRadioGroup [uNG-2011] - TUniTreeView: Change event is executed in wrong order. [uNG-2018] - Async request handling issue on ISAPI startup [uNG-2019] - UniCharInSet(): Char is casted to AnsiChar causing unicode chars to truncate. [uNG-2021] - TUniEdit: FormattedEdit: DecimalSeparator & DecimalPrecision can't be changed at runtime. [uNG-2022] - In OnSessionTimeout event timeout can not be extended beyond SessionTimeout interval. [uNG-2024] - TUniTreeView: AbsoluteIndex bug. [uNG-2025] - RefreshCurrentRow doesn't work when DataSet.RecordCount returns 0. [uNG-2027] - Issue with TActionList in Service/ISAPI mode. [uNG-2028] - Issue with UnimMemo Height and Client mode alignment [uNG-2030] - UniDBGrid: OnCellClick event is not fired if a CheckBox editor is directly clicked. [uNG-2031] - UniDBGrid: Incorrect selection list in CellClick event. [uNG-2032] - UniDBGrid: Null value is ignored for date field in a row editor. [uNG-2033] - Issue when TUniDateTimePicker is created dynamically [uNG-2034] - Component initialization order problem when components are dynamically added in OnShow event [uNG-2037] - setFieldStyle is not a function error in mobile session [uNG-2038] - BDS2006 Package install issue [uNG-2041] - UniDBGrid: Column move index bug. [uNG-2048] - TUniContainer client height issue when menu is attached. [uNG-2050] - UniDBGrid: Issue when TField returns NAN [uNG-2051] - Issue when Panel has docked children [uNG-2053] - Ajax Error issue in build 1381 [uNG-2054] - TUniFrame.ClientEvents not implemented correctly. [uNG-2057] - TUniListBox: Bug when Selected Item is deleted. [uNG-2064] - In grid date editor fails to show after columns are reconfigured. [uNG-2069] - UniDBGrid: Focus is lost when tabbing through grid editors. [uNG-2070] - Workaround for Delphi x64 code generation bug [uNG-2073] - TUniDBVerticalGrid and TUniDBVerticalTreeGrid : Fields column is not shown when record count is zero. [uNG-2074] - TUniDBVerticalGrid and TUniDBVerticalTreeGrid : Grid doesn't start from current db row. [uNG-2075] - Service app freezes on stop. [uNG-2076] - In DLL mode variable ARequestInfo.CommandType returns hcUnknown. [uNG-2079] - Locale format conversion issue in UniDBGrid [uNG-2081] - TUniDBVerticalTreeGrid : Fields column can not be ordered according DBColumns order. [uNG-2082] - TUniDBVerticalGrid: Grid data is loaded twice. [uNG-2084] - UniDBGrid: Issue when RowEditor is active and row has a checkbox column. [uNG-2086] - TUniDBVerticalTreeGrid: Fields order issue. [uNG-2087] - TUniMenuItem does not execute ActionLink when an Action is associated. [uNG-2088] - Issue when CheckColumn field is in a DBTreeGrid. [uNG-2089] - SSL files can not be loaded in Windows Service project. [uNG-2090] - UniDBGrid: Value is not shown when OnGetText returns a non-numeric value for a numeric field. [uNG-2091] - UniDBGrid: CheckBox column issue with row select. [uNG-2092] - UniDBGrid: Various issues with CheckBox columns. [uNG-2093] - C++ Builder: New project with a blank form can not compile [uNG-2097] - Various persistent classes do not implement AssignTo(). [uNG-2098] - OnChange event doesn't encode values. [uNG-2099] - UniDBGrid: View does not scroll to focused row.
  12. You can add a DLL as a default document in Your Virtual Folder or Application in the IIS then You can hide de DLL http://youraddress/
  13. ADO can't use cachedupdate Eduardo You won't have these problem
  14. Si tu aplicación estas instalada en una computadora diferente a la donde esta desarrollando debes de instalar el runtime de Unigui
  15. Remember that the browse can't access all client resources, I guess that there are JS library for to get the active directory Users Here something that I guess can Help you http://idprogramming.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-get-user-data-from-active.html
  16. The Dbgrid Filter is not working in my project, that what i say it's not working to me either
  17. I'm Using SQL server 2014
  18. The facebook group is for Brazil people as I can see , I understand that the group must be more universal
  19. Yo personalmente recomiento ponerlo en el DataModule tanto el objecto de Conexion como los queries y DataSources
  20. Un caso muy extraño Yo tengo una application en producción con mas de 50 Usuario concurrente y nunca he tenido ese problema. Cuidado si estas usando algún objecto de conexión en el ServerModule
  21. Ok, I understand, is so weird the link point to a Superman Movie
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