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Franck Pedrini

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Franck Pedrini

  1. I test demos 'download' , when i try to download an apk from an android mobile , the message is ACCESS DENIED
  2. Hello , I.m a dataset with 365 row , one day of the year a value . When display chart , the max Xvalues display is 238 (Days of week) , is normal ?
  3. Hello , it's possible to have a sample of use of report builder when it's use to print a report in pdf and attache into email. this is my code but don't work nice. (code insert into a form ) call from a button . // Crea messaggi IdMessage1 := TIdMessage.Create(nil); IdSMTP1 := TIdSMTP.Create(nil); IdSMTP1.Host := …. IdSMTP1.Port := … IdSMTP1.Username := … idSMTP1.Password:=….. IdMessage1.Subject := ‘Hello word’; IdMessage1.From.Text := …… Idmessage1.BccList.Add.Address := …… IdMessage1.CCList.Add.Address := …. IdMessage1.Body.Add(‘….’); Report.DeviceType := 'PDF'; ppddiv.Lines.Text :=wrk.FieldByName('iDdiv').asstring; NomePdf := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', AUrl, True); Report.TextFileName := Nomepdf; Report.ShowPrintDialog := False; Report.ShowCancelDialog := False; Report.ModalCancelDialog := False; Report.ModalPreview := False; Report.Print; sleep(2000); Attachment := TIdAttachmentFile.Create(IdMessage1.MessageParts,nomepdf); IdSMTP1.Connect; IdSMTP1.Send(IdMessage1); IdSMTP1.Disconnect; IdMessage1.Free; IdSMTP1.Free;
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