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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. At the moment, no, unless your third-party components use online services.
  2. I have analyzed for this button: btFilter I have already noted this before, try... btFilter.ClientEvents.ExtEvents -> function click(sender, e, eOpts) { sender.showMask('Please wait...'); }
  3. @Maybar I think you need to use the following solution. I think at the moment in your case I see two options. Either enter the password when opening and showing the file, or it is possible to pass the password as a parameter when opening the file (not sure). In both cases, the user will be able to find out and see the password. So, it seems to me that you should use the pdf library on the server (some kind of library, I can’t recommend any specific library), which creates a temporary file on the server, "removes the password" from the file, and send this file to the client for viewing.
  4. It's not related to our servers or anything else.
  5. Hello, Which build?
  6. Ok @Maybar Don't know yet, I will try to analyze.
  7. Hello, Are you using a licensed uniGUI?
  8. I didn't look at your last test case. Anyway, in my opinion, css classes should be defined at "design time" and not at runtime. I think this is good practice.
  9. You can open a request in the support portal.
  10. Try this: constructor TMainForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; with UniServerModule.CustomCSS do begin Add('.round1 .x-panel-body {'); Add(' border-radius: 50px;'); Add('}'); end; TUniLayoutConfig(UniPanel1.LayoutConfig).Cls:= 'round1'; end;
  11. These codes work. But this is not a fact that your CustomCSS will work correctly.
  12. Sorry, yes. UniFormattedNumberEdit (AutoNumeric) does not support input type number.
  13. How? In most modern browsers, opening a local file using a link (href) is not possible for security reasons. This limitation is due to security policy.
  14. Please adjust your forum email address:
  15. Hello, First of all please specify which edition and build of uniGUI are you using?
  16. Hello, Yes, this is an issue for "for attribute doesn't match any element id". Need to check.
  17. Hello, Can you test this approach for now? MainForm.Script -> Ext.define(null, { override: 'Ext.form.Label', afterRender: function () { this.callParent(arguments); if (Ext.isEmpty(this.forId)) { this.getEl().dom.removeAttribute('for'); } } });
  18. Hello, And? What would you like?
  19. Пожалуйста свяжитесь с ними, есть и продление. Да цена ниже.
  20. Доброе утро @Serg Попробуйте связаться с https://prodmag.ru Спасибо.
  21. Strange, in principle this should always return the actual "IP".
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