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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Добрый день, Да, нужен другой подход.
  2. Hello, Do you generate the HTML yourself or is there a link?
  3. Well, as you know basically the cells of a StringGrid component can contain string values. Sorry, this also does not give me a complete understanding of the problem statement. I think you should use UniDBGrid with widgets. Demo: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\Grid - WidgetColumn
  4. This js library may help you: https://github.com/alexcorvi/heic2any/blob/master/docs/getting-started.md
  5. @Didier Try this approach: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var repStr = '<tpl if="icon.iconStr"><span class="{icon.iconStr}"></span><tpl else><img style="margin-top:3px;width:16px;height:16px;" src="{icon.iconUrl}"/></tpl>&nbsp;{val}'; sender.listConfig.tpl.html = sender.listConfig.tpl.html.replace('{val}', repStr); }
  6. Yes, because you are using images and not icons, which is what I asked about. I'll check...
  7. Try this approach: UniCheckComboBox.ClientEvents.ExtEvents -> function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var repStr = '<span class="{icon.iconStr}">&nbsp;</span>{val}'; sender.listConfig.tpl.html = sender.listConfig.tpl.html.replace('{val}', repStr); }
  8. Yes I know. I meant... Ok I will check.
  9. I already understand what you want. Just to clarify, do you use only icons, or images too?
  10. By the way, what component are you using? UniStringGrid or UniDBGrid?
  11. Hello @Didier Are you using icons only?
  12. I think you're better off using UniChart.
  13. Well, first you need to clarify the problem statement. Then, we will try to analyze.
  14. Hello, I think one of the possible solutions is you should use the html context, using say several spans with different styles...
  15. Okay, very good. I didn’t understand you then, perhaps you made a mistake in writing your question in this post, since the Widget button was used here.
  16. Hello @Didier Try this property:
  17. Hi @Redsis Do you want to use two separate buttons or one with different icons?
  18. Hello, Can you clarify what you mean by passing a parameter?
  19. At the moment, no, unless your third-party components use online services.
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