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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Try this approach: function painted(sender, eOpts) { sender.inputElement.dom.setAttribute("inputmode", "none"); }
  2. So you want to at least activate the element by touching it?
  3. Hello, Can you try this approach? function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.style='pointer-events:none'; }
  4. @Masteritec Hello, Sorry for the late reply. I think this is not possible with UniFormattedNumberEdit.
  5. Здравствуйте, Пожалуйста уточните, что-то непонятно мне.
  6. Hello, Try to assign a custom CSS class to the div And assign a rule to this class as you noted. Or directly in the style attribute...
  7. This is not true. Tell them to add your email address. And read about the license agreement please!
  8. Please adjust your forum email address first:
  9. Hello, Sorry, are you still using the trial version?
  10. https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.0.0/classic/Ext.window.Window.html#cfg-minimizable
  11. Sherzod

    Image jfif

    Hello, Try to use this approach:
  12. Sherzod

    Image jfif

    This extension is already included.
  13. I do not even know. At least there should be such a device for the test...
  14. Последовательность примерного обходного решения: 1. Создать глобальную переменную ("inputEl") на стороне клиента. ... inputEl = Ext.WindowManager.getActive().getEl().select('input').elements[0]; 2. Перед вызовом Promt, очисть маску ввода у "inputEl". 3. Задать маску при необходимости для "inputEl".
  15. Hello, Well, make the rest of the controls read-only.
  16. Sherzod

    Image jfif

    For now you can use Url property for this. And try to add this mime-type: procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MimeTable.AddMimeType('jfif', 'image/jpeg', False); end;
  17. Then please send a request to support portal.
  18. Please explain. Tell us the sequence of your actions, and the key properties of your UnimDBEdit, for example readonly, which you mentioned above. Make a simple testcase if possible.
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